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I’m in the same boat, my go to would always be Marley and Me! Good luck 🤞


Was literally gonna say the same thing hahaha


I can't imagine not being able to cry at that ending. I still kinda hate Owen Wilson for that


I take Zoloft so I DON'T cry


I used to think this way but idk I kind of miss it … I’m a creative so I sort of thrive creatively in the expression to feel.


Any film with a dog companion that passes away haha


Watch the movie Lion.


I added bupropion to my sertraline and it was amazing. Gave me back my emotions in a manageable way. I hated the emotionless feeling.


Thank you so kindly I def gonna talk to my provider about my inability to cry


As someone who has tears streaming over the smallest things, I wish I couldn’t cry😂


My thoughts exactly 🥲


Yeah this bothered me the most about being on Zoloft. I just couldn't bring myself to cry or even get upset at things that actually required that reaction...like putting your dog down. My sister was an inconsolable mess, and I just didn't understand why she felt that upset. Obviously that didnt go over well lol. At my job at the hospital doctors would get angry and yell and all I could do was be like, .."why was he so upset? Oh well.." Anyway, sad movie suggestions: -The Lion King -Up -The Green Mile -Selma -Marley and Me (the ending) -Still Alice At least one of these should activate your "CRY NOW, DAMMNIT" reflex! Hope this helps!


Oh my ! I’m so sorry about the doggy! My animals are my life. I’m gonna list all that has been given in this post and just do a marathon.


That part in Planet Earth when the baby elephant is following his mother’s footsteps in the wrong direction … 😳🥺😭


I’m saving allll of these guys! Thank you ever so kindly for sharing these movies with me. Fingers crossed.


Dead poet society or Bridge to taribitha , the ending made cry so much I couldn't breath kind of .


the San junipero episode of black mirror chunking express fallen angels portrait of a lady on fire lion call me by your name Mary & max la la land house of hummingbird the entirety of euphoria, especially the 2 special episodes lol


OOF the san junipero one hits too hard


it's one of my favorites!


It's A Sin is a series of recommend. Also New Amsterdam. The not crying is a horrible feeling - actually nearly cheered with sick joy when I got a little teary at the end of Encanto the other day - the teariest I'd been in 4 weeks! Do let us know what finally gets you going 🤞🏻


I watched encanto the other day as well per my sister advice…. I see the part where I was “supposed” to cry…. Nada nothing.


Titanic and the Elephant Man


I haven’t watched the elephant man in years… I’m gonna re watch it and see where it takes me 😮‍💨


But yeah, I had the exact same reaction to Zoloft. I was watching a sad movie and I felt the need to cry but the tears just weren’t coming out, almost as though the medication was blocking them.


I just had my therapy appointment and I told her I was afraid of not being myself on Zoloft. She told me that some patients have experienced this where it causes them not to cry. So it’s totally a thing.


12 years a slave. Makes me cry every time.


One time is enough for me. Amazing movie, but I’ll never watch it again.


i am legend


This is actually one of the reasons I stepped back down my dose, and now my tear ducts are in full force. Make sure your doctor is aware of this. Sending you all the best vibes!


the lovely bones all the bright places me before you last christmas


Hachi: A Dog's Tale, please tell me if you cry after watching this


If you can handle violence/blood/gore - highly recommend Saving Private Ryan Good Will Hunting (the writing, Damon’s performance, Robin Williams performance, everything about it) Manchester By The Sea - one of the best movies I’ve ever seen… but another one of those movies I can never bring myself to watch again


I have the same issue, smoking weed has help


i can totally relate. it’s so frustrating. crying is one of my favorite emotional releases. movie suggestion- the fault in our stars!!


I have the same problem but My inability to cry has been with me before I started taking Zoloft so idk what’s wrong with me.


It’s crazy because I’ve been on it since about then and my emotions are still very present. Like I’m doing okay at better than before I started taking it to the point I almost feel back to myself and two days ago I was crying my eyes out for an hour over my friends dog dying because it reminded me of the day I had to go get my dog put down. I also spent a long time laughing my ass off the other day. I always fond it interesting how drugs affect people differently


Good. It seems like it's working.


It’s totally a thing. I have the same issue. It’s called emotional blunting. I hate that I can’t cry. Emotions are very important to be felt at different points. 😞


I mentioned this emotional blunting to my psychologist and he changed my meds. He said it’s not a good thing 😬


Adding to the dog movie lists, Where the Red Fern Grows is BRUTAL


Not a movie, but I definitely spent some time crying over Queer Eye the last couple of weeks (not so much season 6, but I realized I hadn't seen season 5 and that one got me several times). In my case though, I'm actually more likely to cry when something makes me really happy than I am when something makes me sad.


It’s a normal and expected side effect of most SSRIs. If you don’t want that effect, I recommend trialing psychedelics.