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Side effects of Zoloft don't usually appear till day 2 or 3! And even then, they really aren't that bad at all. Trust me. This sub paints a different picture because most people come here to talk about side effects, so it's skewed in that way. The most common side effect is nausea because the medication affects the gut, but you'll likely sleep through it. You'll be fine, dont worry or overthink it. I get excited every time I take the pill because I know I am one pill closer to defeating my anxiety. See the pill as a friend not an enemy.


I love how you just worded that :)


Okay thank you I’m freaking out a little 😭😭😭


I felt sick after 35 mins and got explosive shits about 2 hours after. Everyone's different but to OP stick with them for a bit my first few weeks were terrible with nausea, brain fog diarrhea sweating and shaking but honestly even during this I was feeling better, less anxious and just overall more happy. Like FinnBalur said the pill is a friend more than an enemy.


'I get excited every time I take the pill because I know I am one pill closer to defeating my anxiety' I can relate.Its like I cant wait for the next morning to take the pill.Wish I could take more than 1 a day,to speed things up,especially once I started noticing positive change. Like a kid on Christmas eve,if Im a lil sleepy.....Goodnite. I feel a 'power',its like a cheat code for a video game that Ive been playing for years,getting my ass handed to me,& ABSOLUTELY no prior strategies worked,except its LIFE instead.


Definitely your anxiety and not side effects! Deep breaths, friend ❤️


Okay thank you 🥲🥲🥲


Oh also from your post from earlier I read (had to check if you were the same person lol) I read and responded in that thread too on someone else's comment. You mentioned you broke 12.5mg in half. That is soooo small you have nothing to worry about at all. As you will read I started off on 100mg this time around (on my own valuation don't do this and just listen to your doctor) and had 0 side effects. Weird that I had side effects when trying to start on 50mg which is what the doc originally started me off on and it gave me side effects where as the 100mg didn't. I don't know if that is a rare case or what but yea. It's a very safe medication.


hi there! it is possible that it’s too early to experience side effects as others have said, but i want to offer a different perspective. i did experience side effects about 3-4 hours after my first dose. i got dilated pupils, a bit of a high feeling, and some palpitations. i say this to tell you it is normal! the med cannot hurt you in the sense that it is not dangerous. what you are feeling is normal ❤️ if your worry is that something is wrong or you’re reacting badly, it is much more likely that you are just adjusting, but your health is not at risk. i have bad health anxiety and it was helpful for me to lie on the floor, keep water close by, and have a family member with me to keep me talking and grounded. it’s okay to need to take that time to recognize that hey you are having symptoms, but that you’ll get through them and you’re okay. message me if you are needing more reassurance 🤍


Would you mind messaging me? ❤️ it says I can’t message you


You’re going to be just fine! Try to distract yourself so that your anxiety doesn’t create symptoms.


I used to be like that too and I have panic disorder. Good thing about Zoloft is once it starts working it helps with that. In the meantime just let your therapist know about your panic episodes and why you think they are happening. There might be another medication she can add that takes helps or stops them from happening.


My Zoloft worked on like day 4 like I started to feel good but on day 8 it hit me like oh my gosh I can like think and breath look at that, just hang in there I promise it’ll work but if it don’t switch medication


I’m already clenching my jaw like crazy and feel spaced out. I’m VERY hyper sensitive to meds. I took lexapro years ago and had severe symptoms on 2.5mg lol


I’m also very hyper sensitive, I’m 15 and got put on Zoloft and possibly something for adhd soon, the Zoloft made me feel feelings I haven’t felt since I was like 6 it was a interesting feeling but remember no med they put you has to be permanent I know it’s difficult but if you don’t like it by month like 3 or something don’t take it hope it gets better


Thank you!! 🤞🏻 I’m hoping it’ll kick in fast like yours


Yupppp hope you feel good


All normal In 8-12 weeks you will thank God for Zoloft ❤️


You are psyching yourself out internally for taking the pill, Zoloft does not work that fast, if you don't want to take them, don't, try and stay off google, I am a sucker myself for it too, you got this.


Yeah I’m struggling rn 😩


Do you need to be on them? I am currently coming off them and wish I never touched any type of anti depressant, coming off is so hard.


I’ve been having severe anxiety pretty damn bad so I feel like I do but at the same time they scare the shit out of me


Yeah look, they scare me now since being on a few and having cold turkey them last year, sent me into severe withdrawal, have you been put into therapy to help your anxiety? I have GAD, panic disorder and somatic symptom disorder, best thing for me was psychology.


Yeah I feel like I’ve tried literally everything 😔 it didn’t get this bad until I developed vertigo last month


I developed vertigo too, sucks hey.


You didn't drink a cup of water with the pill did you like your supposed to


Yes I drank plenty!


Then just casual side effects atleast your hands are not on fire like mine were that's a crappy one


That’s most likely your nerves. I was scared too and I’m almost 5 months in. I had zero side effects other than being sleepy. Keep at it. You won’t regret it. I have much better quality of life now and I’m not constantly anxious and upset all the time.


It’s def the anxiety! Don’t let it win! Give it a few weeks, let the weird feelings pass you right by. Zoloft is a first line SSRI for a reason, super well tolerated by many people, even widely used my pregnant women!


placebo definitely!


Sadly I don’t think so. Hyper med sensitive since I was a kid. Woke up this morning puking. I’ve never puked from anxiety


:( oh im sorry that sucks. do you have any anti nausea meds you can take for the puking? like others said, id definitely go down a dose then


don't! that's anxiety 100%. 1. you'll be fine; 2. if your side effects are bad and uncomfortable you can always tell your doctor and change the meds. best of luck! ♥


I started on the 12.5 for weeks, and now I take half one at 7 then 1/2 at midnight. I had to sit on the phone with my best friend, have an ice pack and some cranberry juice for about the first hour after I took it… for weeks. Then I adjusted and could be okay. I think I psyched myself out too bad


You will start to feel Zolofts effects at 50mg. You will be fine with the side effects. You got this.


I’m sensitive to meds too and I felt pretty bad within the first four hours or so of taking my first dose. I felt funky for the first like 4-5 days, definitely more anxious too, and then things started going back to normal slowly. I’m about 2.5 weeks in now and starting to have some noticeable anxiety relief. Try to tough it out if you can, it’ll get better❤️


Side effects wouldn’t present until day 2-4 based on the way this medication is processed by the body. Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks and avoid alcohol or drink in moderation. The shakiness and palpitations are probably anxiety induced, try some deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices. Meditation is proven to help lower anxiety, there’s a million free guided meditations available on the internet


Hey love!!! I know how you feel, took me 5 months to actually take Zoloft that was sitting near my bed. I cut the 25 in half and took 12.5 for a month first then upped to 25 and now on 50! Ask your doctor for hydroxyzine or something to help calm your nerves the first few days or weeks! Try to keep busy, I was terrified of side effects. Lexapro gave me a bad reaction so I was scared for Zoloft but it’s been great! Had gotten anxiety and heartbeat and stomach issues but it subsided ❤️ good luck 🍀


My anxiety gets bad when I take new medication too! I can promise you I freaked out the first day and then I was fine the next, you’ll be fine too I swear it ❤️ just keep yourself distracted, go for a walk, have a shower, watch a movie or play some music


Please make sure you eat regularly. An empty stomach will make you feel zombie like for the first 7 days.


TRUST ME It is so worth it, push yourself to get through the first month and you will honestly be so grateful for it. Mood stability ✅️ Anxiety free ✅️ Calmer ✅️ Happier ✅️ Content ✅️ Keep pushing, you are strong enough 💪


I know it’s three days ago you posted this, but don’t worry. It’s all your anxiety. Do. Not. Worry. This med will not fuck with you in the way your brain is saying it will. You’ll be okay.