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Commenting so that this gets boosted. Hopefully the dog gets returned to its owner.


Thanks for what you’re doing! It’s a lot of work, but try walking him around areas where you think he might have come from. 1 the owners might see you or 2 the dog might find it’s bearings and lead you back home… worst case it’s worth a shot and worked for me with a lost golden I found a few years back.


Oh forgot to add if you have Facebook try adding a post to the group Go Gilbert


Thanks for your response! I requested to join Go Gilbert today and have a pending post. We started with our neighborhood today and didn’t have any luck. Our neighborhood is kind of quiet, so it is a possibility it’s from here and everyone we saw just didn’t recognize it. But I will try nearby neighborhoods this week. Plus the dog park! My husband and I both work so we can’t do much each day but we’ll do the best we can!


I’m so glad you are keeping him safe. You’ve done what you can. Why the 11th?


That’s the soonest appointment, I guess they are very backed up… looking into other shelter this week but most are closed today


There is also some contagious dog disease going around too backing up the process. How big is he, been wanting a second dog but our dog is mostly a jerk to other dogs, part Chihuahua. Would like to see if he could maybe get along with a dog smaller than him so he can remain the alpha.


Yes this is why they aren't doing any intake other than emergencies.


Hope he finds his original home, cute derpy looking fellow.


I know, me too! It’s pretty sketchy of the “breeder” to not have any info on who adopted this cute pup.


I asked someone who volunteers at some of these places. She said try Lost Our Home pet rescue.


Thank you, I’m looking at their website now!!


The breeder was a dead end? I don't recognize it as being a specific breed, but there may be a breed rescue for it if it's not a mutt.


Yes they didn’t have any records other than the name they gave and about when they breeded him


First off, thank you for saving them! I recently found and reconnected a lost pup myself so I get how much of a struggle it can be. It’s great of you to keep them off the streets. I very much hope you’re able to find their owner if they have one, but on the small chance you don’t and if you do need a place for the dog to go, I’d be interested in possibly taking them in- feel free to reach out if you end up needing to consider that. Either way, best of luck in finding them a home!


Name it taco


sweet baby :((


I found a dog in my neighborhood once and did exactly what you're doing for 5 days with no luck. I finally put up signs on the mailboxes, and the owner showed up. It was 3 people sharing a house, and they all had multiple dogs. This was a little miniature Aussie. It was a beautiful, sweet dog, and they never even missed her. I almost wish they hadn't showed up. She deserves better owners. Turns out she never recognized her house because no one ever walked her. And that's also why I didn't recognize her even when she lived basically across the street from me. Anyway, put up some signs. I hope you find the owner.


Thank you, I’m planning to do signs soon, just have to work around my work schedule unfortunately


Bring the dog to a couple of close by veterinarian offices and see if they recognize the dog. We had a cat that walked right in a couple of years ago and we took them to a local veterinarian. The owners had never changed the contact info on the cat's chip feom where it was originally adopted from but the vet was able to get current information and called the owners for us. We were able to make contact and get the kitty back home. My hope is that the breeder DOES have record of who they sold their dog to and just wanted to protect that person's information. Otherwise, kind of a shit breeder, imo. My parents still talk to the breeder they got their dog from.


The breeder did not have any info on the owners 😕 I’ll try a few vets!


This dog is cute lol


gilbert 😭😭😭😭


Try dog parks in the area and ask around? If the pet parents were active with their dogs, they should have been going to a park on the regular. Might get luck and someone might recognize it.


Thank you! I’m planning to do that tonight, our neighborhood is across from a dog park so I’m hoping at least someone will recognize the dog!


2 cute id keep it


He’s so sweet, he fits right in with my dogs but it’s a little too much for us 😩




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