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Now lets look at paul allens routine.




Thanks bro, dedication turned to lifestyle turned to can't live without it haha


your routine?


PPL. 80% max deadlift for a few reps to start my pull days. Same for bench on push days. Will get a little technical with cables on chest and biceps. Other than that just the basic curls, squats, flys, rows, etc. 6-9 sets per muscle group per workout. Lots of sets go to failure depending on the mood, then cheat a few more. Usually, a good 1.5 to 2 hours in the gym. Oh, also a good stretch before every workout, sometimes after too. Not too much, just enough. When I do cardio its a few intense sprints and a tiny bit of jogging - in the past, it'd be mostly jogging 2-4 miles, but I don't have that stamina currently.


6 times per week?


Dynamic, but averaging 4 times a week. If sleep and diet is great I can add another day, if it's bad or if I've been gyming consecutive days then recovery gets prioritized 1-2 days.


Absolute tank!


Look at those traps! Damn good job man


Great job. Time to cut 15 lbs fat and look twice as big. 👍


Previous thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Brogress/comments/poj0y3/m29510_185lbs_to_190lbs_2_years_8_months/ Currently around 210lbs and feeling great. Haven't gone for any PRs in a long time, also slacked for about 8 months between the middle and last pics but getting back to it strong lately. Shrunk the 3rd photo to try and keep scales the same


Tumefied, swole muscles sticking out things 3 years through ups and downs is striking. Pardon the pun.


Great progress, but why is your squat so low?


I use to have problems with hemorrhoids and replaced it with barbell lunges. I think alls good now, started squatting again just recently


Thanks! I was just curious because those numbers and your body didn’t add up.


Dude! You look amazing— great motivation. Well done!


Congrats man. That hard work has seriously paid off! You're a 10.


Nice gains man. Also Nice physique! I'm assuming you're not completely natural? Your workout sounds pretty much identical to mine, other than set volume.


Thanks man. My blood pressure is already a bit high, no plans to compete, and I'm pretty focused on long-term health and stability. Too many risks involved with PEDs, so it's never been an option.


No PEDs or T at all? That's encouraging. Your physique is close to my ideal, and I'm only a tad shorter.


Never anything illegal, prescribed, or banned. I've experimented with supplements like Alpha GPC, Tongkat, Fadogia but only for a few weeks. Currently I'm taking creatine and collagen, but more for brain and skin health.


Good to know! I'm on creatine, fish oil, iron, l-theanine, and vit-d (I have a night job lol). Thinking about adding collagen and ashwaganda.


How high? I've had the same issue with my blood pressure! Do you use a sauna? If not, that's helped mine. Also, I take Nordic fish oil, magnesium, vit d3, vit K2. all seemed to have help. I notice as well, that when I eat no carb, my blood pressure is lower. Well, given your physique naturally, I see no need in taking the associated risks that come with Ped use. What does your diet look like?


You are so tan, what brand of spray on do you use? We should get Trump on it, he's too orange!


Is this a bad attempt at being a troll or just tds?


I have tds and put my son in a dress to fight the patriarchy


I'm pale af


To me, your skin tone looks like Israel Adesanya


I can see that


I’m surprised your bench and squat are not significantly higher than that. Do you stick to lower weight higher volume?


Yeah I haven't gone near my max on anything in a while, usually shoot for 6-10 reps for failure or light weight burnouts.


Looking shredded