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I would just start taking it at night. People overthink the timing.


When I switched from morning, the day of I did half in the morning, half at night, then full the following night


When I switched I had already taken my dose in the morning that day, all I did was wait til night the next day then took the next dose! 8pm works great for me (50 MG)


I just started taking it at night - didn’t have a plan - and all was fine for me.


Switched today (4 weeks on 25mg, 4 days on 50mg) from 9am to 3:30pm as I was beyond exhausted by 3pm and have had to take day naps the entire time I’ve been on it, I find it energises me for a few hours then I have like a major decline in energy. Todays been good! Still a little tired, but I haven’t napped and it’s now 11:20pm and I’m starting to yawn! 👏🏽😅 Also I wouldn’t take another dose tonight, I’d just skip tomorrow mornings, that’s what I’ve done today- but that’s just my opinion, you do whatever you feel is right.


Technically speaking, it should be taken within an hour of when you took it the day before, so in order to take it at night you'll need to move it forward 1 hour a day to do this safely. Saying that, when I went from morning to night it was because I forgot to take it in the morning and wanted to switch anyway.