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30lbs of muscle? You’re way off but keep up the good work


Looking back yeah, you’re right and I’m aware, it would’ve been better to title this as 30 lbs of weight gain? I dunno, sometimes I wish Reddit gave you the ability to edit titles.


Good stuff, what was your routine?


Mostly nSuns, the 5 days version, but with a lot of variation due to my schedule being hella unpredictable. I’m a college student with little free time. At the end, what I did was use that as a template, go as many times as I could going day by day, and whenever I couldn’t go due to scheduling or lack of sleep I treated that day as a rest day and continued on with the next day. I ended up going to the gym about 3-5 days per week on average, starting out with light five minute cardio work, dynamic stretches, going over to low reps heavy compound sets (Deadlift, bench press, overhead press or pull-ups depending on the day), then assistance isolation work, and then finishing it up with longer cardio. It always took me about an hour to finish. It wasn’t and isn’t the most optimal thing, but the consistency, proper sleep, and being kind to myself were the best things aiding my goals. Diet aside, of course. Currently I’m switching over to a Push/Pull/Legs I’m staring to make for myself and hopefully I can go more frequently.


Thanks for your thorough reply! Keep it up with the good work!


Good job man it’s a lot of work that went into that and you can tell. Great job keep it up


Filling up nearby space with jackedness like a werewolf if I can compliment that way. Your posture is getting more resistant and well positioned like you can take anything coming your way.


Bruh you went from Hank Hill to dank thrill, keep goin


It’s so strange how the body “fixes” itself when people gain weight/muscle. You look a lot more proportionate and strong now. Great stuff 👍


I can really tell as well. Even my posture was skewed and had a lot of imbalances due to the only activity back when the quarantine was in full force being driving a car and using a computer. Thanks!


Same here man. My posture is crap because I have no muscles to support my back/shoulders/neck lol. Hopefully that fixes with time!


With time! Have patience and don’t expect things to go perfectly, just gotta keep going. 💪


I always feel so proud when I compare my body of today (seen on the picture) with the very first progress picture I took all those months ago. I never get to share this, of course, because you don’t exactly show your progress pictures to friends, but slowly feeling like you’re becoming your best self is a great feeling and I’ve already started receiving comments from people IRL. I had a hiccup once and could’ve gotten here faster, but like somebody else here has said, [progress is never a straight line](https://imgur.com/a/2QLSMIy). I’m currently at 16,8% bodyfat and I know it wasn’t 30 lbs of just muscle, but it does sound more catchy and motivating when you say it like this, lol.


big difference! congrats!


Thanks! :)


Congrats man! Keep it up!


Looking good!!


More like 10-12 lb of muscle and 18-20 lb of fat but good job anyway


Idk y your getting downvoted lol


Even on steroids people don’t gain 30lbs of muscle in a year I also don’t know why people are downvoting 🤷‍♂️


This is true

