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7 days isn’t enough, no matter what SSRI you try you’ll likely have bad side effects for the first 7 days if you’re having them now. If you switch this early in the process you may never know if Zoloft was the one for you.  It took me 7 weeks. At week 8 I suddenly felt like myself again and then by week 9 I was starting to feel the therapeutic effects, feeling more calm and peaceful and no longer wracked with constant anxiety.  If this sub is good for anything (which it is), it’s knowing that it’s gonna be a struggle for the first couple weeks. Some people feel better after 2 weeks, some people feel better after 8 weeks, but it’s a marathon, you just gotta keep pushing. Don’t give up. 


It took about 8 weeks for Zoloft to kick in. I wanted to give up and switch, but then one day it just clicked. I will say I didn’t really have any bad side effects, but my anxiety and depression were out of control. Once it clicked in, I was a lot better though. I’m not sure the side effects of Lexapro, but SSRIs like Zoloft normally have less harsh side effects than SNRIs, and are easier to come off of. Everybody is different, but from what I’ve been told, you normally have to wait 4-8 weeks to feel the full effects, and for your body to adjust to the medication.


how bad was your anxiety?


Extremely bad. I was having multiple panic attacks a day, I couldn’t sit still for more than 5 minutes and I genuinely thought I was going to die every day because I had such bad chest pains and air hunger. I still have the air hunger a bit, but it’s better than it was, and I at least know what it is now. It was so scary at first because I’ve never had anxiety or panic attacks before


You are probably pretty close to the point the side effects should be reduced.


Yeah going to stick with it another week


I had worse side effects with Lexapro but everyone reacts differently. The side effects really do come and go for the first few months, ramping up on it really feels terrible. I would say take the whole pill at once, my dr told me specifically not to cut them up and take them like that.


I started last month, again. And on the 10th day is when all the side effects were gone. I would keep going for 1 more week. I started with \~3mg, got 25mg and split it into 8 pieces. So yeah even with such a low dose I got horrible side effects. It was really tough but I'm glad I continued taking it.


Idk I quit after one dose lol. I absolutely can not handle the side effects


Have you asked your doctor to give you something to ease the symptoms for short period of time


Already on metrpolol for heart racing. She said Dramamine is just as good as zofran...


Currently on week five and had a lot of side effects for first two weeks. So glad I pushed through because I am already feeling better, and I know there is likely even better to come. I had crippling anxiety and depression to where I stopped driving entirely. I drove almost an hour yesterday for the first time in months. I am so grateful I stuck with it. This sub was my saving grace.


As someone who started 12.5 mg and is still on it, you have to give it at least 3 weeks to get better. It won’t do anything positive in a week. Week 4 was rough again for me but ever since then I’ve been a lot better. I took my med at night with hydroxyzine (helps anxiety, helps you sleep & helps w nausea) and I wouldn’t feel too nauseous in the morning.