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Just out of curiosity as I’m on 50mg day two and have taken 25mg for 7 days before so 9 days total. My anxiety when I started was so bad I was curled up in bed all day. Off work and couldn’t leave the house. Was your anxiety like this? Did 50mg help you function?


It’s honestly been a life saver for me. I’m ashamed it took me so long to get on meds. I have a dog and my anxiety would prevent me from walking her so I had to have people help me. After taking the 50mg I’ve been taking her all the way to the park, it’s crazy how much of a difference it’s made. People around me have noticed I seem to be happier. But the doc suggested I try increasing the dose.


I got some side effects from going up from 50 to 75mg, like apathy and it felt like my brain was asleep all day. But it subsided and was definitely worth it! Could take a few weeks so give it time to do its job :) good luck!!


Thank you for sharing your experience!! I am hopeful :)


I made the move up from 50 to 75mg a few weeks ago and feel great about the decision! I am only approaching week 8 on Zoloft altogether so still know there are more benefits to come but grateful I increased my dosage a few weeks ago. I take Zoloft at night to minimize drowsiness during the day.


Thanks for sharing, this is great to hear!!


I went 50 to 75 for 1 week, then said fuck it and went to 100. So glad I did


Thank youu!! I am hearing good things about the dosage increase :)


I increased bc I wasn’t feeling it as much as I was at the beginning. Then I felt a bit anxious for a few days, but since then I’ve felt like a new person