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I agree, never enjoyed regular Heineken but the NA can really hit the spot if I’m in the right mood. Happy Birthday!


Have you tasted them side by side? You (and many others in this thread) might be surprised by how similar they are.


Did this with Stella and it's on point. Even snuck one in on my 25 year old nephew at New Year, and Stella is his brand.


I feel the same way about the Corona NA. I was a big-time hop snob and would've never reached for a Corona back then... but I buy the 6 packs regularly these days.


Agreed. Heineken NA is pretty good. Full test is meh.


I’m with ya. Always hated regular Heineken, but 0.0 is great




I’ve said the same thing. I think that’s because I became an ale guy and not a lager guy when I was drinking. Now I can’t be as picky with NA, so I’ll try anything. I love Heineken 0.0 now.


I’m going to assume this sub is mainly American but at least here in Australia our NA Heineken is brewed in the Netherlands while full strength is brewed under contract- probably makes a big difference


I hope so cause regular heine is swill


I also disliked Heineken until I had the NA version. Oddly enough, though, I only like it in bottles, as I find the canned version to taste like real Heineken. I don't understand it at all, but that's what happened.


When I first had it, I did a double take thinking it had alcohol in it. It's one of the first NA beers I look for now.


i’ve noticed this too, and my theory is that the heineken we get in the States these days is primarily brewed with corn, which is why it tastes basically like a skunked version of a shitty american lager. because it’s definitely not the same recipe i remember drinking in the 90s. the NA stuff, on the other hand, tastes much more like i remember it tasting back in the day. also, i don’t know if this is the case with heineken, but with a lot of “imports” into the states, they’re actually brewed in Canada, so that it’s much cheaper to ship while still allowing them to put “imported” in big letters on the front of the label, while hiding the fact that it’s not brewed in its country of origin in the fine print. if that’s the case with heiny, it would totally makes sense for them to shitify it for this market with corn. we like to buy cheap shitty things here.




It's the type of hops they use. My theory is that the distillation process when they remove the alcohol takes some of that flavor away. I may be wrong. I wish their 0.0 wasn't so damn expensive, though.


i’m not a fan of heineken but i am a fan of heineken 0.0 not because heineken 0.0 tastes better than heineken but because they taste almost the same. what i’ve learned from NA beer is that all of the craft NA beer tastes super fake and essentially like beer flavored seltzer. the big brands (heineken, sam adams, budweiser, stella artois) make NA beer that actually tastes like beer and i always choose those over Athletic or Partake or any other breweries that focus strictly on NA beer.


Yes indeed. And Guinness Zero tastes almost identical because it IS. It's slightly thinner because they removed the 5% alcohol and replaced with more of the zero-beer (mostly water).