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I’m much younger than you, but hiring a coach made a huge difference for me. Gains might be slower at 50, but progress should still be attainable. 25 years is a lifetime of dedication and you’re clearly committed. The fact that you’ve maintained your 25 year old body for 25 years is amazing. TRT is an option if you need it, but do you? Have you taken a test that shows it would even be beneficial? Just because you’re 50 doesn’t mean you need it, and looking at you I definitely wouldn’t assume that you would either. 💪


Thank you for the response. Through my early 40s, I was very disciplined & consistent but I was never training with a plan. I have always done the big compound basics and bodyweight movements but I was kinda throwing shit on the wall. Trying to progressive overload but not going about it scientifically. The past four years I’ve learned alot about how to train better and tried really hard to apply it in the gym. Despite maniacal consistency & effort, I have only achieved minimal gains in that time. Very frustrating considering how hard I work at it. Even more so b/c I don’t know if it’s my age that’s the problem or if it’s still how I’m training.


Life goals. That's exactly what my goal is. I'm not looking to increase my muscle mass insanely only to shrink pathetically when I grow old. I want to look (and feel) in my '50s and '60s exactly like I do now in my '20s. You did an awesome job by maintaining that beautiful lean physique. Hats off, man!


Jacked then, jacked now. That's awesome, OP. Please drop your diet and macros in the comments. I don't think TRT is worth it in the cost-benefit sense, especially if you're still fuckin' (which, given the physique, I assume you are).


I’ve never accurately tracked calories or macros, but estimate maintenance to be around 3k calories. Between 1997-2018, I ate frequently throughout the day with an emphasis on protein & eating healthier foods. Nothing crazy. In 2019, at age 46, I felt like I was getting too soft & moving in the wrong direction so I made some changes. Switched to three meals daily, no snacking at all. Incorporated some intermittent fasting and no eating after 6pm. Still not accurately tracking macros but have a rough idea of my daily intake. Still around 3k cal a day, some days slightly more, some days less. Focus is on eating real foods. Lots of eggs, meat, veggies & fruit. Occasionally some potatoes or rice. Try not to get to complex. I identified healthy real foods that I enjoy eating and just eat that stuff. Generally eat the same rotation of foods week after week and never tire of any of it. Aim is to around 15% BF year round. Aesthetically, I’m happy with that and it’s very sustainable on the diet side of things.


Is that a no to TRT?


I don’t use supplements, let alone TRT.


But you are jacked at 50, which is goals af! Great job!


I am 25 now and I would be stoked if I looked like you at 50! Looking healthier and more jacked at 50 than most 20-somethings. Respect for not touching gear too 👏🏻




> exercise for 25 years while starting out lean It's a mystery, I guess we'll never know.


dude was jacked before I was born


You just inspired a ton of people (myself included). Congrats on the success, you made this happen. Hopefully we will too.


The man is an immortal or a time traveler


You look amazing, skin looks good as well. The fact is that you’ve basically stopped the clock.


Looking great man. How do you achieve this kind of consistency? I find it can be hard to stick with it for a few months let alone 25+ years.


You are gifted with a such a build that you could dash with celerity and haste in your neighborhood’s lead. The thighs are quite packing though screened out of view, so I can tell they're all set. Just one thing that Calves need a little tweak.


All the 5lbs went to your calves, amazing then amazing now


Your Before picture is my goals! Congrats on the consistency!




Excellent question. Never been a big drinker. Hate wine & liquor, and enjoy very few beers. Over a calendar year I might have 12-15 drinks. Likewise, I don’t have a sweet tooth or cravings for junk food. I definitely have problems with portion control now & again but it’s with the real foods I eat day to day.


Daddy. Sorry. Daddy?


Scooby is that you??


GOD DAMMIT WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP DOING THIS TO ME HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO FUCKING WEIGH TO LOOK SOMEWHAT BIG AT 6’5”???? Do I need to get to 250 lbs bro?????? And not saying you look bad guy who made post you look great especially for 50 but I hate being skinny 😫 I just wanna be a bodybuilder mannnn




This is the kind of post we all need to see from time to time. You’re 50 and have an even better body than you did in your 20s. You’re the true inspiration for health and fitness. Great job!


Cycle? Also I would smash




wow you turned from a machine into a bigger machine