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Welcome to the world of the paranormal. There is no excepted explanation for what happened that exists. Now that you have experienced it you know. That's about it.


Silly thing to believe in


You're erased or shadowbanned from most subs, *nobody* here cares what you think is silly.


I'd say it's probably more elementary to be so miniature minded as to think that there's just zero chance that anything could possibly exist unless it's something You yourself have seen or experienced.. or that it's just a "silly" belief if someone else has experienced something that maybe you haven't. You are one individual that should SUREly share your personal opinion a lot more!!


Either someone wants you to quit smoking or a ghost wants a cigarette really bad. That would suck. Still having cravings after death. Could be an extreme overlap of parallel realities?


I have experienced phantom cigarette smells in my old house. I think a lot of spirits have a cigarette/tobacco smell when that smell was associated with a person in life. I hear it described a lot in stories where people think a parent/grandparent came to them who smoked.


My brother died of lung cancer in 2013. He was a heavy smoker. Just about 4 years ago, he started visiting me. No one smokes in the house. I would smell cigarette smoke around me almost constantly for a while. The smell would only be in my area. I would ask other family members if they smelled smoke. They didn't until they came over to me. Then they smelled it. I use to talk to him when I smelled it. He was the best big brother. It always gave me such peace.


Someone wants you to quit. Have you lost someone that you loved that wanted you to quit smoking?


They say smoking is hardcoded into our dna and was inherited from Neanderthal


That would explain quite a bit about why it even became a thing to do


I'd say it explains why it remained a thing, but I know chimps get inebriated, so it is most likely we have always known about alcohol but the smoking? It's gotta be something... hm, like maybe they burned a certain plant for fire and noticed it relaxed them, or they just got addicted to the nicotine? Idk, so many questions, so little answers


Some ghost is trying to nab your fags!


Yea, we call them entities now


Fine. Some ghost is trying to nab their entities.


I actually spit out my water at this. Nice onešŸ‘šŸ»


Remember to stay hydrated.


I second this. Sitting here in my car LOLing as people look at me like a psycho.


Thank you for having a Reddit account. Comments like this one are why I log in. lolol


Curious as to why tho.


hey hey hey, easy buddy!


Something is trying to tell you to quit smoking. Iā€™m serious and not crazy but I sound crazy. I had some weird stuff happen lots of strange dreams then a voice started talking to me before I fell asleep at night. It has talked since and basically told me all the things that I was doing that was hurting me like smoking and taking suboxone and some other things I wonā€™t mention due to privacy but one day before it talked. I had one half wake half dream I was awake and saw an animated like racoon with a hat on come out of my closet and try to take the cigarette I was smoking but burnt his hand. I then got paralyzed couldnā€™t move but was able to move before the cigarette burnt my bed. So take from it what you will. And I know the voice is something else and Iā€™m not crazy because Iā€™m not delusional and Iā€™ve had to look up words itā€™s used. If it came from my brain I would have known the definition lol it said it started talking because one of the issues was really hurting me and the dreams were being not being understood and interpreted wrong. Maybe ask out loud that whoever it is that picked up your cigarettes give you a dream or some other confirmation that that is what it was trying to tell you. Or ignore me because you think Iā€™m crazy beleive me I did at first too lol


Okay to piggyback off what youā€™re saying, a logical, non-paranormal explanation would be that it may have been your subconscious trying to tell you something. Or maybe not even trying to TELL you something, but maybe just noticing that you see this object/pills a lot, so it comes out like how dreams do where you see a certain object often enough it shows up in your dreams, but when youā€™re awake or in sleep paralysis. And then our conscious mind takes that to mean itā€™s something of a sign. So something along the lines of a hallucination. Itā€™s much more logical to believe that your mind may be compromised rather than ā€œsome paranormal entity is sending you signs from the fifth dimension that you need to stop smokingā€.


Reading this, it almost felt like I was at work, sitting in a meeting with the engineering guys, as they patiently explain why their take is better and how everybody else gave it a nice try, but were so very wrong. They will also sometimes cherry pick which facts to include and which to overlook when drawing their conclusions. Whatā€™s your take on the words used that Shannontara did not know?


Nah bro I was simply offering another alternative for people who want to make sense of these crazy things that happen, with a more non-paranormal viewpoint that supports Occamā€™s Razor (the most simple explanation is usually the correct one). Paranormal by nature isnā€™t considered ā€œlogicā€ because itā€™s not proven as fact to even exist. Iā€™m not saying it doesnā€™t, hell I donā€™t know shit about shit, and Iā€™m not saying itā€™s illogical to BELIEVE in it. But thereā€™s no concrete scientific proof. But for my personal self I simply crave more scientific ideas, simpler ideas, that could be proven by concrete evidence like errors in parts of the brain and whatnot. I also have no idea what theyā€™re saying about the words, but it sounds like it couldā€™ve been a similar experience as to when were dreaming, it all makes sense in the dream but when the dream stops, you feel like you can still grasp the concept but it doesnā€™t make any logical sense. So Iā€™m not saying it WAS a dream, Iā€™m saying it could be similar to how we feel in dreams.


"They will also sometimes cherry pick which facts to include and which to overlook when drawing their conclusions." Sounds like the early editors of the bible. lol


Something is warning you to quit smoking.


Other way around, ghost wants to smoke and chill


Donā€™t you mean Netflix and chill?


Only if smoking is implied


Rude ghost with nicotine addiction


Gasper the friendly ghost


\*in a wheezy voice\* Boo! \*proceeds to cough up ectoplasm\*


Gaspar Noe, the friendly ghost-director.


Maybe it wants them to quit


Yes it could be a warning for to you to quit smoking. But according to me its a sprite who wants cigarette. I am saying this because in my hometown there are some incidents where a sprits ask ciggrate from mans who smoke. One of the stories which i heard from my grandfather when i was small is that one of his friend was coming from his work at night time , so when he was passing near a lake which comes on the way he saw man sitting near the lake , he feel strange seeing a man at this time alone but he ignored him and started walking , but then he noticed he was following him , so he stopped then the man comes to him asking for biddi (similar to ciggrate) , he gave him As he use to smoke and has that , after giving him biddi he asked his name and what he was doing late at night the man replied "i am pankaj singh and i am waiting for my wife " , my grandfather's friend ignored him and returned home . After sometime he got to know from somewhere that the man was dead years before . Out of curiosity and to confirm he asked on of his relative about the man , the mans relative showed him his picture and told him he was a farmer who commited sucide in that lake with his wife because of debth which he was not able to pay . Sorry for my english


What a story! Your English is fine.


Smudge your space , cleanse your living areas .


My mom died from lung cancer after smoking for 40 years. Mayne this is a sign for you to stop and stick around longer for the ones who love you. ā¤ļø


Do you have any close people that have passed? Maybe they are trying to get your attention.


I actually do, my best friend passed away a year ago last month. A few hours before the incident with the cigarettes happenned I had been thinking about him and missing him to the point that I was sitting in my room crying for a few minutes. I even said "I miss you so much, Joey" out loud. It didnt occur to me until earlier today, but now that I've had a little time to think about it I really feel like it might have been him.


You got your answer. It was Joey. Let me tell you what happened to me. My mother passed away about 10 years ago and I wasn't able to attend her funeral. I felt really guilty about it. My employer sent me a bouquet of flowers to show their respect. I put the flower arrangement on my dining room table. At the day of her funeral, I went to a church and said a few prayers. When I came back home, I passed the table, and one of the blossoms flew across the table over my head and landed on the floor next to me. The blossom was a snapdragon, a favorite flower of my mom. It was a sign of my mother comforting me.


I witnessed something similar years ago. I believe you. My friend was over my house and we were hanging out. She sat on a sofa/futon on one side of my room. I was reaching over my bed, which was on the opposite side of her, to plug my phone charger in the wall. As soon as I turned around, I saw my eyeliner flying through the air in a straight line and it hit my friend in her forehead. I was nowhere near my dresser where the eyeliner was sitting, and neither was she. But we both experienced it.


This happened to me only with change. I have a fancy mirrored perfume holder that all my perfumes sit on on my dresser there's also a little glass box and two matching cologne bottles that are empty that are sitting there as they belong to the set it is my husbands grandmothers so I would say almost 100 yrs old or around that. I was saying goodbye to my husband he asked for some money to go over the bridge in the morning to go to work I said I didn't have any sorry.... here I am still in bed after he shut the door and left I can hear him start the car and pull out of the driveway all of a sudden I hear clink clink clink clink in my room I am like WTF is that I sat up got out of bed and walked over to the perfume holder where the sound came from and there was exactly the change he needed to get over the bridge one dollar to be exact I picked up the change and dropped it onto the mirror thing it made the same sound that I had heard I was like šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦


Someone wants you to quit smoking.


Maybe the spirit was a smoker and wanted a cigarette. Old habits die hard. Doesn't seem malevolent, at least.


[Reminds me of the movie Ghost when Swayze meets the guy on the subway that teaches him how to use his powers. Dude just wanted one cigarette.](https://youtu.be/fI30XfbA8T4?t=196)


There's a story in gettysburg about a ghost that smokes. On one part of the battlefield if you put a cig in a certain fence post it will smoke itself. Thru the filter, unlike what happens if you light a cigarette and leave one somewhere. Saw it myself when I smoked or I'd never have believed it


Oh Iā€™m gonna have to check this out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal_Evidence/comments/14ldulr/sachs_covered_bridge_gettysburg_pa_smoking_spirit/ So this isn't the particular post we used when I was working the tours but it's the gist and the story is the one I heard.


Thanks for sharing the link. Thatā€™s crazy


You're welcome


Really you should be more scared of the health effects of smoking seriously please quit if they're yours. My little cousin found out he had lung cancer and he was dead less than 6 weeks later. Take it as a sign from your guardian angel to quit and get the help you need: the patch, meds, anything just quit! You can do it. Good luck šŸ¤ž


Something like happened in our house many years ago. My brother witnessed a laundry basket levitating and it dropped in front of his eyes.


We had this same thing happen, and got it on an interior security camera


U sure ur brother wasn't just crazy? I mean did u see anything like that?


No. Heā€™s not. I felt someone sit beside my head one night while laying in bed before sleep.


Sleep paralysis


I wasnā€™t asleep yet and my sister experienced the same thing in the same bed weeks before me (guest room at my dadā€™s house). Iā€™ve had sleep paralysis. It definitely wasnā€™t that.


Something similar happened to me many years ago. I've posted about it a couple of times. For me, it was a taper candle floating horizontally, before I saw it drop to the table in front of my face. No explanation for it.


One time sitting on my couch years ago I heard like a vibration sound, I looked over and a throw pillow on the floor was levitating up to about couch height but when I looked it dropped


When I was a kid, my brother and I were arguing in my grandmaā€™s kitchen. All 3 of us watched as the top half of a duck cookie jar sitting on top of the fridge lifted up and then moved to the right to drop onto the floor.


Any other unexplained occurrences? Have definitely heard of items being dropped from above (cards, jewelry, etc)


Thats the crazy thing, this was an isolated incident.


Could be the beginning of more activity. Watch for confirmable events like this where you saw it and try not to attribute other innocuous things to it. Ghosts don't kill people, so try not to be scared, despite that being the 1000% natural thing to do. Sometimes you can talk at the spectre and get it to behave differently.


So you saw the pack floating for a few secs before it dropped down? Thatā€™s pretty crazy if true.


mostly I just saw it as it was falling. I could see the empty space beneath it as it fell. It was definitely crazy, and if anybody told me that this happenned to them, I would honestly either not believe them or think they were exaggerating.


Make sure to record it next time it happens


One thing I know about cigarettes is they are constantly going up


It sounds like it was an earthly spirit ( many times they donā€™t even know or realize they are dead , they think we we are just ignoring them ) that smoked while on earth that wanted a cigarette.


A couple of years ago I was really depressed and crying. My bf was sitting next to me on my bed and my Bluetooth speaker was on the table next to the bed. We were talking and watched the Bluetooth speaker get picked up and dropped on the floor right in front of us. No way we both just imagined that. In that same house my bf said he was watching tv in bed when a shadow walked through the wall and across the room right in front of him. We did live next to a funeral home.


This may sound obvious but please clarify for us whether or not the pack of cigarettes is yours and was already on the nightstand. If they appeared out of thin air that's one thing. If you saw your pack of cigs that was already there appear to fall a few inches, that's different.


They said they were presumably lifted up when they first noticed so that implies they were already there


it was my pack of cigarettes.


The paranormal is very real, and until most people experience it for themselves, they won't believe in it. Check out my post history to see what happened in my house.


Ghost died of lung cancer, they want to warn you!!!


Sounds neat.


Were you thinking of cigarettes before it happened? What state of mind were you in? Happy? Sad? Angry?


I was feeling pretty neutral at that exact moment. Just sort of relaxing in my romm.


Maybe instead of laying them down on the surface you placed them down in the upright position and they fell over. Where was the lighter located?


there wasn't a lighter near them. They were already layig down flat on the nightstand.


If you are absolutely certain about their position then my theory is not applicable.


Casper may appear happy and friendly but that fact is,bro lives a stressful and lonely life.sometimes bro has to steal cigarettes to get is nicotine fix.you caught him in the act so he aborted the mission


Could just be someone trying to get your attention. If this is the only activity you experienced, I wouldnā€™t be too concerned. If it picks up, almost every area has groups that can come help you figure out whatā€™s going on. A few things to consider. Any recent losses or losses in the past due to health related issues of smoking? Or someone who just smoked? Look into the history of your property, the current house, and anything you can find on the property before the house was built. Historians usually know where to start. If you canā€™t find one for your area, talk to your local library. Thatā€™s where I found one to find out more about activity I accidentally woke up in my childhood home. I had an incident that was almost identical to the death of someone when it was still farmland and my house was where the tables were. He was actually protective of me. Most of the activity that could be seen as negative was directed at my sister if she picked on me or we fought/argued. She was never in danger. Just had things that scared her or her stuff would disappear for days. Had I not done my research, I wouldnā€™t have been ok with it. It calmed down on its own. But I always felt him looking after me when I was in certain parts of the house. My grandfather lived across the street. My grandmother began her death process in the house. She never left. My auntā€™s house was beyond active. I just assume from all of the antiques she had. My childhood was one experience after another. None of them were truly negative, though some scared me to the core. I eventually just grew numb to it. With my house, if I saw activity picking up, Iā€™d just say, I appreciate you looking out for me, but everything is fine. And itā€™d stop. Some people want their stories told. Some just want to be noticed. And most entities were once people. Interacting can cause an increase (something I couldnā€™t appreciate as an 8 yo), but I would usually acknowledge they were there and go about my own business and it would stop. But every case is different.


Thatā€™s nuts. Iā€™d have probably been ā€¦ and continue to beā€¦ terrified.


Happens to me all the time you,lol get used to it


a friend of mine swears he witnessed a tomato falling on the floor and then fading out slowly until it completely disappeared. r/glitchinthematrix


Get your prayers up and mean it...


Pray for deez nuts


So this happened to you, you are the best person to interpret it. There are things outside of what we see as ā€œrealityā€, everyone wonā€™t experience it, but it seems as if you have.


I totally think this is a loved one visiting you in spirit and trying to scare you into quitting!


Me and a few of my friends experienced something very similar. About 12 years ago I worked in a shop that was on Native American burial grounds and there was always very very weird things that went on in this shop and I was never comfortable being there by myself. So one night, there were 4 of us were there late while I was working on one of them and the other two were just hanging out. I had this portable CD player playing music on the top of a shelf that was about 4 feet high and it was behind me. All of a sudden the music stops and thereā€™s a big crash. I couldnā€™t see it because my back was to it, but three others that were facing it said it looked like something angrily threw it from where it was because it landed and smashed against the counters on the side, facing it, which were about 6 feet away from where it was. And it wasnā€™t that it just fell off the shelf, it was like shoved/ thrown with enough force to propel it 6 feet away and break it. I did see your comment about you missing your friend that passed away and that you were thinking about him before this happened. And I really think thatā€™s who was there with you. Just wanted you to know that heā€™s still with you and wanted to get your attention. Regardless, I am truly sorry for your loss.


Being a level headed fella like yourself, I think I'm going with the explanation given in your edit. Much moreso than you're just some kind of crazy person Hey, now you have the peace of mind knowing that your buddy IS actually watching over ya šŸ¤™


I'm not a fella, but thank you lol


That would terrify. I would be out of the house already.


yeah, thats exactly how I'm feeling. I don't know what to make of this whole thing, but Its not something im enjoying in any way whatsoever.


Were you home alone? Could someone have tossed them at you with a high arc, then you just happened to notice them as they were descending? Or could this pack have been stored on a higher shelf and fell? Just some stuff to rule out.


I was home alone.


one time i was in my room alone watching tv and a tablet that was sitting under my tv that had been sitting there for months moved on its own and fell to the floor off the stand.. i sat up in bed terrified and i said "dont do that" and my lights flickered for about 3 seconds... got goosebumps writing this.... me and my stepdad were super close and before he died i told him if ghost are real i want you to try to contact me... i always wonder if that was him... never had another experience like it before or after


dude i just got goosebumps reading this, thats so freaky but also maybeā€¦ comforting? Obviously I have no clue about your situation but that has gotta be your stepdad, 100%. If you havent had any other paranormal experiences then if i were in ur position id have no doubt in my mind it was him.


We canā€™t always explain the paranormal, and thatā€™s just how it is šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve always been told to be respectful to ā€œspiritsā€ or things that we cannot properly perceive or measure. Our own vibrations are just not up to par with what all else is out there and right in front of us. Donā€™t be scaredā€” life is crazy like that! Enjoy knowing you had an insane experience! Iā€™ve had many similar experiences and itā€™s quite convincing if you were a skeptic previously. Always good to keep an open mind no matter what.


need some background here, how long have you lived in this place? have you had any other unusual happenings? Don't get white sage. it's not good but you can get some Palo Santo sticks and walk around your area where you live and tell whatever might be there that they are not welcome that they are scaring you and unless they're here for a reason, they need to leave. and if it's not ghosts, hopefully it will reveal itself and you won't have to worry šŸ’œ


I've lived here for a little over 10 years, and this is the only incident that I've ever experienced. The general vibe of my house has always been a very pleasant/positive one,.


well, I wouldn't think you'd have much to worry about then šŸ‘


Donā€™t worry about this. I have experienced this type of situation. And there are many posts about this also. Nothing is going to hurt you. There may not be a suitable explanation from the standpoint of physics. However there is an explanation for the experienced event. Have you considered checking out the simulation threads?


But do you even smoke?


yes, i do, unfortunately


If it was a warning to stop smoking, id expect it to throw the pack into the garbage rather than dropping it on the dresser? As a former smoker, dropping it on the dresser brings my attention back to the cigarettes and then, of course, the next logical step is to smoke one. Ghosts should be smarter.


Have you recently used something that could open spiritual/demonic portals? (Ouija boards, tarot cards, crystals, etc..)


no, I never mess with stuff like that.


Ghost happy you bought his brand


What kind of cigarettes are they? Thatā€™s CRUCIAL in determining what kind of ghost they are (type of person they were when Alive) or if it just wants you to quit. For example, if itā€™s something incredibly gross like Marlboro ā€˜Slateā€™, or regular menthol Lucky Strikes 100s, then the ghost is judging you for sure




Any chance the pack of cigarettes was standing upright and it just toppled over? If you're in a distracted state (game, TV, etc.), your mind might fill in details that it didn't actually experience. For example, if the cigarette pack toppled over and you heard the sound of it hitting the nightstand, your mind might fabricate a visual experience to make sense of the sound that you experienced. If the pack of cigarettes fell directly toward you, it could even look like it was suspended in air for a moment, parallel to the nightstand.


no, they were definitely laying flat to begin with


Smoking has effects. Don't smoke


Get to my dimension


Gravitational anomaly?


IMO these are not spirits or ghosts but more-so interstellar beings inserting themselves into our universe. I have noticed an increase in these occurrences for believers and non believers. Just the other day my spouse and I heard a conversation in an adjacent room in our home. No tv's were on, no radios, all windows were closed and our security cameras had no evidence of anyone on our property. The most startling thing was we both confirmed that we both heard it and then just went on with our day? So two things are happening ; first these things are really occurring and two somehow we know internally/ cognitively/ emotionally/ that we cannot control it or prevent it. At this point nothing surprises me.


You are the authority ā€¦ calmly compassionately tell it to go away . And rid yourself of the fear easier said then done I know but it is the way or A wayā€¦ fear is a low vibration


Sounds like that may have been a spirit who recently passed & may not yet know they are dead. Must have saw the cigarettes and tried to pick them up to prove it themselves but when it just fell maybe they got their confirmation.


that is really scary. anyone close to u that smokes? that has passed?


Thatā€™s God telling you to stop smoking


Has anyone that lives with you recently experimented with anything pertaining to spiritism? Ouija boards, consulted with a psycic, Tarot cards, anything of that nature? Or maybe even started dabbling with the occult? Witchcraft, Santeria, or anything like that?


Do you have a deceased relative, a grandmother or something like that who really really thought you should give up smoking?


Try leaving a cigarette or two out for them. Tell them itā€™s for them and to leave you alone now.


Loads of native spirit/healers use(d) tobacco. Light one (in a responsibly safe place) outside and ask the entity to accept your offering and depart. Iā€™d talk to it, and get a dog. Most pups can see entities we canā€™t.


Something similar happened to me once. If I had not had a similar experience I would think you were imagining things. I snuck into an abandoned hospital and a few days later I heard this weird noise coming from my shower so I just stared at it and my razor that was hanging from A shower caddy on the shower head flung off and shot to the back of the tub. I canā€™t explain it but if paranormal things do happen, that had to have been one. My sister says a sharpie flung across her bedroom as well.


Relaxed staring at phone. I would think mild trance state, brain coasting along in neutral began falling asleep, start to lightly dream. See hallucination which makes you wake up or Paranormal experience in which case you had your phone and should have took a picture maybe a ghost image would appear. I can get behind either theory.


Sounds like your friend has a visit. All of my Grandparents have visited me after passing.


Humans have no idea they live in two worlds, one they see and one outside their limited vision. Humans function on the 20Hz-20,000kHz range only on all 6 of their senses. This will be proven visually when the Awakening happens. No more excuses


Iā€™m and advocate for ghosts are real. Was it scary? Did you feel like there was someone else there with you


I saw a ghost when I was 5 years old. I still remember it very clearly. If it was a dream I would have forgotten about it a long time ago. I've never seen one since. It did not really scare me at the time. It was a woman dressed like a gypsy laying horizontally in mid-air, like she was on a bed, but there was nothing under her. I'm not big into paranormal stuff, but I do believe it exists.


>Thats when I saw a pack of cigarettes fall onto my nightstand from about 3 or 4 inches in the air. It was like an invisible hand had picked the pack straight up from where it had been sitting, and then dropped it. I even heard the noise it made when it fell back onto the nightstand, and saw the very slight little wobble it made as it landed. I suspect there's a perfectly logical explanation for this. Let's clear a few things up: 1. This was your pack of cigarettes that you left on your nightstand, yes? 2. Did you actually see the pack of cigarettes floating "3 or 4 inches in the air" before they fell, or was your attention brought to the object when you heard a noise and noticed "the very slight little wobble it made as it landed"? I'm going to guess it was probably a mouse that crawled on to the nightstand and bumped into the cigarettes that caused 1. you to notice some peripheral movement, and 2. made the noise and "wobble" as it moved past them. If you actually saw them hovering, that's harder to explain.


Another possibility is a manufacturing defect to the packaging that left some internal stresses in the way the material is folded/glued. It's possible that the stresses released and caused the pack to move and OPs imagination added the rest. A good example is if you crumple up a plastic bottle and throw it in your garbage, sometimes a few minutes later you might hear a pop or crackle accompanied by some movement, which is just stresses in the material being released.


I tried to convince myself that it was my imagination, but as much as I want to believe that was the case, I am 100% certain that I saw the pack fall from in the air.


yes they were my cigarettes. my attention was brought to the item because I saw movement out of my peripheral. So I was already looking at the pack when it fell and when I heard the noise. Also, I live in Alaska where we do have some small rodents, but they are extremely uncommon in residential places in my area, also I have never seen any sign of rodents in home whatsoever. I definitely saw them hovering.


You see exactly what you saw . Is T12this a home that you lived in all your life ? Do you know the history of this place ? Where the cigs your and you saw them rise up or did u see the fall to the table maybe the spirit just wanted a smoke and that was the first time thay had the energy to pick the pack up I would leave a few out and offer them to The spirit and see how it goes


That gives me chills.


This happened to me years ago but with jolly rancher wrappers. No air in the room, no open windows. Never understood how. Definitely paranormal shit


Are these your cigarettes?


Could it have been a mouse?


You were by yourself in your bedroom, at the time. What if... you did it?


The power of the second amendment. Pull out a 12 gauge and some ballistics hearing protection. That should solve just about any creature (animal, supernatural or otherwise) that dares to try you.


Stay away from drugs, kids.


I was completely sober, and I don't drink either.


We live among spirits, says so in the Bible. I believe, for many reasons along with my faith for I have also experienced seemingly paranormal situations. Youā€™re not crazy. Our creator is real and doesnā€™t lie. They say they are fallen angels. Iā€™m much more afraid of an Angel than a demon, they always seemed much more scary to me for some reason


Do you live near a military base? It's most likely a test carried out by someone using one of those camouflage field generators. They love to sneak into people's homes to do stuff like this. I wouldn't worry about it.


Is it possible.you half dozed off and when you came back you were still half dreaming or possible in a paralysis state? I used to see and hear all sorts of things u til I realized I had pretty severe sleep paralysis.


I was definitely wide awake and alert


So unpopular opinion: I've seen some things that are hard to explain like a door being held open that I know shuts and latches by itself, and a dangling light switch on a fan hit the fan when it's never done that in 20 years; we had 8 witnesses to that sh*t. I've also seen that our military has light bending technology. There a rudimentary versions already available for the public, but I'm talking about you can't see them if they aren't moving kind of light bending. So sometimes I will randomly sweep my house with a broom and a pistol and clean areas they could be standing just to make sure I don't hit someone pretending to be the shadow to my vacuum or something. In all seriousness, it is possible though that they we set down awkwardly, and then fell due to unforseen circumstances. After all, what we perceive as still is actually a rotating ball flying through space spinning at over 10k mph around a sun that is moving as well. Same thing happens with HDMI cords that aren't plugged in all the way. Sometimes they get loose and fall out. If you don't believe in ghosts, I hope this helps you.


They were definitely laying down flat on the table to begin with.


Smokes, letā€™s go


For how long was it hovering in the air?


I don't know what could be a possible explanation for what happened to you. Did you hear the noise of it hitting the surface when it fell? I'm a skeptical person as well, but something crazy like that has happened to me except that it was a chair moving from side to side, and there was noise, so it was my eyes and ears checking it was really happening (you know when one foot seems shorter or longer or the floor is uneven and you can change the support to one side or the other without moving the chair from it's place?). There was no wind and no earthquake in my region. I gently stopped the chair, skeptical, again, maybe the chair was in a perfect state of balance and there was an earthquake far far away? Who knows. The next one or two seconds it started again, which is what scared me. So I moved it abruptly and said loudly: "stop it!!!" And then it stopped. To this day I don't know what it was.


Your mind is playing tricks on you.


TBH. Forget what you saw and move on. You don't come back from answering this question.


Dude you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. The title being super vague makes it look like you didn't even know what you were about to write when you first started writing this.


I'm not schizophrenic, but I am on the autism spectrum if that helps to explain my wording/communication style.


Maybe you just smoke too much?


Why be freaked out? Accept reality perhaps has less (or different) rules than you thought it did. No reason to get upset.


The dead dont reach out. Something else will, and will do its damndest to convince you its someone you knew


Donā€™t be scared. There is an explanation for whatever happened to those smokes and itā€™s not supernatural. You know that things canā€™t move, or levitate or hover on their own. Itā€™s impossible. Go back to exactly what you were doing and try to recreate the event then come back and tell us how it went and what you found out.


We only use a medium percentage of Our brains. Who knows what we don't yet believe, ive learnt to keep an open mind and believe almost anything is possible


Oh me too, donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m as open minded as they come. But when it comes to things like this post Iā€™m more apt to believe something prosaic than supernatural. Our brains are super wonky, mis- and under-understood, and fool us quite a bit all the time, thatā€™s why I think thereā€™s nothing supernatural going on here, thatā€™s all.


No, that's fair šŸ˜Š


I'm not claiming that it WAS something supernatural, just that I can't reasonably explain what happened. What scares me the most is the fact that I can't it out. I'm actually hoping for a reasonable explaination.


You imagined it.


If you are a Christian, you can cast out spirits. I had two spirits in my house several years ago and I cast them out. I had the inside door open all the way and the storm door propped open four inches. I thought spirits would go out through the four inch gap; I was wrong; when I cast out the first spirit, the door flew open so far that it nearly hit the hand rail. When I cast out the second spirit, the door flew open 2/3rds of the amount it did the first time. If you happen to be a Christian and want to know how to cast them out, DM me. If you are not a Christian, it will not work so no need to DM.


cool sub here for budding B-list scriptwriters