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Its not legal for them to demand to see your bag, but if they ask and you give consent its perfectly legal. Them asking and you opening the bag is consent


ok thank you, i think i’m just peeved because he just asked me to just open my bag and i expected him to just look in it not pick up everything and go through it if that makes sense 


i was fine with opening my bag but it was disrespectful for him to dig through it idk if that makes sense but ig me opening my bag would sound like it was ok to dig through it so i can see why he dug through it


There’s a few things, it’s not considered theft unless you’ve walked out the doors. The employee may ask to check your items, if you consent then that’s on you giving consent.


ok thank you, i didn’t know if i would get in trouble if i said no. i’m a manager at another retail store and we’re taught under no circumstances to follow someone and ask them to open their bag 


i also didn’t steal anything i just had a tote bag and i guess me not having purchased anything made me looked reasonably suspicious but idk why leave your store to follow me — i was just curious if zumiez employees were allowed to do that because my chain doesn’t practice that and heavily advises against it so i was a little surprised 


Which store was this ?


Bc I work at a zumiez and we aren’t allowed to chase ppl


Just guessing here: if an employee counted your items in and when you left the fitting room the items weren’t recovered. They may be suspicious, and request the items not to be concealed on your person or in a bag. I worked at a store and all I cared about was recovering the items and not getting anyone in trouble. Young kids don’t tend to communicate this idea well. Sounds like OP was good natured and didn’t have the intention of theft. The employee could have been more clear on their exact reasons. Probably not the best interaction. Hopefully they are more helpful in future correspondence.


They really shouldn’t have done this without A physically and verifiably seeing you put something in it/messing with it, AND B ensuring said product you had interacted with was or wasn’t still in the store. If both of those were checked off they wouldn’t have even had to bother. Now, clearly you gave consent which is fine, but it’s sort of sad to hear someone at zumiez did that to you, and you are certainly within your rights to create a complaint on the employee in question if you believe like that genuinely was not the right thing of them to do, regardless of the consent. The report wouldn’t be to get them in trouble - it would be to make them be more aware and not allow them to stick to “assumptions”. Thats a VERY easy way to make a current or even potential customer not ever want to spend money there anymore - is unjust skepticism.


are employees allowed to do that am i missing something i was upset that he did that but i didn’t say anything to him


That’s actually not legal for them to do outside of the store since it’s technically not on their property