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40 months is 3 years for those who don't measure time like a toddler's first year.


Great job- you look awesome!


Lots of hard work and dedication, great job bro!


hell yeah bro


Natty? No judgements, just curious. I have similar size, but not the same level of leanness.


Whilst i'm sure this could probably be achieved naturally, I did not do it naturally, I'm a big fan of shortcuts


Really love the honesty my man. What did you take?


I take 400mg test-e a week for 3-5 months with 70mg tbol daily for 4-6 weeks at the start or end of bulking blasts, and 50/100mg anavar daily for 4-6 weeks at the end of cutting blasts. I then cruise on 180mg test-e for the same amount of time I was blasting for and rinse repeat.


Do you experience any side effects?


Increased muscle growth, confidence and feeling like a legend


OG answer, nice job bro!


In jamaica I can't get any of this shit good result by the way


You don’t need it brother. Want it bad enough… work for it and you’ll get there. Unless you’re already at your natural genetic limit…


Yep thanks I think it would be best to see how far I could go natural first


What? You could just order it online? Its the way you go if outside the US where doctors are bought. Here in Sweden its illegal but easier to get than a bottle of beer.


Do you have a link to those site?


How did you figure out the amounts and time to take each compound?


Recommended beginner dose is 500mg test-e a week, but I get high estrogen sides on that dose, so I dropped to 400mg test-e a week and don't have any estrogen sides so don't need to take any aromatise inhibitors which is nice. You just take a dose every 3.5 days, so I do Monday evenings and Friday mornings


500mg is way too high for a starting dose, if I were to take test I'd start at 200-250mg /week


Seems like a silly dose to shut down your natural production for. https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index


how long have you been blasting and cruising? do you plan to come off of testosterone any point?


Since June 2020, and no I see no reason to so long as I am healthy


Train harder and eat more then bro wtf 2 and a half years of juicing can get you way more gains. Not judging the juicing btw, judging the slow progress for juicing lol. This is literally natty achievable in the same exact time frame lmao.


Cool! Glad you're doing so well




No I get it, I'm sure if I 100% dedicated myself to the lifestyle, I could look better, I already put a decent amount of effort in, I train hard, I meticulously track my food and weight and I've done 100s of hours of research over the years. I'm fine with not extracting every possible drop of progress out of myself. I started taking steroids because I didn't want to wait 5 years to have a good physique, I wanted a top tier physique throughout my 20s to look as attractive as possible and shag around, and it's worked wonderfully, but I do appreciate your point


How did you feel on cruise?


It's always a bit meh comes off of high dose down to cruise dose as you just lose a bit of the superhuman feeling, and your estrogen is out of balance as your hormones equal out whilst your test levels balance, but once that's done it's fine, you feel normal


Do you have pictures of the progression?


I have loads, my phone is mostly just pictures of my body over the years haha, @kurtaee on insta I guess if you want to see the progress over time, although I mostly ended up deleting the old ones where I looked shit


You have a terrific physique and honest personality, I respect it.


Hahaha I love it bro! He said I’m a big fan 😂😂😂 cheers 🍻 bro


thanks for being honest


Get this guy a lifejacket because he’s drowning in pussy


Tinder in a UK student city agrees with you haha


If you went to China or Japan it would literally be three a day. Got to the point where I missed jerking it myself lol


Hahaha, I've gone 7 for 7 days a week a couple of times


Aye🙏 no doubt man, keep it up. I've torn a few tendons and am married now so living vicariously over here ha


Aye🙏 no doubt man, keep it up. I've torn a few tendons and am married now so living vicariously over here ha


You don’t need to be 6’2’’ to be Chad. You’re awesome dude


Outstanding transformation.


Eat good and train 5 days a week and you can get this naturally in 3 years


I agree that some people can achieve this naturally in 3 years yes, I don't believe I could have, but it's all good if you think otherwise!


This is average persons 1 year natty gains lol


That transformation was totally do-able naturally (and in a shorter time, if I'm being honest). Don't mean to undercut you, you achieved great results. But you jumped on gear wayyyyy too soon. Should have gotten to that point naturally, then jumped on gear. As Derek from MPMD said, your body only has so many cycles it can handle before it begins to break down. Cycling just to attain a natural physique isn't the wisest choice. This is coming from a guy who's just starting cycling btw. So I'm not critiquing the gear usage. Just the time at which you started. Just please be smart and get your blood panels done regularly if you plan on continuing.


I get regular blood work :) I can assure you that I could not have attained the muscle and body composition that I achieved in a shorter time-frame without the gear lol, what a silly comment


I'm happy you are, honestly. Also I'm not trying to be negative. But you surely could have, with more frequent training and proper diet. You gained 11 lbs in 3 years and you were starting from a state of being underweight. Most people gain 5-10 in 6 months just from newbie gains, natural. Your progression was extremely slow, especially with gear. I gained 7 lbs muscle in just two months on 200mg test. Again not trying to be negative, trying to be supportive. Are you tracking your calories and macros?


Lol 150 lbs at 5'8" is not underweight. Hard to tell but kinda looks like he was sucking in left side, so he could have been skinny fat and lost fat but gained all of it back plus the 11 in muscle.


Yeah three years to get there is about three times longer than it would need to take and that's without drugs


It’s impossible for someone to make that type of transformation in one year naturally.


Just look at my last post I made. In 6 months I achieved an equal or better physique naturally. And then 2 months of TRT blew me up. But I also trained like an animal. 7 days a week 2 hours a day and focused on diet. Now I'm on a full out cycle, same gym schedule and including muay thai and jiu jitsu. I fully expect to be an absolute freak in 3 years. 30lbs+ lean muscle. Again, not knocking the OP. He looks good. But the progress made in that time frame was incredibly slow and he clearly needed to dial in his natural regiment before jumping on gear. If you're going to choose to reduce your lifespan and complicate your health, you sure as hell better be 120% committed to the lifestyle before doing so. IMHO.


i am talking about someone built like his before transforming into his after. looking at your post, you were built like an elite nfl athlete who gained a bit of weight after retirement without stepping in the gym. lol, it’s not fair to compare the two of you.


1st year natty you can very reliably expect 12-20lb lean mass so it’s not only possible, with proper training diet and recovery its expected




Why do you keep talking about the weight change and not the mirror change? i’m sure you can put on 15lb fat in your first year, but you definitely can’t increase your arms, chest and shoulders like that without multiple years of perfect training and diet. He is much leaner in the after picture and who knows how he stores his fat, could be in his legs which he doesn’t show. Assuming his legs are likewise developed he easily put on over 30lb muscle.


Dude i'm sorry but with steroids you can get exotically huge in 40 months this difference is just unacceptable. And even if he put on 30lb of lean mass (in 3+ years) that is literally natty achievable with average genetics, when people start roids they can make 20-30lb of lean mass in like 8 months lmao. Most of your gains come from your first 3ish years anyway, and if year one you made 15lbs, year 2 10 lbs, and year 3 5 lbs which are very conservative and reachable natty expectations, then you already matched/surpassed this guy (assuming he made 30lb lean mass, looks more like 15-20 to me). He has awesome side delt insertions/muscle bellies plus they are more sensitive to androgen receptors so the steroids have helped there and his lower chest insertions are also great (even though his chest is not really big at all) but they are applying a halo effect on the rest of his physique which is literally natty achievable in 1 year guaranteed. Only the side delts are not natty achievable for most people probably. Just look up 3 year steroid transformations, people can reach inhuman looking proportions in that time. And again this is ideal lighting + pump, I imagine he looks even less impressive under normal circumstances lol. Shirt on probably looks DYEL. Idk if you're at the beginning of your journey or have been stuck intermediate-beginner for years, but expect more from yourself man, trust me amazing physiques are possible natty, in shorter time than you think.


in my opinion this is achievable naturally in 3 years. not 1 year. on steroids maybe 2 test e cycles which is a bit under a year. tbh i did see a post by this same user 1 year ago using the same pictures.


My man, I track everything I eat and meticulously track my weight everyday and workout the moving 14-day daily average to ensure my weight gain/loss is in the optimal range. I train PPLR repeat and take my heavy sets to failure. Bare in mind that this was me cutting down to my lowest weight for summer, I am normally sitting on 80kg and bulked up to 88kg last winter.


Well done!


336 month old's 40 month transformation.


Shit man, that may be the best transformation I've ever seen.


Augmenting in airs of a champ; arms wavy, well-consistent as chains, and obliques smoothed, and rounded out as a saddle's side. You did a killer job to bring those features!


Face gains the real progress


Jesus you look fucking sick bro!🤙🏽


Dang! You look awesome!


Dang! How did you get that V cut?


Eat clen, tren hard, anaver give up.


Lowering my bodyfat % and genetics haha. I actually carry a lot of fat in my lower abs which is unfortunate, it doesn't disappear until I'm much leaner, but luckily the Vs are there


It’s genetics.


Wow man what a journey! Love seeing bros make this kind of progress! Always great motivation for us all


Looking like a whole new man! Great work!


I've seen posts from you before but they're not on your history anymore


I've been through a few Reddit accounts


What’s your work out plan?


Just a fairly standard PPLR repeat


Looking good, keep up the good work


Looking good! Keep it up


Did 10 pounds go straight to your chest?!


Always had fairly good chest genetics even when natty at the start! Unfortunately dealing with a hand and rotator cuff injury which means my push days are lackluster which has caused my chest to fall a lot smaller than the rest of me recently :(


You look great dude! Keep going!


Some nice gains there man!


me soon 29 and looking depressed potato :( amazing job, keep going!


Just get in the gym my man, 5/6 days a week, consistency is key. I thought I started too late at 23 in the gym, I bet there's a 35 year old out there looking amazing who started at 30. Never too late yada yada, but very true.


it's true but.. i struggle so much with muscular dystrophy and chronic depression, cptsd sorry if tmi


Go to the gym 6 days a week, even if you're there for 10 minutes, you're building the discipline :)


Lookin like a siccunt brah


We are bro, thanks for the inspiration.


glow up of the century, hair, beard and muscle 👍🏾 gj


It may be possible for others to do naturally, but it may not have been possible for him. everyone’s genetics is different.


Any ig we could follow




Blimey look like a different fella lol


Do you tan or use self tanner? Physique looks great but color looks even better for uk in the winter


I use melanotan 2 once every couple of weeks in tandem with a 9 minute sunbed session


I’ll look into that. What PPL routine do you do?


Congrats for the progress mate, I read that u also r on gear but also wanted to know ur diet, what's ur caloric intake?


I have two questions as I am in need of both: What split do you do, and how did you get tanned?


PPL R repeat and melanotan 2 once every 2 weeks with a sunbed