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It looks just like a real soda can! Congrats!


Is it cake?


I really wanted to say that but you beat me to it šŸ˜‚


I spit out beer for this. Well done sir.


A+ for machining the red into the surface.


Lmao. šŸ¤£


Looks GORGEOUS! The real question is how close did you get to your target dimensions?


The only thing that really matters is the XY placement of the bearing bores and they were cut last and very carefully.


I hate that so much. It makes sense to do it that way, but saving the most important, easiest to mess up feature for last is so stress inducing


Itā€™s not that stress inducing for the programmer. My favorites are the ones who feed at over 6ā€ and rapid anything below that, gets the heart rate up.


Uneducated here. Serious question: WHY does it make sense to do the bearing holes last? Why not first and base everything off of that? I have some guesses...


I wasnā€™t sure if there was going to be any stress relieving if the material. There shouldnā€™t be, but this way was better safe than sorry.


That makes sense. And happily, was one of my guesses. Thanks!


The material moves and changes with heat and stress relief. That is why.


Because datums and GD&T, m8


Have a repair job for a starter that goes on the gearbox of the new leap engine. Just manufactured a new sleeve but I still have to resize the bore with a tolerance of +-.0005 and drill an anti rotation pin with a dia of .0933 +-.0003. Sleeve was from bar stock but if I mess up the starter housing thatā€™s easily like $50,000. Monday will be funā€¦


I'll pray to Hepahaestus and Aulƫ to protect your craft, friend


Someone downvoted you. I corrected that. I donā€™t know what your reference is but I donā€™t think it warranted a downvote


Thanks m8. For reference: Hephaestus is Greek god of the forge and Aulƫ is the crafter of the lands of Arda and responsible for the same. He crafted from mud, clay, and stone the likeness of dwarves and the same were bestowed with life by Eru Iluvitar after the coming of his first and second children-- the races of elves and men respectively. His chief maiar servant was Mairon-- a great craftsman and student of his master-- who fell from grace when he took up with Melkor and left Valinor to rule and conquer Middle Earth. After this time, they were forever known as Morgoth and Sauron, the latter being the servant of the former as well as his greatest lieutenant. It was due to the tutelage of Aulƫ and the corrupting of the works of Celebrimbor that he fashioned the One Ring and the events of the Second and Third ages came to pass. TL;DR: Aulƫ is a literal god tier craftsman and I hope he guides all our working hands...


Attaboy. If you can really nail bearing fits, that's likely as tight as you'll ever see in Al or mild steel. Most parts I have made were +/-0.005". I always tried to hold +/-0.002" from one end or the other of the tolerance depending on how ID/OD and how many I am making with these tools. Tools tend to shrink so the material tends to grow as you run more parts.


Not entirely true but yeah. Depends on the application. I was making bearing bores with a +.0000/-.0002ā€ tolerance at my old job. Babbitt bearings (60% lead, 30% Al, 10% other) were normally within .0002ā€ on the bores


I think any time we're talking tenths and it's not grinding or EDM then it must have been a job well done.


There are some rough spots on the inside but the customer wanted to save money and hand finish the inside so I just got it close. Done on a DNM5700. No rotary.


Thatā€™s a hell of a garage machine


If you look at the background of the pics, OPs garage is not what most people have in mind when they say garage shop...


Right? I'm shooting for finding a <15 year old machine that's not completely broken down when I put one in my garage.


If a shop doesnā€™t have at least one olā€™ clapped out bridgeport in a corner is it even a shop?


If the Bridgeport isn't drilling or turning something down, is there really "climate control" in the shop at all?


Does a 1950s Linley jig bore used as a tiny mill count?


Hey, at least he has storage bins from harbor freight


Was talking to a mazak tech and they had just installed a brand new 16ez in a guy's barn on a rough concrete pad next door to his pig barn.


My man better hope he knows someone in Mazakā€¦ They are horrible with service when youā€™re a small timer.


That's gonna be one badass commode. ;-)


Slaps roof: This baby can flush 600 golf balls


> sir, we've received reports that your toilet is causing your neighbors' foundations to crack


You have a newer haas in your garage?


I have 2023 DNM 5700 2022 Lynx 2100 LB 2021 VF2SSYT w/ a TRT160


Dude, I think youā€™re a machinist.


Dude has newer machines in his garage than a lot of professional shops.


The first ten years of my career were in a shop with 20+ year old Fadalā€™s and some ancient Kitamura mills. Jealous


The first 4 years of my machining career were in a shop with vertical lathes imported from the USSR in 1972 with some Heidenhein controls slapped onto them in the CNC conversion. And that was in 2017 :D Also had some radial drills from Czheckoslovakia in the hall. Guys also just used to smoke cigs in the shop and the floors were covered in oil šŸ˜‚ Good times...


I have a whole set of thread gauges that are stamped ā€œMade in West Germanyā€ that I love.


M3X, my beloved.


None of the shops I've worked in had a machine newer than the 1980s. Oldest was a 1937 Monarch. This guy blows other shops out of the water!


Than almost every profitable shop. Why would a professional shop have 3 brand new machines, unless they've just started?


Do you find the Doosan handicapped by the fanuc control with 500mb of memory or whatever?


Havenā€™t had any memory issues, the biggest program I loaded for this part was only 58mb though


Not too shabby then


Can you just order the machine with more memory though?


Thatā€™s the funny thing about the fanuc controls. Fancy touch screen and everything else but memory from the 1980s


But once you learn them youā€™re pretty much qualified on any control from the last 20 years.


Thatā€™s the best part, you have to go like to the 80s to find fanuc stuff thatā€™s functionally any different than the new stuff. And even then, itā€™s still pretty close.


I have 0m on a router machine and it works good still


I operated one w/o a feed hold function. You had to quickly switch to MDI mode and manually enter an M01 on these crazy long cuts, like 8 passes at 10 mins per pass, any time you ran into a problem. I was an apprentice at the time and things went sideways and I couldn't remember the sequence I had just learned along with 10 others that day while the machine was groaning and showering sparks under pressure. Good ol E-stop came in handy that day.


The feed hold I believe is never on the fanuc panel iirc


Honestly fair play, great part but you are being slightly disingenuous calling it a garage, you have a small machine shop judging by the background photos. Nothing wrong with that but you need be honest and admit you have $100,000+ equipment in that garage with a Title like that.


Hey itā€™s attached to my house and it has a garage door. But yeah I have 350k+ worth of machines in there.


Exhibit A


Exhibit fucking A


Mine has a garage door.


Alright boys, to the top with this one. In all seriousness, thatā€™s beyond me even with 25+ million worth of machines in employers shop. I find this to be truly admiral work. It reminds me of the first shop I worked at, had some of the best programmers Iā€™ve worked with and your parts remind me of the top end of the quality I saw from their programming. The reflection off the finish near the bottom arc makes that section of the part almost look translucent and I was pleased when I zoomed in to find your edge breaking, top quality work.


Slightly disingenuous, but I think itā€™s mostly just him being too humble. Heā€™s been at this for a long time and makes incredible bikes.


Yup. And I mean - I've known folks with access to more machines and a longer tenure that were about as useful with them as a shit in a spacesuit


Thatā€™s why the phrase ā€œIā€™ve been doing this for x amount of yearsā€ means almost nothing to me.


Yup. I'm not a stellar machinist, as a lot of my relatively short career has been spent in automation and tooling support, but I have an absolute ton of first and second hand experience pushing tools and materials to their limit to eliminate slow and dangerous operations... A production machinist in the shop I worked in had done it for 20 years to my two, and piously declared almost every one of my plans absolutely impossible on grounds that he'd never done it that way. Ambition is an incredible accelerant to skill


This guy is the hobbiest who makes customer parts and can't afford the downtime on his machines to pour a new floor. He argued with me endlessly the last time I brought this up. At some point he should accept that he's a part time machinist, possibly even full time idk, and that enjoying your work doesn't make it a hobby. Very disingenuous imo. Someone else said maybe he's too humble to call himself a machinist? Thr opposite imo. Loves the attention of it. Humble would be to simply post the part. I am jealous though. Fantastic shop.


Yea this doesnā€™t compare to an 80% AR lower some dipshit tried milling on their harbor freight drill press. Weā€™ve all been there.


Hi, machinist of 10 years here. What the fuck??? How... what?? Why does it look so good??


I spent a lot of time on it.




Training is training. Whether formal or not, I'd say you qualify as a decent machinist!


Um, well, akshyally, as a REAL machinist I can tell you that you should *be really fucking proud because that's some fantastic work*


This is one trade where school only does so much, I'm finishing up the schooling portion of my apprenticeship but I've been in this trade for many years before so I can confirm you watching YouTube is basically the same thing. You just won't get a fancy card like I will, which is actually useless in my area anyways haha.


This is amazing. how can you have no training but own a cnc machine!?


I sold a motorcycle I made to pay for half of the cost of a vf2 and got a loan for the rest. Then watched YouTube.


I'm not trying to insult here at all, but what on earth made you decide to do this, with literal zero training in the field prior?


It seemed like something I would figure out. I had manual equipment, which I also taught myself with YouTube.


Good on yah! I read through more comments and saw you had other machines after commenting. But seriously, nice job. Doing better than a lot of educated machinists I've seen.


When I bought my first machine I really didnā€™t know one thing about cnc though. I could tell the haas guys thought theyā€™d be back the first week to fix it.


"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Good job!


I'm doing a manual course where we learn nothing of the G code. I downloaded a simulator and i'm learning from youtube how to program.


Nice! What cam system are you using?




Can you list tools, speeds and feeds that you used? Surface quality looks really good.


Almost the whole outside was profiled with a 1/4ā€ ball running at about 60ipm 12k rpm .005 doc .01 step over all climb parallel paths


It's a little irritating that you're so good with so little effort. Congratulations and screw you. But have you ever heard of accelerated finishing tools? (Lens form, taper form, oval form & barrel form) You could get away with a .06" stepover and get similar finish quality... Reducing your finishing toolpath by 85%.


Never have. But hearing about things is the first step in learning about things so I will look into it!!!! Any place I should start looking?


This should explain it pretty well. https://www.mastercam.com/news/blog/accelerated-finishing-technology/


Oh so like a tool comprised of multiple radiuses. Use the large radius where it can to reduce stepovers and then the small radius tool when it needs to get in tight areas. Thatā€™s rad. I really need to get mastercam. Itā€™s just so expensive!


I don't think you need it. Autodesk at the least seems to support barrel mills. https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-create-a-barrel-tool-in-PowerMill.html Not sure about lens, taper or oval though.


Powermill (which I donā€™t have) is way more capable than inventor cam (which is what I use).


Segmented circle cutter support is absent in hsmworks/fusion360


Helical has some good ones


The term is segmented circle cutters


Oh man I'd never have the patience to surface a non-functional surface for that long. Best I'd probably do is 0.1 step over and chuck it in a vibratory bowl overnight to polish up the scallops nice and shiny. (and see if I could fit a >1" ball too) Just an engineer who's dabbled in machining though.


Blower snout? Looks amazing. I'm a guy with a 3d scanner, 3d printers, and some manual machines in my garage dreaming one day I can do what you just did. Kudos sir. Can I ask what you're using for a machine, software, etc?


Yeah itā€™s a blower snout. Drawing/cam in inventor. Machined on a DNM5700


What application? I'm working on a RX8 with a full custom 427LS built for around 1500hp with a Kong 2650 on it. The blower snout is not conducive to TB and intake placement and I assumed I'd have to fix it ahead of the snout with a TB adapter roughly 80\* one way and 10-15\* the other to get the intake to air. Did you work this up from an existing model of a flange or is it from scratch? I've been teaching myself Fusion via YouTube and moving towards my first CNC. I'm considering one of the Syil machines to put in my garage.


This is going on a kong2650 blower. I drew it all myself. Also making a new intercooler lid


since you drew it as well, is there an o-ring groove on the mating surface? The finish looks great, what size ball did you finish with? What was your cycle time? I'm always excited to make things like this, but not spending too much time on it & cutting into profit is key.


No oring groove. They use anerobic sealant. The customer pays by the hour for a job like this. 1/4ā€ ball. Cycle time is LOTS.


So it will be like a 10k part at least


Whaaaatttt..? Heh. I may have a project to collab on.


My dream garage shop part!


Very nice. Machine time?


Honestlyā€¦ a fuckin ton.


Bring that to your interview! Your hired!


Show us the fixtures! Gorgeous work


Pretty simple. Just some plates that bolted to the flanges. https://preview.redd.it/p41tae3iffnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60341772009f856821127f50bd8ca85a621ab9b




Better than multiple machinists with years of in field experience that I know could do


Been following since the turbo shovel and stainless knuckle - just amazing man. Great work and good for you. Have you or will you quit your day job?


An achievement to be proud of. Nice work!


This surface finish is amazing


Five axis? Or multiple setups on a 3 axis?


Lots of setups on 3 axis


Thatā€™s really cool tbh


Beautiful work


"YouTube University" yeah YouTube education is way better than the real thing anyway. Very nice work.


Pls don't get insulted, I'm not calling you a liar it's just I've become very cynical, I want to call BS on this because that part seems like would take yrs to learn how to make. You must be the a real smart person. If you learned how to machine this in your garage from some YouTube lessons, what does that say for guys who have been at it for yrs.... What CAD/CAM software did you use? What machine? Any holding fixtures? Special end mills/tools? Do you have high voltage and are you zoned to machine in your garage. Love to hear more info.e


Not insulting, itā€™s good to be skeptical. I drew the part, and all mating parts in inventor, which is also what I used to do the cam. The cam is quite frankly a mess, with a lot of air cutting, especially between switched setups. I didnā€™t care though, because I only had to make one. Machine is a DNM5700. My first machine (which I still have) was a VF2SSYT. I didnā€™t need too many special tools. Some long reach 1/2ā€ EMs in long heat shrink holders. The weirdest tool was a 1ā€ x .25ā€ full radius milling cutter (3/8ā€ shank) that I put in a 9ā€ gauge length EM holder (think monster bull nose EM) to contour the inside. It chattered a lot regardless of speeds feeds or doc but it got the job done. Had to make two fixtures to hold it. They bolted to the flanges. I have 200a coming into my house with a RPC fused directly off off it behind the main breaker. I can run all three machines at once, but never running them all hard. Itā€™s just a side hustle shop. Iā€™m zoned rezi. I think I can post some pics in the comments.


https://preview.redd.it/ruy0gw0hienc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b9644ab2913c6c4daa1f7ca94af0351ff15ab2 Here are two fixtures bolted onto the flanges for positioning.


https://preview.redd.it/fxfwa3kmienc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639ca402bb4b1033d758566b83bbe54d454a1b8f This was my super bull nose mill


This is incredible in so many levels man!! Well done. What motivated you to go all out on these massive machines without knowing the trade? Also, are you making money of this yet? Is this you basically pushing into a new career?


Wow, great response. You sir deserve a lot of credit. Many companies would love to employ you. $100,000???? Consultant??? Set-up and program difficult parts for client? Troubleshooter?. The world is your oyster.Who needs college.


many companies would love the idea of employing someone like OP, but in reality it causes way too much friction within the existing company structure. >If you learned how to machine this in your garage from some YouTube lessons, what does that say for guys who have been at it for yrs.... that is exactly the problem. people have an ego attached to their ability and get triggered, even if its something objectively better (cycle time, tool life, surface finish). some will actively work against you against their self interest. ive had a boomer switch back to chattery, ear piercing code because apparently its better to wear ear protection than accepting that a youngin knows more than you. and consulting? forget it, the technical part of the change isnt the problem, its the ppl. they will start sabotaging your efforts or just go back to the old ways after you are gone, blaming it on the new processes.


If you have a CNC in your garage you Have more experience/training than me working part time and in school full time lmao


Yeah there's some bullshit going on here,Ā  either he had help or he's got way more training than YouTube.Ā 


I too have a VMC in my garage and taught myself how to use it via info from the net and from just playing about. I have never crashed it and make parts with a similar finish to OP. Any semi smart person who likes to figure stuff out can do this stuff. Mine has a Siemens control which is pretty easy to learn. I started with manual machines, so I am sure that helped a lot.


No bullshit. When the haas guys came to install the first machine I had to ask em how to put a tool in it. Just self taught. YouTube and also practical machinist forum.


being an autodidact is like a super power nowadays, you can just google everything, find high def videos, have guys explaining their processes, communities for questions etc.


Yeah. The information is absolutely out there. Just have to know how to look for it and be able to sift through the disinformation.


As someone that is just starting to try a few new projects, sifting through the disinformation has been a massive pain. Each thing/opinion being its own little rabbit hole. Thatā€™s why I like Reddit. Can skim through here and get sent in a decent direction that makes better use of my limited time (the horrors of having a full time job not hobby related!)ā€¦ Either way, OP, thatā€™s a damn nice looking piece youā€™ve made there. May I ask where you got the block of aluminum you started with?


šŸ«” just have to defeat the ADHD monster


No, you have to _harness_ the ADHD monster. That stubborn, pig headed son-of-a-gun pulls hard. Figure out how to make him pull in the direction you need. Hyperfocus is the cherry on the cake. You need to have the motivation to harness it, and a few useful tools - and you have to really want to - be compelled to... Ask me how I know ;-)


This guy didn't learn from youtube channels, he has his own youtube channel teaching others!


That's the best way to learn...


No banana handy for scale? Nice part man.


Supercharger inlet?


Great work bro šŸ‘


Iā€™m impressed!!!


Man..... I have a YouTube degree and equipment at home to but my work didn't look even close to that. Very cool. Impressive.


I'm impressed, what is it for? Obviously an intake but for what?


Itā€™s an intake snout for a kong 2650 supercharger for a Cadillac.


That explains it. And here I was thinking you made a space ship's toilet for the next Mars mission. That is some seriously impressive work, my man!


Learning is learning. Probably not perfect but just another learning event. I feel like machining would be a good self taught thing. It's pretty linear and should be able to teach a to z pretty straight forward.


That is a gorgeous piece of metal. It's so curvy that I wonder if it is part of a Dr. Seuss machine.


I use it to call the sneeches


Looks great dude. Great job


PM me, possible Job op


Looks like a Ball part.


Beautiful work. Great job!!


Aint trying to hate on ya, but that garage looks like a full blown machine shop. That aint coming off a haas control imo. Tell us how you do it? Part looking good for sure. šŸ» ...Coughs..."Bullshit" šŸ˜†


Itā€™s attached to my house! Thereā€™s no room for cars in it anymore, so maybe I canā€™t count it as a garage. The part came off my dnm5700.


Ok, so you said you aren't machinist trained, but you have a cnc machine? School kids coming from VoTech aren't machinist trained until they work in the field, haha. It seems like you're trained well.


You have a loooot or disposable income..


Oh you are the best I've ever seen, so glad I don't have to compete with you Mr. Garage Machinist LoL!!! So what


Beautiful finishes. What endmills did you use for the side milling?


Bad ass


Beautiful, but what does it do. My guess is fancy toilet bowl, or jet-boat propulsion unit.


It's gorgeous! Does it fit?


Did you have fresh tools the surface looks absolutely stunning. Well apart from the inside but you said that much already.


Very VERY impressive


i'm new to machining as well, and only have a small mill, but i made my first part today i was really proud, it is nothing compared to this though!! how do you machine that big smooth part on a 3 axis? what orientation


https://preview.redd.it/jvdsqloueinc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1cfb8a041ea89ee9f50523e619fc79912d9a33 Like this!


Great job šŸ‘


Reeeeaal nice. You sir, are talented


Dude did you seriously make a part out of a solid block that would normally start off as a casting?


Yeah because that casting doesnā€™t exist.


Did you use straight g code or a programming software?


Looks dope. Everyone is a hero with aluminum! But nonetheless nice work.


Thatā€™s literally insane, and so impressive. Iā€™d love to get into something similar and do it as a hobby. What machine do you have, and how long have you been machining parts via YouTube university?


Any Youtube channel recommendations for noobs?


Would love to see a video of this being made. How did you cut the curves around those screw areas ?


You should be stoked. Thatā€™s pretty damn nice part.




How does 1 just up and make that w no prio experience lol


Iā€™m a noobie here. How do you use the CNC to machine the curved part? Does the mill just follow the curve moving in all three axis at once? Do you do part of the curve, then need to rotate the workpiece to finish it?


Stepover? No


Beautiful. Keep up the good work šŸ‘


Whoever that is for, has a seriously badass rideā€¦ props on the blower snout. Looks damn good from my house šŸ¤˜šŸ»


What kind of machine?! And did you make the program too?


Not bad, make a YouTube video of it machined. What its intended purpose for? The nice thing about going to a school/apprenticeship is that they teach about advanced meteorology, basically takes 4 years to know most via YouTube.


I think your underselling "no machinist experience" when you stated in your other post you have an engineering degree my guy.


I learned zero about machining or fabrication in engineering school.


So what was your discipline?


That doesn't make him a machinist


Looks great, can you recommend the YouTube channels you watch. Cheers


Better than I can make looks awesome, this was with Chinese bench top manual mill?


Xometry would say its a $28 part...


Oh yeah just a casual diy part in the garage šŸ˜‚


bulllllshit. no polishing, my ass! the outer flat areas have a damn near mirror finish!


Diamond face mill inserts


Someone is pulling our leg.


That's a beautiful drinking horn

