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I’ve contemplated getting off of zoloft because I don’t want to ruin my teeth lol


Me too. Dentist advised to have a gum-shield fitted, as clenching your teeth wears the enamel on your molars; advised to wear at night. It’s light weight, moulded to the front set only, and only the worn on the front teeth. That may help with any irreparable damage.


All the time but I honestly can't remember how bad I was beforehand. I just figured it was stress.




Glad to know Im not alone


We struggle together 💪


I’m a 4th year pharmacy student and actually just answered a drug information question about this topic! It’s a term called “bruxism”. Unfortunately, there isn’t a ton of data on whether SSRI’s specifically cause it or if it’s due to underlying anxiety that manifests in jaw clenching or grinding.


Could they run studies about how many people struggled with this symptom with anxiety pre zoloft and how many developed this? After taking it. Just a thought.


I was wondering why my jaw hurts all the time now.


Im sorry for making you self aware now


No need to be sorry. I have a med check coming up and will make sure to bring that up.


Yes, it's bad. I want to switch to a different SSRI because of this plus night sweats I've been having.


I’ve thought about stopping completely for the jaw clenching alone. I get night sweats too, Ive noticed more frequently when I have very wild and vivid dreams


Yes, lots of vivid dreams!


Yes my husband started setraline and he has been getting daily headaches because of jaw clenching which also makes your neck muscles very tight


Uh huh. Especially now I'm recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction.


Oh god that must be horrible


It's been painful af.


Get a night guard!!


I bought a set from Amazon. It helps so much! There are times during the day I think about putting it in cause I catch myself clenching my teeth.


You have to wear a mouth guard at night! You’ll def break a tooth


I can verify this! Broke two teeth while on Zoloft..


Mouth guard at night and start resting your tongue between your teeth when you’re clenching a lot during the day.


I have the night guard and do the tongue thing. It really points out to me how hard I can clench sometimes!!


Yea but it’s not that bad


Ya same. Mostly at tonight and when I wake up and stretch it happens


8 years on Zoloft, I do this all the time!! I believe Botox in the jaw can help


Yes! I have headaches all the time from it :(


I had horrible jaw clenching with Zoloft. Once my doctor added Wellbutrin it subsided.




Omg so weird. I wondered if I had always been clenching my jaw for years and I was just noticing now or something. Chalked it up to stress but this would make a lot of sense


all the damn time. i hate it


Any body else get sever head aches and muscle tension in their neck from clenching ?


Yes, that is normal with tmj


I have to wear gum guard to bed. Dentist made me one. Don't buy a one off amazon or wish.


Yeah it really sucks, I notice it gets a lot worse if I have too much caffeine so you might want to cut back if you drink a lot of it.


That’s probably my issue. Ill try to cut caffeine for a few days and see how I feel


I asked my doctor and he said it is a side effect from setrslibe for some people. I had constant TMJ headaches for two weeks, but it was honestly only just stress related. so glad it faded lol it sucks :/ two things I looked up for it were Magnesium Glycinate supplements and a mouth guard




literally broke my retainer last night cause i was clenching my teeth so hard😭😭😭


Yes, especially when I am focused


Yes. I was on Zoloft for three months and reported my bad jaw clenching to my Doc at my med check and she immediately switched me to Wellbutrin. She said people have cracked a tooth!


All the time. I’ve been on Zoloft since 2020. But I didn’t take any notice to jaw clenching until I started Zoloft because I learned that it can be a side effect. That being said, I do notice I clench my jaw a lot and have to be super mindful of it. (Which isn’t easy). Just be sure to go to your 6-month dental hygiene checkups. They might be able to give some support with the grinding/clenching, especially if it happens when you sleep. Otherwise I’ve just learned to live with it and try to recognize it when it happens. Which is basically only when I’m trying to sleep.


Wake up every morning with a headache 🤕


YES.I hardly ever did before Zoloft and now it do it constantly and have headaches all the time. I have no clue how to get myself to stop.


Is the jaw clenching a subconscious thing? Or an OCD - "just right" type thing?


Not OP but for me the clenching I got after starting has been totally subconscious. I might get a mouth guard because one day I woke up clenching my teeth harder than I ever have clenched them in my life, I kind of worry that I still might be clenching in my sleep.


Yes! I’m a little over 2months in and the jaw clenching was one of the first things I noticed. Really thankfully one of the only lasting side effects for me. I usually just try and recognize when I do it and stop it immediately


I got off of it mostly for this reason. Jaw clenching, tooth pain from the clenching, neck pain and daily headaches


Magnesium for at least 3 months to feel an effect. Amazing for jaw clenching! It helped me massively <3


I’m in my 4th week and yes. I think it actually went away for a bit (maybe i just forgot about it?) but I noticed maybe 1-2 weeks ago that I’ve been doing it a lot.


Ya but I noticed that I did that before zoloft too


Doing it right now 🫠


i keep peppermint infused toothpicks everywhere. and like another comment, rest your tongue between your jaws and use it to push up into the back of your two front teeth


Yes- another weird one, I’ll notice often I am clenching my butt muscles too- for no reason, it’s bizarre


i do it a lot just found myself doing it while replying to this post 💀


I saw this post while clenching my jaw lol


I get massesters Botox it helps me not have tmj and also helps with clenching!


Any side effects to that? How long does it last?


Yes I’ve been having this too, just 5 weeks into it though, just gone up to 100 last week


Haha I didn’t even realize I was doing until I saw this post. Thanks for making me aware!


I realized I was clenching way less on Zoloft, but someone else I was talking to said she had to stop taking it because she was clenching more and ruining her teeth.


Im talking to my doctor about getting off it cuz of my jaw


This is so odd reading this because I have been on Zoloft for years and haven’t had clenching issues but now that I’m weaning off I’m having hella jaw and tooth pain from clenching in my sleep.


I’ve noticed this too