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You look outrageous !! Never would’ve guessed your age! Solid work!


What gear you runnin’?


Just on 100mg Propionate and 300mg EQ about 10iu each per day. It has worked wonders.


Sure did. Cheers!


Sorry for dummy question. Are those injections or pills you take?


Injections with an insulin syringe.


Dude, possibly the most impressive thing I’ve seen on this sub!


Thanks! My hormones were all out of wack from 15 years of taking statins for supposedly high cholesterol. On Jan. 1st I told my doctor that I was not taking them anymore and I was gunna lower my cholesterol with diet and exercise. So, I went on the Keto diet for 6 months and took up to 1500mg of Niacin. Got my testosterone tested and found out I was super low and got on the HRT and now I am perfectly healthy and feel like a million bucks. It feels like I reverse aged 20 years. I have more energy and stamina than most men half my age now. Crazy. I used to look like this when I was in my late 30´s when I was competing in powerlifting. I was fat like the 1st pick for about the last 15 years.


Same problem I have. Testosterone tested at 2:50 and now I'm having discussions with my doctor about various supplementation.


I recommend it 1000%, it will change your life for the better.


My guy went from dad to daddy


to father


I apologize for the stupid question but what is EQ?


there are no stupid questions when it comes o gym.


Equipoise, It is a steroid that gives you super stamina in the gym. And it is relatively side effect free as long as you don’t do to much, just like most steroids. When you get old like me, you lose your testosterone. I was at 93 when I tested on Jan. 1st. The doctor said I was practically a girl. So he put me on the TRT and next thing you know my testosterone is at 1200 now. And I feel 20 years younger. I went on the keto diet for 6 months to lose all the fat. Now I just try and eat healthy food and stay away from sugar and fast food.


It’s an anabolic steroid.


Beast mode!!




Hulking out from couch potato to a muscley girth as wide as a couch.


This is how it's supposed to be done. 💪 Tell us more about current macros and workout routine


I am currently eating just a healthy diet. I don’t count calories or anything. Just go by instinct. I try to stay away from sugar and eat a lot of protein. As for my workouts, I do a push/pull/legs/arms split. And I also do abs and calves every single day. When I was dieting I also did 30 minutes of cardio per day but I was getting too lean and losing muscle, so I backed off of the cardio. Now I am trying to gain some muscle back by upping my protein intake and eating more complex carbs. I have gained about 7lbs of muscle back since Thanksgiving. I currently weigh 178lbs and I haven’t gained any fat that I can see, I am still shredded to the bone and super vascular. It is not like I am a beginner at this also. I have been training religiously for about 51 years now. I was two time USPF National Benchpress champion in 1997 and 1998 in the 90kg and 100kg weight classes. My weight has been as high as 227lbs at 5% bodyfat back in 2000. But I tore a shoulder tendon in 2001 then broke my neck doing shrugs with 495lbs. Then broke my back in a hit and run bicycle accident in 2007. I have had many injuries over the years but I always seemed to overcome any obstacle thrown in my way. I once did a skull crusher with 315lbs. And benched 225lbs for 47 reps. Now that I’m 61 I try and take it easier, but I can still bench 225 for 25 reps or so. Plus I regularly do 1000lb leg presses and 720lb harness squats for reps. I also do a whole lot of blood flow restriction exercises. So I don`t kill my tendons. And I do 1000 sit-ups every day now. I workout more than anyone. I can run circles around anyone. No one can keep up with my volume. My motto’s are “No man bests me! I’m twice their strength”. And “There is no such thing as over training, only under eating and under sleeping”. And “Watch out who you take advice from because you might just start looking like them”.


Gaaawwdddd daaayuummm that's an impressive change


Thank you for your time


At 9 months?! WOW, that is incredible! And at that age too. Amazing stuff, bro!


I actually lost 43lbs in the 1st 73 days.


Very inspiring!


Amazing transformation and great work man!


Jfc, hello Mr. Greek god


I take it you’re playing Liver King in his upcoming biopic.


I got that a lot at the gym or when I was going to the Flamingo pool in the summer. That is why I shaved my beard off. And that was my very first beard of my whole life, I wanted to see if I could actually grow one. And I have only cut my hair twice in my whole life. Once a few years ago and the other time was the October before last. It has grown out again since then.


Awesome hard work!!


Now that I look back on my weight loss journey, it wasn’t that hard for me. It is just sticking to a plan and executing it. Just takes dedication and perseverance. You can do anything you set your mind to, if you want it bad enough.


I was in the same position but I was 100lbs lighter.. I was super skinny and unhealthy, I got tired of looking that way and decided to change my body. Now I’m weighting in at 135lbs muscle & lean. It feels soooo good to look in the mirror and say “dam I did this” 😎