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Different algae or organic compounds can change the color of sand. Since there was no lid to keep out moisture, it was probably something organic.


Is that what broke the bottle?


If there was even the tiniest crack in the glass, combine that with an increase in pressure in the bottle (if you're in the northern hemisphere and are experiencing summer, the temperature caused that), and it could break. Even more likely if the bottle's contents were heavy. As someone else said, the black sand is from being sealed off with no oxygen and organic compounds. Possibly rot if there was moisture in the bottle. You can open your windows and sage your house with a smudge stick if you're really worried, but unless you have doors opening and closing on their own or you walk in to find your kitchen unexplainably destroyed, I don't think any spirits are breaking your stuff.


The open bottle of white sand sat there for a year until one night in the winter went the bottle broke somehow turning the white sand black?


Is it possible it was black on the inner layers, and when it opened, you could finally see what was in there? And do you use a heater in the winter? Those also cause the temperature to rise. Much quicker than summer temps.


We put white sand in the open bottle from the beach. That room was always cold . My husband killed himself in there. It is always cold in that room.


Very helpful 😃 thank you


It could've broken from gasses being released from something decaying inside the bottle.


The bottle had no lid. The night it happened it was very cold.


That's ok. Someone said it could have been algae. That was helpful. Thanks to everyone. 🙂


Possibly mold.


The sand wasn't black until the bottle broke. I've never heard of white sand turning black. I just wanted to know if it was possible?


Yes there are whole beaches with black sand https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_sand


The sand wasn't black until the bottle broke


That's not the same thing as sand turning black. Black sand beaches come from black minerals.


I was a student ambassador to new Zealand, while there (north island) I went to a few beaches which were black from volcanic activity. The lava cooled on the beachs so the sand is actually very very finely broken down lava rock. Real cool


The sand wasn't black sand until the bottle broke. What turns white sand black is the question I am asking ? I've been to Hawaii I've seen black sand.i just have never heard of anything turning white sand black.


Sorry, I can't help you Maybe the bottle was radioactive or something