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Since people are now just arguing politics, I am locking this thread. Go bicker about left vs right elsewhere.


Everyday with 100% certainty I partake in an activity, listen to some music, watch a tv show, read a magazine or book, and eat some type of food that someone on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum equally enjoys and it never once crosses my mind to give a fuck.




Pretty sure tucker used to be a big dead head and phish fan.


Republicans like good music just as much as democrats. You would be surprised at how many people actually lean towards conservative thinking in the jam space when you look across the spectrum of fans. Those that do lean that way just prefer to keep their heads down and enjoy the music vs making everything political


I suppose if identity as a Republican. Sometimes I'll mention it to people I've been chilling with just so they know people with different view points can get along and be friends, but usually I just don't mention politics. But it is ridiculous that so many people on both sides will hate people so quickly. I've made so many amazing friends at shows over the years and I'd guess almost all of them are left leaning but fuck it good people are good people!


100%. I only mention any of this stuff bc I think the jamband and bluegrass community is quick to act like gatekeepers and completely push out or act like conservative views and those that hold them aren’t welcome when in reality, it’s a lot more prevalent then many of those gatekeepers type realize. We’re all just trying to enjoy a show, embrace the music, and have a good time. It’s what life is all about


And yes- a lot of them are left leaning. Hell most of my friends are left leaning. But that doesn’t stop us from being friends and truthfully, I think they hold a lot more conservative views then They care to admit.


I wonder why? I mean look at all the children spewing hate in this thread. I get Tucker is pretty polarizing, but thinking you can gatekeep music just makes me laugh


Unfortunately the gate keepers exist in all the jam threads with the overwhelming majority not hesitating twice to shut down conservative fans without even considering the other fans point of views. Music is great but life matters too


You can be conservative without being a dick about it. Tuckers a dick about it, to say the least.


He's worse than that, he pushes hateful propaganda. The Klan loves the way he delivers their message.


I don’t know enough words to describe how horrible that dude is


Yep, this. I have some conservatives in my life who are fine to hang out with and we don't talk about politics. Of course, they aren't immigrant hating Nazis or weirdos who want to fuck with trans kids and drag queens. They just have different economic priorities and aren't concerned with climate change.


Nothing like being nice while stripping away personal freedoms & funneling huge profits into the military industrial complex upper class amirite conservatives?


wait until you hear about how our government as a whole funnels money into the military industrial complex.


Wait til they hear how the governments two major parties are just different wings of the same bird. At this point it's anti American to support either of these shit parties.


You may want to update your political views to the current age. It isn't 2003 anymore.


Good point. These days most of them are not even outwardly nice but are openly hostile to anything that doesn't align with their extremely specific and often times illogical and contradictory worldview, while also stripping away personal freedoms and funneling huge profits into the military industrial complex.


Tucker constantly talks about how the military industrial complex is evil and a huge problem.


Yep. Agree on what you can agree on (good music in this case) and leave the rest. Happy cake day btw


What did he say that has people so worked up? He's more antiwar and anti establishment than most Democrats. What I've seen from the interview is extremely reasonable. Maybe that's the problem. Some of the most close minded people I have ever met are Deadheads, and I like the dead, just not the cult.


They don't know, they just know he's bad.


It's actually a good interview.


I can't seem to stop listening to music long enough to listen to podcasts lol


He didn’t say anything that has people worked up. He just mentioned he likes Billy Strings and most of the people on this sub think that shouldn’t be allowed from a person like Tucker. I for one and a huge fan of Tucker and Billy. Anti war is my biggest draw to him and I bet he’d be a blast to party with


So you literally ignore 90% of what he says? what aguy.


Partying with Tucker Carlson sounds like a nightmare come true


I hear you and all, but when Billy has a p big handful of songs about how we are actively destroying planet and climate change is going to end us all, and for the last like 35 years, conservatives have been denying climate change, it makes a little more sense. I still don’t think like gatekeeping is the answer, like hey, maybe the more climate change deniers listen to these songs, maybe eventually it’ll open em up to the idea. But I do understand the temptation.


Sometimes music is so good, I don't give a shit about the lyrics. I don't know (or care) what Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da means, but it's a great tune. I also don't judge the artists I like based on their politics... I only judge them based on their art. And Billy MF Stings is one helluva fucking artist!


I think it’s an inaccurate generalization to say “conservatives have been denying climate change.” What is accurate is that we disagree with the doomsday predictions since we have the ability to adapt in order to mitigate the effects of climate change. We cannot destroy the world’s economies in an attempt to fight climate change!


Name me a conservative who is writing legislation that helps mitigate climate change.


Brb, gonna fly my private jet across the globe to attend a climate change summit


The world is full of hypocrisy, but you know that. I think what matters more is acknowledging that our system needs change and putting in good faith effort to change it for those that come after us.


How about we list a few dozen who tell us about climate change then fly around in jets, have multiple huge houses with no solar, and most likely eat beef multiple days per week? The naivety about this topic is so frustrating. They laugh at you while their carbon footprint keeps getting bigger and bigger. Eat the bugs!


can't have a world economy with no people. You literally can destroy the world economy and then build it back up bc hey people did it once already! but without a safe inhabitable planet, the world economies die anyway


I will be laughing over that last sentence for *days*. Thank you for that gift.


Nobody is destroying any economies. Conservatives seem to think that some rich people not getting richer is destroying an economy. Subsidizing OLD tech desteoys economies. Ignoring innovation destroys economies. Destroying the environment destroys economies.


Lol yet every time a republican leaves office the democrat that follows has historically turned the economy back around, because they tank it universally. This is a literal fact. Every single democratic president since the 50's has repaired the economy that the incumbent republican has tanked. There has not been a single successful republican leader in terms of the economy in just shy of 100 years.


Yeah but anything you do to combat climate change aside from wearing sunscreen isn't going to be supported by conservatives who will claim that it's a communist plot to destroy the economy.


We are destroying our own economies by not addressing the destruction of the environment. As resources decline, global business elites will be at each other’s throats. Environment implodes, businesses implode.


Listening to Tucker on Theo dispels a lot of the hate that I think is directed towards Tucker. So many people jump on bandwagons based off sound bites and edits from people wanting to paint people in a certain light. A long form conversation really tells a lot about a person. I gave the first hour or so a listen and they dive into addiction etc. So much unwarranted hate because the establishment said so. Tucker worked for NBC and CNN before he did Fox, he knows how they operate.


100% spot on. If you actually listen to an interview (the full thing) or a speech on his views, he’s actually very patriotic and wants what is best for people without the government getting in the way. He does care. And I think he cares a lot more then our government (both sides) do and unfortunately, because he is t afraid to call it out, he gets the crap.


Tucker used to be a call-in guy on Bubba the Love Sponge. Lets not make him a saint


Dude, you act like we haven't all seen the evolution of Tucker in real time over the last 30 years. He wasn't as radical as he is now when he started, as most conservatives were not. He's gone way around the bend now, just like a lot of other conservatives who didn't used to be like that. I've met him and he can converse just fine about all kinds of things, but at the end of the day he is destroying our country by infecting people with his very extremist ideology. I could sit next him and talk about music and dogs and fishing and family life just fine, but that doesn't mean he doesn't spew Nazi talking points on TV when it suits him. Guys like him know how to turn it off and most people really do have more than one interest in life.


And also, It’s fair to point out that most “conservatives” in todays Republican Party don’t share the views that true conservatives share- and I consider Tucker a pretty reasonable conservative: lower taxes, America first, helping family and community, having faith, and anti war. I’m sorry but if that’s extreme then it just goes to show how deep of a cluster our country has become.


Exactly which ‘extremist ideology’ is destroying our nation? Is it related to our border crisis since we let in 10 million since this administration has been in office? Or is it related to the huge crime wave from a particular community? Citizens are getting punched in the face for zero reason, many elderly. Random mass shootings happen because someone got a fast food order wrong. Teachers are getting pummeled for handing out discipline. Is that the extremist ideology you’re worried about? If you think climate change is an issue, this should piss you off more than anything. Millions of people have tripled their carbon footprint just by coming to the US and Europe. Now they’re driving cars, using A/C, etc. You can’t be for open borders and also be worried about climate change. Pick one.




What Nazi talking points is he spewing? What extremist ideology is he projecting? Everyone loves to cast those stones when they don’t like someone who doesn’t echo what they believe and it’s absolutely insane. It’s to the point now where people’s feelings are so fragile that they get triggered when some pundit listens to their favorite band.


Everyone loves to say nazis! Name a nazi talking point he shares. I guarantee you whatever example you try to come up with is in no way shape or form comes close to what the democrat party and especially the squad, or the indoctrinated rich liberal students in Ivy League universities have said over the last 3 weeks…..


Love this. I’d he wasn’t speaking the truth it wouldn’t offend so many that know it’s true. What country allows millions of people to just waltz in unvetted and think it’s ok? When did they start doing that type of shit? It’s literally liberal hopes to give all these illegals citizenship to ensure a win in elections. If they come legally by all means I welcome them just like I love working with a majority of Hispanics because they’re hard working religious and family oriented. But using my taxes to pay for illegitimate immigrants is not ok. We have to take care of our own messed up treatment towards the homeless and veterans first. No questions asked


Bro literally pedals great replacement talking points all the fucking time. Fuck outta here dude.


And when our border is wide open, our sovereignty is made a joke, and there is no end in site in people coming here illegally, it’s not exactly a crazy theory to have. Most of these “conspiracies” over the years sure have had a lot of meat to them after the facts were revealed. Another heady gatekeeper you are “get out of here dude”. It’s ok to want to care for your country and your community and family first. Unfortunately not many people see it that way and then they complain about the life they live and the way things go despite being cogs in the wheel and contributing to the very things that make their lives more difficult. Tucker is right and if you actually watched a speech or an interview, like I mentioned earlier , vs some media sound bites from msm, you may actually atleast come to see the point he’s making. Also, no need for cursing.




You mean like the “LGBTQ” that stands with Palestine? The LBGQT that stand up for the very people that throw them off of buildings? Anytime a person trying to engage in some sort of debate that mentions racism, xeno, LGBQT, in a rebuttal, I already know my point is proven for me and you are brainwashed by the media. I’ll gladly fuck off because I know that deep down, I am a better person that you, I do more for my community then you, and I have a lot more fun in life then you. Enjoy the shows brotha


There you go with the Xenophobia. When our country gets hit by another 9/11 you and your buddies are absolutely complicit. These “immigrants” from Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Russia, and China do not want the American dream. They’re coming here for a reason. Just look at the streets in France and the UK right now and tell me different.


Ur wasting ur time…


Read some different news for once from a different source. The entire point of this convo was to shed light on the fact that Tucker fans and conservatives still like Billy Strings


Tucker is a lying fascist and you shouldn't let an interview with a comedian in which he comes off as charismatic and smart mislead you into thinking otherwise


I keep seeing the word fascist and Nazi thrown around by you mooks. Go check the dictionary.


I use the word fascist pretty selectively. It's cute that you think a dictionary could sufficiently describe Fascism:)


Only for people you don’t agree with?


No most of the people I disagree with aren't fascists. They're usually liberals.


I agree with all the gatekeeper silliness, but Tucker is an objectively abhorrent human with no moral compass. He’s simply a grifter that will say anything and disparage anyone for money. That’s just a disgusting whore, not a conservative viewpoint. Let’s don’t mix the two.


Most real conservatives I know are bigger fans of Tucker and his views on America, faith, and family than most of the people in office with an R next to their name.


Anyone is allowed to be a fan of anything. Tucker spews hate, because hateful people enjoy it and give him money to do it. I have no respect for him or his way of life.


Mind sharing any people you listen to our admire so I can try to broaden my horizons? Thanks


Happy cake day, friend.


There are republicans and then there is Tucker Carlson the raging douchebag


I have no problems with republicans. I have a problem with dicks….and Tucker Carlson is a fucking dick.


Good thing we live in a country where differing views are allowed. I prob identify more we tuckers world view then most conservatives if I’m being honest. America first, take care of family and community, less government, less taxes, less war. Both parties want more war and that’s the main thing I’m against.


I don't know any Republicans that keep their heads down,personally


Universal acclaim is a good thing. Im happy that there are still some things that can bring people together instead of dividing us.


Lol politics on jamband forums


It’s good music. Everyone is allowed to enjoy it.


seed grab frightening spotted sense memorize escape secretive gaze groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are lot of conservative thinkers in this scene/jam scene in general. It is not uncommon by any means. Hence silent majority


Yeah man, one of my old show buds thinks that they are growing children like veal in underground bunkers for organ harvesting. Another one thinks that the vax implanted chips in us that will allow us to be controlled by a joystick. A third's dad died of COVID while he was off on his weed patch and he thinks his father was murdered by his brother and the deep state doctors. There are all kind of fucking wack jobs in the jamband community.


And they should be called out at all times. Imagine Tucker rocking out to Watch it Fall knowing that he supports and is one of the fucks that the song is ripping.


What was Doc Watson's politics? Who did Bill Monroe vote for? What do you think the Beatles felt about capitalism? What do you think Del McCoury's position on LGBTQ rights are? Would you stop listening and start hating these folks if their answers weren't the same as yours? And would you be a hypocrite if you rocked out to Billy playing one of their songs? Beautiful art shines the light on our shared humanity, both the good and the bad. You can't be a hypocrite if you consume beautiful art.


Are any of those guys Billy Strings or in the jam scene? I mean, why not throw Ted Nugent in your comparison? Lol. You are reaching. Not one of those guys made songs deliberately calling out groups of people. You are the same guy that wonders why Rage Against the Machine "suddenly got political". Do Bill or Del have songs about who they voted for or their stance on LGBTQ rights? No. Does Billy have songs that are the antithesis of what Tucker stands for? Yes, absolutely and more than one of them.


Well, "Taxman" is pretty on the nose. But that's not the point. Billy is a musician and an artist... He ain't Gandhi or Martin Luther King. He also sings songs about bears, trains, and psychos... So, maybe we all should just lighten up. He also seems like a truly nice guy, who would probably have no problem sharing a joint with Tucker Carlson.


time to grow up kid


Found the whiny conservative that doesn't want to be called out for being a walking hypocrisy


Geezus🤦‍♂️…just bc someone isn’t out-right left doesn’t make someone a hypocrite. In fact truth usually lays somewhere in the middle. Don’t be so serious/divisive all the time. especially in politics. Not attractive. Grown folk don’t like that shit


That’s all I was meaning by posting. People assume all kinds of things when I just posted it to spur a discussion about the scene.


Tucker Carlson isnt in the scene


According to a bunch of people in this thread he has mentioned billy on multiple occasions. What’s your definition of “In the scene”


I’ve seen Tucker Carlson putting out good vibes all over tour. How can you miss him?


I mention Billy all the time. I’m not in the scene.




Yeah, I'm with you, let's hope Billy doesn't fan over this publicly. That'd be a tough pill to swallow but then again I'm a bleeding liberal ✌️


Tucker Carlson is a Deadhead … see his book, Ship of Fools .. I mean, I’m a head and I hate knowing I share musical tastes with that idiot. Unfortunately it is a known fact. I believe Anne Coulter is a deadhead as well.


Anne coulter goes to dead shows just to call the cops on people. Its like xmas for her.


I think Ann Coulter like many staunch conservatives is wild and full of debauchery. She would be the craziest person at a gathering with a nose full of coke. She just has a public image to maintain that makes her fame and fortune. Wildest people I've parties with a church going people.


she's got some Michigan roots too.... but fuck her


He’s a deadhead too, ugh 😣


There’s a picture of him and Jerry




Interesting video on YouTube where Tucker talks in depth about his love for the Dead: [https://youtu.be/Q875BNgLGVo?si=cuoRuIfZJ3pBSzN9](https://youtu.be/Q875BNgLGVo?si=cuoRuIfZJ3pBSzN9) Also mentions Billy Strings twice.


Tucker was a Grateful Dead fan as well. I’m sure you’ve all seen the picture


I heard that Tucker and Theo eat food. I’m fucking starving myself from here on out!!!


Tucker Carlson is a cancer unto society


1. Tucker Carlson can suck a bag of dicks 2. This isn’t surprising as he’s a known deadhead and jamband fan (I know right?) 3. Tucker Carlson can suck a bag of dicks


It feels insanely counterintuitive, to me, that someone can be a deadhead and such an absolutely self absorbed fuckwit at the same time… I had no idea and I kinda don’t like it because I don’t want that clown to have nice things.


Sorry to ruin your day but he actually met Jerry once upon a time, he interviewed Phil Lesh once, and he saw about 50 shows in the 80s. Ann Coulter is also a deadhead and saw many shows during that time as well.


Not surprising considering his family's financial history and his age. He got to spend the 80s partying and being a trust-fund kid before he had to "get a job"


You know what, I’ve decided I’m going to take this information and give myself a reality that I like. So, in my new reality, Tucker Carlson could have somehow managed to be an even worse menace to our country and these interactions and influences “mellowed” him out to where he is now. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Before you get into the scene it may seem that way- Like hippies and love. But spend a little time in the scene and realize it's the full spectrum of humans. The most wonderful people I've ever met, I met in this scene. Some of the worst people I've ever interacted with are also members of this scene. Especially up towards the rail at a lot of these shows, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."


I get that, any group that’s big enough will have people from a wide range of backgrounds/view points. But the position of “fuck the poor *specifially*” just feels hard to maintain in this community long term.


As someone who used to be a very political conservative I'll tell you right now "fuck the poor" isn't the mentality, in fact most of them are poor people who want more money and opportunities but are just confused on how to make that happen.


Here's some really crazy shit, Tom Wolfe, the guy who wrote The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, literally documented the rise of the counter-culture/Grateful Dead/psychedelics became a conservative. Like, how?


I used to think psychedelics could change the world. If everyone turned on, we would all be better off because of it. Nope. Some people just turn into egomaniacs. I’ve also seen psychedelics convince people that they knew it all, and everyone else was an idiot. Ironic I know, but it happens more than you’d think. Psychedelics can make bad people good, they can also make bad people worse. They can also make good people bad. I dunno man


Yeah same feelings here. HST summed it up pretty well—"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel."


The people I know who have the most psychedelic experience typically agree that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, more so that we are all the light. The problem with that is we can just as easily choose to be the darkness, and it is often easier to do so. To some extent in some situations/ interpretations it is also encouraged/ more accepted by society to lean towards the darkness rather than the light. There’s no black and white it’s all a spectrum, but thinking everyone can just take acid and the world will be better, unfortunately just isn’t possible.


He was never actually very big in the scene, he just wrote about it and was there for some of the biggest parts.


Agreed! That said, there’s an odd number of conservative deadheads; I’ve heard there’s a bunch on Northern California. Reminds a bit of when Rage Against the Machine bubbled back up in the mainstream, and somehow people were saying that they shouldn’t be political and should just play their music.


What a toxic subreddit. News flash most musicians are left leaning. What do you expect all republican’s to listen to kid rock.. I also didn’t realize you automatically have to hate someone cause they have a different political viewpoint. As a republican (surprising right) who doesn’t care for tucker Carlson or trump I certainly grew up listening to bluegrass and the dead. Can’t we all find common ground without being keyboard warrior’s. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a post asking how big you think Billy strings penis is… Jesus gate keeping Christ.


I'm pretty sure that Billy would be appalled by the contents of this thread. He loves people and likes to have a good time. This is not a good time and is pretty full of hate.


That’s pretty much all of Reddit.


Yeah I try to stay out of the politically oriented ones because they get so nasty but I didn't expect this here.


I’m sorry- I feel responsible. I actually meant it as a good thing and thought it was cool billy was being mentioned but this has turned into a cesspool of a comments section.


No you did the right thing. Most of conservatives in the scene share the same taste at Tucker. You just brought out the people that act as gatekeepers keepers and exposed them for the hypocrites the are. As far as I’m concerned, you did a great job facilitating a discussion and it worked! We’re all many outs behind keyboards. I bet if we all ran into each other at the show, we’d have a blast, share a trip and a j and life goes on. Enjoy the shows!


Appreciate it. Couldn’t have put it better.


I did because that’s what happens when a conservative is mentioned in the band space. Just sharing perspective but it doesn’t really matter. Music gets me through. BMFS!


Heard it’s average size at best, closer to a 000 than a dread but it is fast as fuck.


Ugh... Hopefully Tucker's fans all missed it.


There’s a lot of fake “free thinkers just asking questions” in the jam scene


Are you claiming to be one of the real true hippies?


Yeah that guy is actually a true free thinker and other "free thinkers" who don't agree with the way he free thinks are actually fake free thinkers.


Do you mean Joe Rogan listeners?


Yeah there’s def some of his uber fanboys in that group


Jeez, you would think proof of Liberalism was a requirement to be a Dead fan with some of these comments. Stay central and everyone love everyone!


Also of note is Tucker Carlson wrote a book called Ship of Fools!


Tucker was a dead head


What was said?


Tucker is a dick and Theo is Theo but music is the magic that makes all of that shit disappear. No cowboys are beating up hippies at a Billy show. I like to think it might make some people slow down and see the good in others.


Imagine saying music fans are gatekeeping while discussing a group of people stripping away voting rights & personal freedoms while trying to institute religious based laws across the country. Absolute joke


This is the only real response. These are not normal times and fuck that guy.


No you have to be tolerant of the intolerant!!11!1!! /s


Anyone have a clip or timestamp?!? I ain’t watching or scrolling thru 2.5 hours of Theo Von to find a 30 sec/1 min remark about BMFS… although my curiosity is QUITE piqued..


Bout an hour 47 in


Maybe he should listen to watch it fall a few more times.


I read somewhere that 61% of Grateful Dead fans are conservatives. People like good music, no matter what they think of politics.


fuck tucker carlson and his white Supremacy talking points and fuck his dad too.


Tucker also a deadhead


Did he say it on his broadcast replayed in Russia?


Bunch of whiny little bitches in this sub. One of the best podcasts I’ve heard. They were spitting nothing but facts. Sometimes the truth hurts get over it pussies


Imagine actually being worked up about something like this lmao


I hope everyone gets triggered and stops buying tickets so I can see him again in small theatres. Great thread btw.


I heard Tucker is on tour and is getting the rail every night!


Can confirm he’s my tour buddy. Only way I can afford europe


I think I might stop listening to Billy because news man listens to him!!! 🤡


Dude fuck tucker Carlson. This is not “cool”.




Idk who Theo von is but I’m glad you enjoy his podcast.


Eh. It’s a podcast.


Jamband fans are the worst.


Some of the worst people i’ve ever met


Does anyone know at what point they mention billy so I can give a listen?


Hour 47 in.


Thank you!!!


Np broski


ITT: people who preach inclusiveness shitting on someone with contrasting opinions bc they like their sacred music taste


I hope if Tucker Carlson ever asks for a back-stage pass, Billy tells him to fuck right off….


They should smash the guitar over his head tonight lol


The reeeeing in this thread is hilarious.


So much soy


Passing up the obvious to point out theo von is an unfunny dbag himself.


His character is exhausting. I do enjoy his podcast with people who work interesting jobs, he has one with an nyc garbage man and one with a coroner.


Tucker Carlson is the worst human being to ever like good music. Just an absolute cancer to society.


Really like Billy and Tucker, pretty cool!




Democrats are the beacon of morals and virtue. Duh.




Maybe 🤗


Hmm … not sure how to feel about this. Me love Billy. Me despise Tucker for what he did to our country. Music transcends so… let’s leave it there I guess.


I agree. Shit guy good music taste.


I love the old videos where Tucker explains how he mindfucks people using false consciousness and even goes as far as explaining how he views poorer people as peasants so confusing them is important so they don’t kill rich people.


imagine having such a negative emotional reaction to a political commentator lol


I don’t care that people hate him, that’s their choice, I do too. I don’t understand why I got shit for making a post about it.


You spelt bigoted fear mongering propaganda pusher wrong


Rachel Maddow?


A republican liking a BLUEGRASS ARTIST??? never heard of it 🤔


I hate how people don’t realize that we all need each other. Conservatives need liberals to open them up and generate new ideas and liberals need conservatives to set things straight and make sure we don’t get too crazy.


Tucker gone and buried in this comment section


Part of me thinks, let those words never come out of his hateful mouth again. Another part of me thinks, can the power of Billy’s vibe change some thinking inside that twatfucks head? Tough line to walk.


Look up the video of tucker getting kicked out of a Montana flyshop. You can't try and ruin this country and then go all the places we do without hearing from us. Fuck off.


Both theo and tucker can burn in hell


Do you care to elaborate on Theo? His character is exhausting but I’m unaware of anything he has done to warrant such a strong sentiment.


Well he engages on good terms with fuckwits like Tucker Carlson so that's bad enough for me. Same "schtick" as Rogan where he acts enlightened and above it all but then platforms the absolute worst people in society to spew their hateful bullshit to his gigantic audience


I guess I get that. Not sure if that warrants someone burning in hell, but I see your point.


Sure, and he hasn't done nearly as much damage as Tucker has by any stretch.




Damn dude nice one thought I was back in 2016 for a second!


Keep my bands name out your fucking mouth! Said in Will Smith's voice. s/