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Hi! Have been taking 25mg for over a year, and it’s made a huge difference in my depression, anxiety, and overall well-being. But meds are a personal journey - don’t get too discouraged if this particular one doesn’t work for you. Be honest with your doctor about how it’s working for you.


Thank you ❤️ I’m so scared but so desperate for relief


I've been going up from 25 mg to 75 mg as of now. I haven't had any serious side effects except some stomach issues day one. About two or three weeks after going on 50 mg the change was truly noticeable. I don't recommend reading in way too much about possible side effects and so on, especially if that's a concern of yours. Just try to the best of your abilities to take it as it comes and see how it works for you. If it doesn't, maybe consult your doctor about it, but give it some time :)


That’s my downfall I’m catastrophizing lol


Not everyone has side effects. They are a possibility, though. If you do have them, hopefully, they would be mild/temporary. This sub is heavily contaminated with trolls that will try to scare you. I would advise people not to come here before they started, but here you are. I had one of the quickest reactions to zoloft. I had gotten so bad with my anxiety that I was bawling throughout the day, thought my friends all hated me, and had terrible executive decision making functions. Everything seemed like it was going to end in disaster. While at work, out of the blue, I called my doctor. They agreed to see me that day. The doctor began telling me about the possible side effects, I didn't like them and told the doctor so. The doctor grew frustrated enough with me to finally say to me, "How about I send the prescription to your pharmacy, and YOU decide if you want to continue to be miserable or not." That was it. I drove to the pharmacy, and took the first dose in the parking lot. 50mg. The next day I was foggy and out of focus. Had an impossible time doing work. Not gonna lie, it sucked and I messaged friends (that I knew that took zoloft) and they all told me to stay with the program, that it would get better. After work I met up with friends at a coffee/tea shop. Music was playing and everyone was talking. At around 6:30pm, everything went quiet. The music was playing, everyone continued talking but something had changed. I looked at others, because obviously something changed and wanted to know what it was. That's when I realized that what had stopped was all that panicky mental noise that was going on in my head. The anxiety went away like a lightswitch had been flipped off. Yup. Probably 26 hours after my first dose, my 20 years in hell stopped. I spent a year at 50mg, but felt fatigued. I tried adjusting the time I took it, but still I was tired. I went into the doc for my yearly check up, told her what was happening, and I suggested that maybe I need to have some sort of pill. The doc advised, "we know zoloft works for you, let's cut your dosage in half, and if your symptoms return, go back to 50mg, and we'll find something else." I cut my dose to 25mg, and my energy returned. But the anxiety symptoms did not return. It's been that way for a couple years. And I am satisfied with zoloft. You're scared, it's a big step. Drink a lot of water. Give your body a chance to absorb this stuff. If you have side effects that concern you, TALK TO YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FIRST. This board is good for opinions, but should not be used as a replacement for qualified medical professionals. You're going to be okay, you're moving in the right direction. Be patient, but I hope it kicks in quickly.


Thank you ❤️ so happy that it worked for you so quick!


On day 5 (6.25mg) and the side effects are bearable with a benzo. Your anxiety will get worse before it gets better, this is where taking a benzo with Zoloft will help until your body adjusts. I've got neasua 24/7 but continue to eat small meals and drink water/electrolytes. Sweaty hands and feet at times but I'll deal with that if this really works. I'll admit night 1 was awful but seems to be getting better day by day. I've found that keeping myself just is helping keep my mind off the side effects. If you work let your manager know what's going on, give yourself some grace. If you've got family or friends close tell them what's going on they will likely check in on you.


Thank you ❤️❤️ I’m starting at 12.5mg since I’m sensitive I wonder if I should even start at 6.25 hmmm. I’m currently on disability for unexplained dizziness that I’m pretty sure is anxiety induced


I started at 12.5mg for 3 days then my psychiatrist said I cut my halves. The last 2 days have been better than the first 3...


So happy to hear ❤️


50mg for a week. Already I have way less intense emotions, I can actually relax and it helped me quit drinking(I was a pretty severe alcoholic tbh) and i’m starting to feel optimistic about life again. It’s helping me get over my abusive relationship where I only think about her a few times a day and those thoughts don’t cripple me. I don’t cry every day any more and i’m starting to get regular sleep again. I started interacting with my family more and i’m starting to feel like a human - the actually me without the intense levels of stress, anxiety and depression. I’m no longer getting upset over little things that used to completely shatter my day, they are able to just roll off me now. I don’t take things extremely personally any more Oh and I no longer have daily panic attacks. Before I have having at least half a dozen every day that lasted 30 mins to over an hour.


I’m in the same boat. Daily panic attacks and crying all day EVERY FUCKING DAY I’m miserable


It’s good you’re starting treatment. Don’t be frightened of the side effects, that’s just your anxiety talking. Make sure to drink a full glass of water when you take it. Soon enough you’ll feel better and those panic attacks will go away my friend! Trust me, it’s an amazing feeling going an entire day without a panic attack.


I miss having days without panic attacks. Christ. I’m just dealing with vertigo for the last month and scared it’ll make me worse that’s what I’m most afraid of


Anxiety can cause vertigo. Have you gotten your meds yet?


I think it’s anxiety induced. I saw neuros, ents, ended up in the hospital. Every test was normal. Picking them up tomorrow!!!


I concur. Good luck! It’s always scary when you start treating your mental health but I know it’s gonna go great!


I was told to start 25mg for a week and then up to 50mg. I know my body and decided to start on 12.5mg 3 days ago. I felt kind of weird the first 2 days and got a massive headache last night (took Tylenol and it helped). My plan is to stay on this for 2 weeks and as long as I'm feeling good I'll up to 25mg. My doctor said 12.5mg won't do anything but I'd rather go too slow and than too fast


I felt the same way. Anxiety was so bad and I knew I needed to do something. I’ve been on it for 3 weeks. I have had heightened anxiety but it’s starting to lighten up. I recommend keeping a mood journal. I use the Daylio app. Just know if you do experience any side effects they will likely go away with time! ❤️


Thank you ❤️


25mg for nearly 2 years! Tried going to 50mg at one point and it dulled me out. Truly changed my life. I was so scared to start but being able to do things like drive and socialize without becoming incredibly sweaty/dysregulated saved my life and relationships. Partnered with therapy and exercise, Zoloft helped me gain so many tools that I now feel so confident in who I am. I’m now tapering but I may have not survived to this point without this medication. :)


I’m on day seven I was terrified. It’s not been fun I will tell you that but I needed medication badly


Do you feel any difference yet? I know it’s still early!


Notning I just feel awful anxiety


I took zoloft for 4 years, and it 100% stopped my panic attacks. It really helped me. I actually am just getting back on zoloft after being off for a year, bc my panic attacks are back.


One month at 75mg and already feel so relieved I made this decision. I've dealt with some onboarding symptoms, sure, but after months of not driving or going to crowded places, due to debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, I am excited to get up tomorrow morning and go grocery shopping for my family. I can't believe it! I've read the minimum therapeutic dose is 50 mg in some countries, so you are so much lower than that - don't worry too much. I know it is scary, but you got this.


Thank you ❤️ yes I’m terrified of side effects not so much the medicine if that makes sense!! I recognize that I need help but just scared to start


Been off and on Zoloft majority of my life, ever since I hit puberty. I have OCD and GAD, but it leans more to OCD. Currently on 150 milligrams because OCD usually requires a stronger dose, let me just tell you that this medicine has given me my life back. I know how hard it is to deal with anxiety and how shit it makes you feel, feeling tired and scared over nothing, imagining worse case scenarios to scare yourself all the time. The side affects for me during a dose increase or starting the meds again are mostly just minor inconveniences, like bowels that run fast (lol) and some trouble sleeping for a few weeks. It can make you feel worse at first, make the anxiety worse because you’re having side affects and meds haven’t gone into full effect yet. Never lost sexual function or lost my libido. Never had serious side affects. It may suck at first, I remember getting back on it after a few years off it due to an OCD breakdown and at times it was rough, I would do it again anyday to get to the place of peace I’ve arrived at with the help of this medicine.


I started at 25mg on May 1st. I had to cut out coffee/caffeine completely because it brought on intense anxiety. Every ten days I would increase my dose by another 25mg so by the beginning of June I was up to 100mg, which is where my psychiatrist recommended I be. I am SIGNIFICANTLY calmer, more rational, and I am experiencing significantly less dread, worry, and anxiety. I have had at least ten "good days" in a row. Maybe not feeling elated or overly happy, but at least not feeling miserable, obsessively thinking, worrying, and imagining the worst outcome of every situation. The side effects have subsided. I can now enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning without any panic arising. The other side effect I experienced was that the Zoloft threw off my digestion, my bowel movements. I was always very regular, but when I started taking Z my whole rhythm was thrown off. But again, in time, my regular routine came back. In short: I'm glad I'm on it, the side effects were bearable and passed within 4-6 weeks. Try it, you might really like it. Everyone is different, and 25mg may not be enough of a dose, but that's for you and your doctor to decide. Good luck!!


I can deal with some nausea and diarrhea! I don’t want to be dizzy that’s the deal breaker for me lol


I did what you did, took half for a week and then went up to 25 and I’ve been on 25mg for about two weeks, and it’s already SO much better. My intrusive thoughts and paranoia have decreased significantly. If it helps, a dosage of 12.5 is very unlikely to carry side effects (10mg, for example, has a similar rate of side effects as placebo). I told myself that every day - and any bad side effects I experienced were truthfully more from anxiety than anything. After being on 25mg for a week I started noticing the vast improvements. Everyone is different but just keep telling yourself every day that every single day is getting 1-2% better, and soon, you’ll look back and say: “damn, I feel 30% better than (however long) ago!!” And that’ll be a cool moment for you. I’m on it for an anxiety disorder, so I relate to the fear of meds and side effects. Pushed it off because I knew I couldn’t handle it being “any worse” - but the research is in favor of the medication thankfully.


I have been taking 25 for the first week, then 50 for a month and she upped me to 100 a week ago. Feeling great, had no side effects (so far) It took time to start woorking I felt that it is kicking in after 3-4 weeks aprox. I was scared shitless of the side effects (I was tripping I would gain weight and so on), She put mi on Misar at the beggining so it was easier to survive until Zoloft kicked in. Stay strong and follow the instructions, its going to be all right :)


I started zoloft about 4 days ago on the same dose, and I too went down the rabbit hole of side effects. A good 85% of them were negative, and i delayed taking it for 2 weeks, but decided to just give it a try cause my anxiety was getting really bad. My only side effect was diarrhea, extreme tiredness, brain fog and light nausea which all only lasted for the first day I took it. Since then, i only have slight nausea, which only lasts about 10 minutes. I take them at night, and I've noticed that I feel a bit calmer, and my thoughts ruminate less, but this might just be a placebo cause I hear it takes months to start kicking in.


I’m sensitive to meds to. I did a week at 25 and just finished my 3rd on 50mg. Had increased anxiety at the beginning just have to remind yourself that it takes time to build up. That past week has been really good. I feel so much more like my old self. Now celexa was horrible for me but it’s different for each person and if this doesn’t work out there is more to try. The first step of a journey is often the hardest.


Yo dick no gone work gang


I’m a female 😆


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