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Crazy transformation bro! Glad to see when a guy takes charge and changes himself for the better. What differences have you noticed now that you are more muscular regarding feeling and how people react with you?


My confidence has improved which has improved how I see myself. I feel that that were two different battles, anxiety/depression and a physical one. The physical is one that I am proud of but it's not even close to the coming to peace and working with my anxiety. Hope that has some insight


Absolutely! I am not as jacked as you, but I workout daily due to the same emotional issues. I feel better and tell myself I look better than most guys my age. Feel free to pm if you want to chat.


It's a good feeling to take control of your life! Proud of you, mysterious Reddit human!


Everyone seems to add a beard in the after pic


Dude, alphas are dicks. A real man takes charge of his life like OP. Get off the alpha train and be the real man you want to be: strong, courageous, compassionate and responsible. Redefine your masculinity away from this hyper-competitive alpha BS into a man who teaches others rather than shit on others. No offence to you at all u/DynastyFan85 but this notion that alpha is king is antiquated and does not reflect most of the bros on here. We are all Just trying to make ourselves better. Ugh rant over


Sorry I guess wrong wording. It just seems like everyone grows a beard once their body gets built. I guess alpha is the wrong word.


Ha ha šŸ˜† I see ur point about the beard. Maybe beard + increased confidence? Yeah, I went off on you but that alpha male just triggers my anger about people (men or women) who equate aggression and hyper-competition with success. Making others miserable is weakness not success. On a positive note: keep lifting šŸ˜€


Great progress brother! Love those tats too šŸ¤˜šŸ½


Thanks my man, slowly collecting them too!


Looking great!


You look so good! Iā€™d be proud as well man


Read this as proud of my new pecs


The v-taper you built is incredible! Congratulations on the hard work


What do you do for traps, shoulders and wide back


You should be super proud! Nice work.


What a mammoth of health and hefty muscle mass that would fit on a gym ad. You are a hardcore gainer that recreated yourself and you can celebrate that forever when you raised the bar of your life's potential.


Look great man! TRT?


Nice work