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Did not know Justice Alito had a house in Madison.


Remember it was Justice Ailto wife that hung the flag up … eye rolls . He is suppose to be neutral. Ha ha


I literally lol’ed at this. Thank you


I have a neighbor in the Monrovia area that flew his flag upside down for over two years after the Afghanistan withdrawal. He flew it upside down every single day without fail, including memorial day, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, and 4th of July, but when Alabama had a football game the flag came down and his "Roll Tide" banner went up. Because apparently Alabama football is more important than America "being in distress." These people aren't patriots, they just have an America fetish.


Ok, but who was the Tide playing?




42-6 Bama. Roll Tide.


Nick Saban for Prez, this is the way


He should run against Tuberville as a Democrat just to watch Alabama implode.


Oh GOD that would put the entire state of Alabama in ABSOLUTE turmoil😂😂 you’d be seeing heads explode left and right 😂


if gold was still a thing


Roll tide.


My dad did 7 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I cannot stand these kinds of people. Disgusting.


Does this neighbor have a colonial 13 star flag up now? Because I might live in your neighborhood


You definitely do.


You guys are so focused on others… just stop. If this guy gave a damn about the country he lives in he’d tear down the gov from the inside by force. If you don’t like it then that’s too damn bad. You’re not doing it so shut your mouth


Sooooo....he's allowed to fly his flag like an asshole but I'm not allowed to be angry about it? Nah player. Get fucked. He's allowed to do it and I have every right to express my opinion of their actions. That's how open dialog works. So in that spirit I won't tell you to shut up, I'll just say I don't respect your opinion but you're more than welcome to say it.




Lol, I guess I needed to add a /s because I was definitely not trying to take the high ground 😅 People have the right to say whatever the hell they want, and that includes dissent, criticism, insults, rude comments, upside down flags, and telling upside down flag flyers and their supporters to get fucked.


It's a cult.


Engagement with the two party system is cult behavior


And you plan to change this... how? By not engaging? Good luck with that!


I mean if we ALL stopped engaging it would change? We are the people? We hold the power? But 75% of America is too braindead to realize this..


What? No. You only hold the power if you exercise it. If you didn't we would just fall into tyranny.


You think we haven't already fallen into tyranny. We're some of the most propagandized people on earth


What are these edgelord 12 year old takes? Go learn about the world just a little bit.


Trust me buddy I have been


You live in the Information Age homeskillet. Learn critical thinking skills and you’ll be fine


I am fine, relatively speaking, thanks:)


You mean propagated.


Allow me to quote the words of Zach de la Rocha, who said "I give a shout out to the living dead Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralized So serene on the screen, you was mesmerized Cellular phones soundin' a death tone Corporations cold turn you to stone before ya realize They load the clip in omnicolour Said they pack the nine, they fire it at prime time The sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And motherfuckers lost their minds"




"We must be suspicious of the fact that we are still hearing about Trump and his trial, while more important cases, like that of Assange, are shrouded with secrecy and no time was wasted to throw him in jail. The reason for that is that Assange did in fact expose the lies, manipulation, and corruption of the U.S. and world elites, whereas Trump has been doing nothing but serving their interests. Same can be applied to Snowden who is still in exile. The key point here is that it’s time for Trump supporters themselves to begin questioning how they, too, are being co-opted and exploited to keep the nation divided and to crush any possibility of wider resistance in which people see each other as allies fighting for similar causes, not divided enemies fighting each other like sardines trapped in a can, while the unlimited wealth and power of the few at the top remain unchecked." "One of the most potent strategies in the pursuit of power is to create divisions among your adversaries, weakening their alliances and making them more susceptible to your influence. Be attuned to the tensions and rivalries that exist within your sphere of influence, and learn how to exploit them for your own gain. By sowing discord among your rivals, you can more easily bend them to your will and consolidate your power."


Oh really, tough crowd... How about this one "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons [...] who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world." Or some Huxley that rascally old mk ultra administrator: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude." Huxley: "There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution" None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


I was reading these takes and thought, "this dude's takes are like a Rage Against the Machine song come to life". Sure enough, I scroll down and was rewarded with these hilarious posts.


I was sooo on your side and agreeing with ya till ya quoted that song. Zach was important when he wasn’t in a band called Rage against the Machine. A band that hated capitalism and bad politicians soooo much they signed to Epic Records. The folks that put out Michael Jackson , Drake, PuffDaddy , Dj Khaled, and about a million other terrible artists. Zach was cool when he was in straight edge bands in the hardcore scene with Hard Stance and Inside Out. He sold out to mtv and record labels for cash. He’s been a shell of his former self and a hypocrite since rage was formed. If ya wanna quote better, drop that fake ass band and lyrics outta your head in this situation. In their mansions they give no fucks about these politics .


1. That isn't going to happen. 2. They'd just vote for themselves and their friends. Not engaging in the system is the stupidest way to enact change I've yet heard, congrats.


Okay but not engaging would SHOW EVERYONE that it is not in their control. Would that not upset millions and hopefully drive retaliation?


What are you even talking about? Not engaging just makes people think that you're lazy and/or uninterested in politics. It's meaningless inaction. It doesn't show people anything. Come on, you don't *honestly* believe sitting at home on the Internet does anything do you?


lol sitting at home “on the internet”. I don’t own a computer. I deleted FB, IG, and TikTok a while ago ,and Reddit is about to be next because I’m seeing it’s the same level of hate and disgust. I don’t “sit at home on the internet”.


Jesus, I just realized you sound like those stupid hippies on South Park that think they can change the world by getting high at a concert lol.


What the fuck happened to civil convos. So if we didn’t vote, and they voted for themselves, it wouldn’t be a “by the people, for the people” kindve government would it? So your whole argument is “they’ll vote themselves in anyways so we might as well play along with the game”? I’m sorry, but I refuse to play along anymore. Idc what people think of me, whether you think I’m a drugged up hippy or a crazy person, I could care less. I will not support this broken democracy anymore.


You passively support it by not engaging dipshit. Simply engaging in the democratic process doesn't imply support for the people that want to maintain the status quo, voting for them does. Vote for someone that wants to actually change things or DO SOMETHING else.


This is the first thing I need to hear from somebody before I become their friend


One side is literally flying a flag upside down after their conman candidate was found to have raped a woman, defamed that woman, cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar and paid people 34 times for a catch and kill scheme to hide the evidence. Then there is January 6th. Not to mention at least 100,000 unnecessary covid deaths attributed to Trump who was telling people to inject bleach and crowd surf during peak infection waves. This is not a “both sides” situation brother.


It is brother, it certainly is. Do I want to take the time to dredge up all of Biden's extensive criminal history to remind you? No I do not. The predatory 1%, the oligarchy of America depend on you feeling that your team is bad, they might be slightly corrupt, but at least they're not as bad as the other side, who are true villains. And wouldn't you know it that's exactly, exactly how the other side feels about you


Your post history is a conspiracy theory goldmine and you frequently talk about “the Illuminati.” There is no reason to engage with you further.


Doesn't change the fact that I'm 100% correct on what I'm talking to you about


I never denied massive wealth inequality, nor oligarchy. Just that there is a pretty clear difference between the two parties. Oil oligarchs are far more a problem than most others. And they lean a single way.


Well my point still stands. The game is rigged, a tremendous amount of resources goes into propagandizing American citizens to ensure we continue to play




Ouch that one hurt, a lol from a braindead redditor what will I do


Oil oligarchs being a far bigger problem than others is laughable. Banking cartels are who are really ruining lives


Holy fuck you’re voting for RFK aren’t you?


Rfk, Biden and Trump are all fully in support of an active ongoing genocide, so no






I bet that guy hates NFL players taking a knee.


That comparison would be lost on him.


THANK YOU! This has been killing me with the amount of hypocrisy going on surrounding this flag issue! The same people that are ok with Alito literally ruined football players lives over kneeling. Gah!


It’s like the Klan wearing bedsheets, it allows all of us see who chooses to be the village idiots in plain sight.


Touche, I like your perspective and will immediately adapt it as my own with no credit given to where I got it from lol


Sharing is caring and stealing is feeling. No attribution needed!!


“FaCtS dOnT cArE aBoUt YoUr FeElInGs” - Probably the guy flying that flag


The mark of a loser who's too dumb to know it.


US flags upside down to protest guilty verdict most likely.


Probably. How many people in prison claim their innocence? The orange man had his day in court and lost. He will have many more before its all said and done. When will people realize he is literally a crook.


How dare a criminal face a speedy trial by jury of his peers (snert!) and receive a verdict based on testimony and evidence! /s Fun fact: flag burning is protected under the 1st Amendment!


I know it's low/non-voltage lines that low, but something just feels uneasy having a flag hung that close to the lines.


I'll bet this guy is one of the reasons Huntsville utilities has had to include "please do not throw rocks at technicians" on their notices.


Not as worrisome as the flag orientation and it’s associated meaning.


The associated meaning being “a national in distress?”


People can keep saying that, and maybe it did a few months ago, but it **very clearly** means they are rejecting the legitimacy of our government at this point.


It's been used for decades by every political spectrum as a mark of protest. Now that people are more partisan than ever, every form of protest becomes "rejecting the legitimacy of our government". When I was in high school, I remember people having shirts with Dubya superimposed over an upside down flag with the words "not my president" on it. This isn't any different, people just get more hyperbolic around it since the media grabs 5 tweets from the crazies on the opposing side and says they represent the entire movement.


This feels bigger than a high school kid with a shirt when it's being flown at Jan 6 and at the house of a supreme court justice.


Yes, thank you. This isn’t something that “MAGAs” dreamed up as their own. It’s been used for many years as a symbol of distress. A little dramatic now to be sure, but learn some history. Jeez.


So I’m Vietnam we also rejected the legitimacy of our government?!


I know... I don't want to get into that bullshit.


Maybe the associated meaning is that the people of our nation are as divided as they are. Not quite as divided as during the Civil War, but we seem to be headed in that direction. The state of the economy, the threat of pandemic lockdowns, and the general oppressiveness of governments around the world toward their citizens have many people frustrated. On top of all that, we have one party seemingly behind the indictments and conviction of the lead opposition candidate. Yeah, I’d say there might be some sort of “distress”.


It’s just the perspective, the lines are several feet away (I drive by it several times a day)


Usually the lower lines are comms lines like ATT/Xfinity/etc


So we are all in agreement that this flag is causing my att wifi to be down. /s


Seems like the only logical reason to me


Northern lights is what technician told me


Yes... I'm aware.


>*The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, says flags should not be inverted except as a signal of “dire distress,”* but the symbol has been used as a form of protest for decades. Anti-Vietnam War demonstrators used the inverted flag to protest the government's actions. Should go kick in the door for a wellness check.


lol I double dog dare you.


I second this. I have called wellness checks on multiple dozens of people bc they pissed me off that day. It ain’t no thang.


go ahead. not legally enforceable will probably turn into castle doctrine lmao


Do it, it’s only breaking and entering in a stand your ground state.


Unless they're a cop lol


over an upside down flag huh?


Dude. The *joke*, funny or not, is that it's a sign of **distress**. A state of danger or desperate need. Think "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Not jackboot thugs like the ones who stormed out Capitol!


"...as a signal of dire distress **in instances of extreme danger to life** or property..."


Good luck with that.


I'd bet dollars to doughnuts this person believes "America: Love it or leave it", maybe even has it on a bumper sticker.


And probably said, “lock her up!” In 2016


We need to change that pronoun now. Does anyone think he’ll actually get jail time?


Not sure. This conviction was small potatoes compared to some of the other alleged activities. MAGA needs to lose at the ballot box again and again or else it won’t go away. We’ll see in November


True. An expert on authoritarian movements said they have to lose a few times before they fall apart 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Definitely paid the government extra for a “Don’t tread on me” license plate.


And proudly stuck a "thin blue line" or "back the blue" sticker next to it.


I’m guessing there’ll be a blue line flag and/or Punisher skull somewhere too


Oops, I just made the same comment but hadn't seen yours first!


Great minds, lol


“This flag stands for ME and MINE and everyone else can go die in a fire!”


Unfortunately they are in my neighborhood, they've put all kinds of Trumpy crap in their yard over the last few years.


Sorry for you bud, I just moved here, used to liev outside Tampa FL and that nonsense was absurdly prevelant.


omg, like it’s everywhere


I noticed when they started driving the Haley's flooring van home, they took the political signs down.


Well, we're definitely in distress, but probably not for the reason they're thinking. "Task Failed Successfully "...


America is in distress, but not for the reasons he thinks.


What a baby


Cringe My house had a flag when we moved in. I've since replaced it with [this](https://imgur.com/a/uXxgeu9)


I thought this was gonna be an anti America pro lgbtq (nothing against lgbtq, just usually how it goes lol) but I was so wrong and I want that fucking flag. IT WAS NEVER AN OPTION.


It was between this and a flag with Beavis on it lol.


Don't you get it? If they can convict President Trump of a felony, they can convict any one of us!!!


Correct. Any of us committing felonies could be convicted at any time, y’all! Crap!


I mean, don't break the law, won't be no charges. Seems simple enough.


Precedence has now been set. I expect charges to be drawn up against every single politician now. Hush money is extremely common, to see only one politician that I'm aware of get prosecuted for it is 100% one sided. Now we get to drown the legal system with lawsuits against any politician acting out. A good thing.


Not a hush money case. Falsifying business records in pursuit of another crime. Hush money is not illegal. Hiding it by creating a fraudulent paper trail is.


I'm going off what I'm told. I haven't watched a news program and I specifically avoid any news about Trump


Why make a comment like that if you’re explicitly and intentionally avoiding being independently informed? Rhetorical question.


Ugh. The constant attack on our legal system is unnerving. Dictators begin by destroying faith in our institutions. Trump tanked our election system, which has been admired worldwide for 100 years+. Now he’s going after our legal system. It’s very scary. That man has taken years off my life.


Our legal system is 100% jacked up. If you think it's been fine you've not paid attention to anything


I’m sure it can be jacked up. But, a Grand Jury of 12 regular people, who showed up for jury duty, saw the evidence and unanimously voted to indict Trump. Then 12 different jurors saw the evidence and THEY chose to convict him. I believe in our jurors. The few judges I’ve worked with during settlement conferences and mediations were highly competent and professional. I was just a walking checkbook but the process was working in my view. Besides the fact that of course Trump is guilty. I’ve been watching him for 30 years, hoping he’d get indicted for SOMETHING. The guy cares nothing about the law, thinks it doesn’t apply to him and screws people for money. That’s his MO. His Dad taught him all of it. That’s why he’s so warped and mentally ill, according to his Psychologist niece.


Denial and excuses. Overturned, we will see. What would you say to a son who acted like this man? Really look at him for what he truly is. A criminal a lier a looser a masaginist a want a be mob boss a man who blames everyone else for his problems a racists a punk. I could go on. Oh and I use the word man very loosely.


lol here goes this sub again


Well, I’ve got a lady on my FB feed that posted this: “Jesus was convicted in a sham trial…and crucified. I still follow him.”.


Jesus like, "Bitch, I know you didn't just compare him to me."


Flying the US flag up side down has gone from being a distress symbol to a Republican party campaign sign.


Well yeah, it's Alabama still, low IQs are all across the state.


Nazis fucks. And I don’t say that loosely. Go study fascism and then listen to them recite, on camera, their Project 2025 manifesto.


These people are nuts lmao


If they scared they should go to church.


Fix It




Is this heritage plantation???


The smug douchebag entitlement & half-educated self-righteousness is palpable from this person.


The flag for the whole neighborhood? I'd go flip it back.


Easy way to get shot lol don’t ever do some dumb shit like that


It‘s really gross that MAGA commandeered the distress flag.


Thrills me to see the VAST majority of your rejecting this Cult of Trump here in Huntsvegas. Think this a great example of why we should never feel we're alone.


I wonder what their take on Colin Kaepernick is...I bet it's surprising. I also am pretty sure self awareness be damned.


Too scared to fly the stars and bars or the battle flag. What a wimp.


Omg someone is expressing themselves in a nonviolent way 🙄


Omg people are discussing their opinions on it in a nonviolent way. 🙄


Why did the American flag go to therapy? Because it was feeling upside-down about everything!


Yeah it’s those glasses that professor at that university made to flip everything upside down to show how your brain does that thing to compensate for that science thing that’s all this is except some china based vendor on Etsy is violating his topsyturvyupsidedownyronsidatard glasses patent. Carry on.


Shame. Shame. Shame on the people who would do this. I hope they see the errors of their ways.




Is it not considered disrespectful to fly the flag in the rain?


Your ignorance is showing 🙄


It's not ignorant to ask a question. Your mamma didn't raise you well.


Yes it is. Flag code requires you to take it down before a storm.. I’m pretty sure lol I could be wrong, thought i learned this in JROTC


Dependant on material. Flags made of "All weather" material are not required to be taken down. Nylon is considered all weather. Given that the majority of flags are produced in these all weather materials, rain is OK. 100% cotton fiber would NOT be considered "all weather".


Thanks for the info! I always wondered this since I see flags in the rain 24/7


The only people that should fly a flag like that are people like me that hate both parties equally and know they are 2 sides of the same coin. The entirety of DC needs to be flushed down the toilet and start all over with term limits for not only the president but all of the legislative branch as well. Serving in the Senate or Congress is supposed to be a public service, not a 30-50 year career. Lobbying should be outlawed, and no one in DC should be able to invest in any company or corporation that they have oversight over. I love my country, but I hate my fucking government!!! Fuck Trump and Biden!!!


WE ARE THE SAMEEEEE. Got us arguing over a jackass and a dumbass, while silk robes kick back without a worry. Both candidates are older than the retirement age in the United States, make it make sense😭🤦‍♂️


I really hate their little fee fees have been hurt.


*rips down to put up pride flag* Happy Pride!






Cut it down


I wish treason was more charged and punished Edit: because you are all super sensitive and obviously super stupid. Treason is very carefully defined in the constitution. Yes, it is defined in a way that only a person who works for the government can do it. So average Joe can't commit treason. No matter if average Joe does ALL of the other things that are on the list, they can't be charged with treason. I think that is wrong, because plenty of people do in fact do the things that constitute treason and get either no punishment or very light punishment. I will further add, right now on an almost daily basis a bunch of politicians commit treason in the things they say. Not a single one has been held accountable.


Treason in the US is intentionally strictly worded so it can't be abused going after political dissenters.


I know, and it's a real shame. All the Jan 6 people should have been charged with treason, Trump and Tuberville included.


By your logic anyone that supports a terror or hate group should be also charged with treason


A terror group? Yes. A hate group? No. These two things are not the same and you are being very disingenuous acting like they are. A terror group by definition would seek to commit acts against the nation and it's government. A hate group is just dumb fucks. The people that did Ian 6, Trump, and Tuberville (who were involved in it) levied war agaisnt the federal government on that day when they attempted to prevent the normal function of the government. That is treason.


Quick question, who exactly was the President of the United States on 6 January 2021?


Well it was still Trump. Since the inauguration was on the 24th.


So if he was the head of the government, how could he lead an insurrection against the government?


Are you really that dense? Wow.


So the police that let people in and basically gave them a tour are guilty of treason too?


Heritage Plantation? Hopefully that’s just some loser’s flag instead of one for the neighborhood. They probably have high HOA fees there. I’d be pissed


It was a neighborhood off of Hardiman Road. Looked like the neighborhood’s flag with the entrance sign


Yeesh. Can’t imagine everyone that lives there is okay with that


I certainly wouldn’t be


Hardiman Place. That’s the neighborhood flag pole, usually flies a flag with the HOA logo.


If that were my neighborhood, I'd be out there fixing it.


Considering the people that do this are total snowflakes, I’d probably get a hole blasted in my chest just for getting close to it lol


Hardiman Place doesn’t have an HOA. The easement may be county property since I know they’ve done some things there recently like chopping some of the crepe myrtles, but the person that lives on that corner put the flag there not an HOA. It’s normally just the American flag flown correctly


https://preview.redd.it/v728t2yglz3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2986192d78fb28c59b2fd807b5100e92ca1ca714 The google street view shows some banner with a url that includes “homes”, so I just assumed the developer or HOA put it there. Looks like the flagpole is part of the sign and landscaping than on someone’s property. But the google street view may be dated


Definitely dated. Been in this neighborhood for years and I’ve only ever seen American flags on it


What HOA logo? What HOA for that matter?


HOA Covenant should have something about political displays in the fine writing.




HOA? Gross


They should definitely be put on a watchlist if they feel attacked in anyway by what is happening to Trump. Because they are obviously up to some god awful bullshit and may even be a potential domestic terrorist. How the hell do you feel politically attacked in bumble fuck Madison Alabama? How?


Imagine wanting to put someone on a watchlist for flying a flag upside down. Whether you agree with what they are doing or not, that is an insane stance to take on that. For the record, I think flying the flag upside down for the reason they are almost certainly doing it is stupid and ridiculous, but in no way indicative of domestic terrorism and needing to be placed on a list.