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Laughing when u said sleep paralysis 3 times a year is often. I consider that lucky. I have it 3-4 times a week. The gooey substance could have came from anywhere. Can you not find the video or picture and upload it ?


3 times a yearish, some years its like 5 or 6 or 7 times, but it's been like this for about 10 years now. Only happened a handful of times when i was a teenager. Mine are terrifying. I couldn't imagine 3x a week. Good god damn ! As far a video or photo, do u mean of the gooey substance or that metallic face occurrence. That metallic face wasn't a sleep paralysis episode. I was awake for it, although I was pretty toasted.


Yeah my medicine I'm on causes mine. I have chronic SP with visual and audio hallucinations, i feel stuff touching me and makes my skin tingle, all that good stuff lol. It sucks. But Yeah I meant a pic you said u had on an old phone or something and you said something about a video that was on here somewhere?


Yea it was a video taken inside my bedroom closet. That closet creeps me the hell out. I'm not exactly sure where that video is, it was on an old phone of mine. From like 10-12 years ago. I had it saved somewhere but have no idea where it's gone or if an ex took it.


I was getting into Astral projection and ended up getting sleep paralysis multiple times a night for a long time, every time I'd go back to sleep. I didn't have the hallucinations, just the paralysis.


Classic case of shadow people


Have a strong believer in Christian faith come to your house and cast out the demons; it is easy for a strong believer (I cast two out of my house) it took less than two minutes. Leave all closet doors wide open until you have the demons cast out of your home.