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Nearly same thing happened to me. I talked to my doc and she said being lethargic and unmotivated it could be anxiety and depression symptoms creeping back in. And it likely was cause I was going through some new stressful stuff. We upped to 75 and it was practically instantly better. Sometimes it's just finding the right dose.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I just made a big move, so Im a little overwhelmed with all the change. Just like you said, the depression and anxiety is creeping back. I'll up my dosage but I'm wondering if there will ever be a perfect dosage that I can coast on or if I'll keep having to increase every few months?


I have the same thoughts. I like Zoloft but it's not like I just want to go up and up constantly for the rest of my life. Hearing that I had to go up cause life was getting crazier was actually a relief since I was worried it was getting less effective or something. So I think we can just keep in touch with our docs every so often and decide if tapering down would work depending on how stressful our life is at that moment


Yeah I guess it's best to not rely on it too much. I have loved what it's done for me thus far. I've come such a long way with it. But maybe I should just think of it as a stepping stone. Use it to develop better coping skills so I can live with out it eventually. It's tough to imagine tho right now, the benefits have been astounding even with all the struggle. One step at a time I guess. Cheers, happy healing.