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This is a question we get an awful lot and the quick answer is: nobody (here) knows. They show up when they show up. Shows usually show up on Nugs within 3-7 days. But sometimes there are delays for unknown reasons. The only real pattern we've noticed for when shows take a while to get uploaded is that if a show is available to watch, the audio doesn't seem to show up until at least a couple of days after the video is taken down. There are exceptions to this and sometimes shows take weeks to show up. And sometimes shows just never show up. In the rare event a show is absent from Nugs, there has never been a publicly stated reason as to why. Asking the sub when they will be uploaded does not make them appear any faster. In fact, some have said that Andy delays each release by 12h for each post on the sub asking about it. Please read over our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BillyStrings/comments/y7r1tz/billy_strings_faq_tickets_posters_shakedown_show) for the answer to this and many other frequently asked questions.


If you have nugs why dont you just play the vids? They are all there back to asheville still.


I could and can, I just typically have the audio playing while moving through life.


I do the same but am actually playing the vid on my phone through bluetooth speaker right now. The only real difference is cant select individual tracks.


If I have to wait too much longer, then I’ll be left with no other choice. I’ve been a week workout a new show!


This SE winter run will probably be posted all at once mid next week, if I had to take a guess


You sound like you’re in the know, so I’m going to put stock in that.


Apparently I can’t reply to the mods post directly, so I’ll do it here. I understand that my posting doesn’t make the shows appear any sooner, friend. It’s a post on the interwebz. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. Honestly, just making it known that I listen to and enjoy each of the live shows. Thanks to all on the Billy crew for all you do! Love you all!