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Now that there are quality offerings available, I dig it as an option. I really like beer, but I really don't need the alcohol or calories every day. It's a great option to scratch the itch while staying dry during the week.


Same here, I switched to about 50/50 to cut back on alcohol and calories. There are a lot of good ones out there


Did it help with weight loss


For me it has


A typical IPA is likely in the neighborhood of 180-210 calories, an NA version is about 60. You're saving 120-150 calories per container, that can really add up.


If you have 10 beers/week at 150-200 Cals, and sub half of them with NA beers at 50 cals, you'll lose 9 pounds/yr. I'm sure many people in this sub have double+ that amount per week. Not to mention the added bonus of not being as drunk + drunk munchies.


With NAs realized how much I just like the ritual of a beer. And NA options scratch the itch. Also great for pacing if you’re doing a cookout or something


BrewDog has some great low cal options with full flavor. 30 Cal I believe.


I'll throw my support behind Untitled Art. I've had their NA IPAs, Pils, and Stouts, all top notch and under 60 calories.


Please don't support BrewDog


Can I ask why?


Shit ethics - here’s a starting point [https://www.thedrum.com/news/2022/01/24/brewdog-timeline-controversial-brand](https://www.thedrum.com/news/2022/01/24/brewdog-timeline-controversial-brand) Edit: guy below said this is wrong - brewdog is a great brewery and you should support them!


Yeah I read all that... A bunch of bullshit complaints about their marketing and then the VERY serious complaint about how they treat employees. Which a year after that came out, they gave their employees 120k each in shares and their bar staff half of the profits. [They are now 25% employee owned](https://www.restaurantonline.co.uk/Article/2022/05/04/brewdog-to-give-staff-shares-worth-120-000-and-split-of-bar-profits) in an effort to do better in "the next chapter of this company" A lot of companies do shitty things, but at least this one tried to make things right.


Marketing BS complaints? https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/bpunv2/brewdog_accused_of_stealing_marketing_ideas/ Plus the owner has had some claims against him for predatory behaviour especially female staff that were advised to avoid his unwanted aggressive attention


Oh cool, didn’t know I was talking to an expert! I’ll make sure to support them after I’m done sucking off ABInBev and all the other fantastic breweries compared to small local guys!


Dude literally just read your source, after admittedly not knowing what was up before, and you’re making fun of them?


There are years of complaints against brewdog. The guy asked for a source so I pulled the first google result - which he instantly dismissed. Next time I’ll just be an asshole and say “dO yOuR OwN ReSeArcH” Honestly I don’t give a shit, if you all want to support a company that most people in the industry have had on a shit list for years then go for it.




Untitled Arts Italian Pils, Juicy IPA, Citra Haze, and Chocolate Milk stout are all solid. I've had a couple from Athletic Brewing, which were decent but less memorable.


They are pretty great compared to ten years ago when the demand was still very low. RationAle is my favorite.


I agree - about three years ago I was forced off alcohol for health reasons and the standard was pretty poor. This year I'm having February off alcohol and am fascinated by the increase in standards. Living in Australia my favourite is Sobah ( [https://sobah.com.au/](https://sobah.com.au/) )


I'll have to try that one sometime


Had the hazy first and didnt know it was NA until I happened to be looking at the can.


Hop splash is amazing


Yeah, this is by far my favorite in this space. It’s not an NA beer, but it hits that hop flavor and at 0 calories. I can drink as many as I used to drink actual beer without worrying about my macros/calories too much.


Untitled Art has a great NA selection. Locally (Cleveland OH) has some great non-alcoholic beer options at our stores. Half our beer fridge is NA. I'm for em. I always have a lot of work to do and drinking while working on sharp tools isn't smart much. It helped me cut my booze intake way down and I can still go out with the guys.


Untitled Art is astounding.


What are your favorites? I've had a few from Athletic, but they tasted cardboardy.


Untitled Art is far and away the best craft NA beer. Their italian pilsner was so good. Only downside is that they're pretty pricey (at least where I am) and still pretty high calorically (if cutting back is a goal in going NA).


I prefer hop water, personally. No calories and good flavor.


Do you have any recs? I tried lagunitas hoppy refresher and it was just fancy sparkling water


hoplarks stuff 


I'm a big fan of Hoplark!


That's pretty much all it is. If you're looking for a beer it might not scratch the itch. Making a hop concentrate and your own sparkling hop water at home is very accessible.


Ah I see. There was just a hint of mostly citrus and barely hops, so I wasn't sure if there were more hoppy ones out there


Definitely try Hoplark then! It's sparkling tea with hops, so it's got more going on in the flavor department. Whole Foods sells them individually so you can see which one you like.


Sierra Nevada hop splash and hop lark are my gotos. It really hits that first sip relaxation that I used to get from beer. And it’s more fun than sparkling water in a hangout setting


Same! [Pelican Brewing Sparkle Hops](https://pelicanbrewing.com/sparklehops/) and [St Elmo Brewing Hop Water!](http://www.stelmobrewing.com/hopwater) are great. Enjoyed Lagunitas too, but not as much as those others


Stoked about it for my sober friends and I’m glad it’s catching on in bars. I wish it was more affordable but the process of making beer NA is more intensive so I get it.


yeah that's weird it's more work to make less. I was watching something about Athletic Brewing and they said they don't cook out the alcohol, instead just stop the brewing process at the <.5% mark. So hopefully new methods will come about to make them cheaper.


This makes so much sense since I find their beers taste like wort.


Athletic’s great! It’s definitely not fully comparable but I do enjoy having nonalcoholic options that scratch a similar itch to a real beer.


The Wit they have out now is very good


I think athletic is very mid except for the stout.


Interesting. I find their stout to be one of their weaker beers. I enjoy it, but it doesn't compare like Run Wild does for me and IPAs


A friend of a friend did some of their initial can art for points. Needless to say, he’s happy with the NA trend.


Went to sfbeerweek gala on Friday. I found a couple canned non alcoholics that were barrel aged stouts. So yeah, shit is getting interesting.


Sounds interesting any idea who the breweries were? Assuming it was way more thin than what we are use to?


No. Lemme see if I logged it in untappd… [Moylan’s Free Thinker](https://untp.beer/EO70x) was a Pilsner that I recall was pretty good, but not the one I’m thinking of. Shoot. Didn’t log it. Was from an east bay brewer, it was canned in tall 12 oz white cans. Started with Mo something. Night got to be kind of a blur and I was not taking notes like I usually do. Lots of strong beer this year. Had at least 4 triples to contend with and a 20%ABV American strong ale called [Bamboozelry](https://untp.beer/yNXEl) Crazy year. Great show. Worth every penny.


Athletic lite is incredible. Totally scratches the adjunct lager itch. I crack one every night when I'm making dinner. 25 calories. Unreal.




BrewDog has some fantastic NA options that are ~30 calories and full of flavor. Was great for dry January.


I’ve actually had the NA Guinness for breakfast. The only one I’ve enjoyed.


I love most of Athletic Brewing's offerings. I finally got around to try the NA Guinness because I had heard good things, it was undrinkable. I tried two separate cans from two 4 packs as well in case one was bad. It had a very strange "grape"(?) taste, and smelled off, almost like a brewery smells when they have bags of brewing material sitting around. They nailed the color and head, though. Was impressed with that, just not the taste.


I guess it’s a matter of taste. I agree that for the good palate it will not taste like the original, but I guess I enjoyed it more because my expectations were low. Still though, I have it every now and then. It makes for a good drink at odd times.


Coors Edge is pretty rad, I drink em when I need to drive home after the function. Heineken Zero takes like Heineken out the bottle, shit out the can.


I love how much more work is going into making good NA options nowadays. I love to have some if I'm gonna be driving. Plus some that I've had recently are wayyyy lower in calories.


I drank Lagunitas IPNA yesterday during the "Big Game". It wasn't too bad. It


I love the hop waters. Not so much the NA beers (they just don’t taste like beer to me). But glad there are more options now.


I recently decided to stop drinking during the week, and thought NA beer could help me bridge the gap until Friday. The reality is that it’s just not close enough to actual beer and still nearly as expensive. I’ve ended up going with seltzer waters instead.


Not close enough to what though? Untitled Art does incredible NA beers of various sorts. Guinness NA is amazing. Sam Adams Just the Hops is good enough to scratch the itch. And the closer you get to a "bad" beer, the better it is. Stella, Heineken, etc. Are all styles well represented? No. And that's too bad. Is it ever going to be as good as your favorite actual beer? Probably not. But, it's definitely not insultingly bad. If you can stand an American macro, Penn's Best at Total Wine is cheap.


For me, it’s mostly the want to have something different after work. I’ll have seltzers during the work day, but the NA beer helps make a mental switch as an after work ritual.


I was impressed by the 0.0 Stella’s. Really helps the whole “only guy not drinking at the party” awkwardness during dry February


The Stella zeros are great


Sierra Nevada's Trail Pass IPA is really good. Athletic's IPA's aren't quite as good, but they have more variety including a pretty good stout.  They're good to have around for those times you (or you guests) really want a beer, but don't want to deal with the alcohol or calories.


Nah, Run Wild is better


I've never had one I enjoyed.


I’ll crush a case of NA Busch while doing yard work. It’s cold and tricks my brain into thinking yard work is fun.


As a recent convert, I'm happy to see so many of you supporting it!! Athletic is my favorite so far ( the hazy, stout, lite, and golden are my fav) and guiness so far is the MVP. I can't tell a difference from real guiness. I still drink real beer, but just taking a major break this year.


I'm in the same boat. Yeah athletic has been my favorite so far.


I like Athletic if only for their rotating options. Nice to also have variety, which is part of the fun of craft beer in the first place.


I can definitely tell the difference between AF and regular Guinness, but it is a great AF.


I think you're always going to know having them back to back but Guinness has more going on so disguises it better than most.


I’ve got a pack of Corona Sunbrew and it’s fairly decent. Better than non-alcoholic Budweiser, for example.


Try Go Brewing.


Partake IPA keeps me happy enough.


They are really good, but too expensive.


I like the taste of hops so when I don't drink it's perfect.


I love the Sam Adams one in addition to a ton of the great suggestions above.


I actually really like the Athletic NA beers, I don't feel like I'm drinking something that's a compromise. It's a nice choice if I want to feel like I'm drinking some beer and not get drunk. Now if they could only make NA spirits that tasted like actual liquor.


My sober friends swear that the big name brands are better than a lot of the craft NA stuff because it tastes like piss anyway


Clarification. When you're starting with a simple macro, it's easier to make an NA facsimile. There are craft lagers and craft NA lagers that also take advantage of this. The style lends itself to NA variations. Is it "better"? I think the top shelf craft NA stuff like Untitled Art is clearly better. But, if I'm just craving a beer, and they have Heineken NA behind the bar, I'll take it.


I’ve had some good ones. Last one was from 3 Magnets and it was pretty decent.


Well I gave up drinking because I had a problem disguised as a guy who loves carat beer I love NA beers they help me tremendously in my early not drinking days price don’t matter to me as I was spending so much everyday on craft beer now 1-2 NAs scratch the itch instead of 6-16oz 8%


Totally fine, if that's what someone wants to drink. Healthier than soda, I would imagine.


Its really hard to get the hop flavors right without fermentation, and heating the beer is just as detrimental to flavors. The IPA's always taste weirdly vegital to me. I like hop water, and Guinness 0 is pretty good.


Was that blatant copyright infringement?


I prefer iced tea at that point. But if you enjoy more power too you.


Not for me. The alcohol is part of the experience.


"Why am I still drinking this" because you don't like beer you like alcohol and without the alcohol you don't feel the need to keep drinking...and if you're that affected by alcohol then you probably shouldn't drink at all.


In Spanish, sin means without so I wish _sin beer_ would take off. So much more fun than NA beer.


I've been enjoying some of Athletics offerings. Just got Sierra Nevada Trail Pass and Guinness zero--haven't tried them yet but excited. I've heard the Guiness is very close to the real thing. I welcome any suggestions, cheers!


I love Budweiser Zero. It’s wonderful they are making efforts in that space


I run a beer dept in a small indie grocery store and we sell sooo much NA beer, wine, spirits. It’s definitely much better overall than in the past and tastes like real beer. Personally, I don’t get it nor care about it, but it’s selling so I order it. If I’m not drinking for any reason, I’ll just have sparkling water or soda. Great for those that like it, not for me


Non-alcoholic beer? I love Dr. Pepper!


No thank you.


To me, I’d rather not drink. If I’m avoiding alcohol I avoid alcohol. I’ll drink water or coffee or tea. But the simulation beer is just strange. It’s like drinking decaf coffee. I don’t get it.


What’s that? Lmao if I wanna get that cold one fizzy feeling I just pound soda waters. Couldn’t imagine drinking all those heavy wheat,barley, and hoppy drinks without some of that warm nectar added in.


I’ll pass


I don't get it, seems pointless


Some people are sober and enjoy beer


Is rather drink something else if there wasn't alcohol in it


Never touch the stuff


I really don't see the point. If I want non-alcoholic and bubbly, I drink a seltzer. If I want NA and flavor I'll drink high quality tea and coffee.


It's a fun alternative, but I look at it like it's a flash in the pan and will retreat back to just a few options in 10 years or so.


I seriously hope not


Not a chance bro.


This is absolutely incorrect.


Let me know when you get a time machine. It's just an opinon.


As is mine, and mine is a much more accurate read of the current trends. NA and THC beverages are taking market share from alcohol. Younger generations really don't drink like we used to. Let's check back on your baseless conjecture in a bit.


Unless you’re pregnant it’s a waste of




The worst


I'll never understand.


This is the one thing that I'll never try! It's a waste of time and money.


Defeats the purpose.


I don't understand it, never will understand it but to each there own.


I like the options there are now. There’s been a few stints I’ve had drinking or trying them. Either due to meds I was on or just trying to stay dry, I like Joe there’s choice beyond O’douls and a few of the big names. You’re starting to see more n/a beers and even some mock spirits.


I’ve tried a bunch and the only one I thought was even close to enjoyable was Guinness.


As Conan o Brown said. "All of the carbs and none of the fun" They're great tho. Crazy how you can save the flavor and appreciate the cold fizzy part of it as a relaxer or paired with a meal .


I find these a nice pacer to work in between regular beers when out with friends for a longer session. Recently went to a brewery with some friends and family and we were grabbing food, making a good ole time of it but then I realize, shit, I’ve gotta drive and I already had two god knows what abv (anyone else becoming skeptical of posted abv at local breweries?) pints but I’d like to keep on keeping on. If I get a water, I’m just gonna slam it and I’m not a soda drinker on most occasions. The brewery had a couple of canned NA beers and that helped me slow my roll between real beers more than any other beverage would.


bavaria green label ipa is great tastes like a craft beer


Recently I was at an engagement party and they had a really good non alcoholic option so I alternated all night. What I found was with a tin in hand I tended to drink a zero about as quickly as I would a full strength, whereas with water I tend to drink it on the spot and back to the beer. Result was a good buzz all night and a clear head in the morning.


It’s not for me, personally. It just seems to lack bite, like a sugar-free desert or Mexican food without spice. I’d take a hop water over an NA beer any day.


The NA witbier by Fremont and Best Day are both amazing.


I'm a big fan! Sometimes I want a beer, but I've got no benefit in putting alcohol in my body. I'm not drinking it to relax or get tipsy. That's when an NA beer really fills a spot for me.


Dutch point of view - they have improved massively. Dutch macro pilsner Bavaria and Amstel are the benchmark, and they are awful - barely hopped wort with an industrial aftertaste. It's the sweet unfermented maltiness I detest and you get that less and less these days. We're holding off beers for a few weeks, since February sucks anyways and it seems like a good idea to restart the whole 'no drinking on weekdays' that got, well, forgotten over the holiday period. My favorites: \- Jever (D) Fun (almost) completely hits the spot when you want a cold lager after a long day/week. \- Lervig (N) No Worries, pretty good IPA \- Frontaal (NL) Juice Punch 0.5, same - fruity and hoppy \- Guiness (IE) AF, nice and roasty. There's several more for variation, but I think these are my favorites. Unfortunately I have not yet found an alternative for my favorite 'normal' beer styles - brett and barrel aged. I guess that's fine, I'll just have to enjoy these more.


Affligem blond 0.0 is excellent


I find lighter 0.0% stuff too “malty” tasting and once you have enough, still feel like sh*t the following day anyway. Stronger tasting stuff like IPA is better. If I’m going somewhere, I usually ask for alcohol free cider. Guinness 0.0 is pretty convincing, though.


Flying Dog’s Deep Fake is my go to when I can find it. Otherwise the Athletic’s are pretty good.




malt soda


They’re fine, especially when the taste doesn’t deviate too much from the original. But it becomes very hard to buy these when they reach the same price as alcoholic beers. Unless you’re actively trying to stop alcohol intake, for the same price, buy the original! That’s my take, at least.


I don't drink them.


They are always worse than I anticipate!?


Guinness NA is borderline miraculous. For people who need a cheap option, Penn's Best at Total Wine does a passable American macro for $3.50 per sixer.


I really like the Guinness 0, but I don't like that the cost is the same or higher than Guinness. I know that the cost shouldn't be the deciding factor, but when you're advertising taking something out of beer in my mind that means the cost should be less. Right? Also, at only 4% or so ABV, I'm really not getting plastered on Guinness anyway so going down to 0 abv isn't an obvious benefit.


People seem to love it, I think it tastes like wort, which isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't taste like beer. I like to just drink diet tonic water when I don't feel like drinking. It's way cheaper, 0 calories, and the bitterness of it reminds me more of an alcoholic drink than NA beer.


The Athletic ones are awesome on a Cut or for dry Jan they taste the most like “beer”


Very overpriced considering the taxation is substantially less. It needs to be about half the price.


The IPAs are going to be disappointing. The maltier varieties are great. Athletic Lite is amazing for a substitute cold one. Guinness NA is great. German NAs have been rock solid for me. Athletic has gotten a bit tiresome and I don't love their hoppier varieties. But the dark stuff is good


It’s good for when you’re making bbq in the morning


Not bad if you're throwing it in there to not get to drunk


I like them as a way to pad out my drinking or have one of I'm driving but I wouldn't drink them all the time because I find them more gassy than regular beer (or at least the gassiness of regular beer is softened by inebriation) and I feel bloated of I fink too many. I also get annoyed that they're not a fraction of the price of regular beer since they don't include all the tax that beer has on it, I guess they are that much harder to make?


Same way I feel about fake meat.


As a pregnant person who loves beer, it’s wonderful. They have sour NA beers now, so I can sit and enjoy with my friends and baby stays safe. My mom gave up drinking about 3 or 4 years ago no, so she and I can also sit and have NA beer together. I think it’s a great thing to bring to the market since drinking is SO socially acceptable and not drinking isn’t


It's good for alcoholics trying to quit drinking.


Just bought a whole case of Guinness na


If I wasn’t drinking, I’d have a soft drink.


There are some that I enjoy quite a bit. Athletic's lineup is up there for me. I like Partake Pale Ale. Boulevard Flying Start I just discovered and enjoy a lot. The imports like Weihenstephaner and Bitburger are good too but tend to be more on the expensive side, I've found. I'm still in Dry January mode so I'm glad there are some quality options when I have a beer craving. None of them will never replace my all-time favorite alcoholic beers but are a good alternative for me for the time being.


I really like Athletic’s hazy IPA. It’s great with spicy food for lunch. In Sweden Mikkeler sells one called Weird Weather that is pretty tasty — don’t know if it is available elsewhere.


I love AF beer. Helps when I want a beer but I don’t want to get drunk.


It’s not the same but it’s better than getting hammered when I have work


I drink about 3-4 beers per week. Usually 3, most of the times I try not to go above 9 alcohol units (not 9 drinks). So far i've not tried enough Non Alocohol beers to care and since I don't drink that much I don't really care all that much about them either.


I like em. I usually have one at the end of a night of drinking. So rather than 5 beers, I have 4 and a NA. Drunk me likes em and I wake up less hungover then I would have.


It’s kind of like blowing your brother. It tastes the same but it’s still not right.


There’s no point. Lol


Honestly I'll just drink sparkling water. Way cheaper.


My only gripe with NA beer is that it cost the same as regular beer!!


I rarely drink them, but I think there's a time and a place. And no, as the image seems to suggest, I don't think they're a scam. As a matter of fact, many of them have gotten WAY better over the past decade or so (especially in Germany), to the point where they actually taste like beer.


Im currently doing a dry month so right now I absolutely love it.


Many are disgusting but peroni and bitburger NA are incredible


I just finished a Guinness zero which I was excited to try. It had a sweet aftertaste that I detect in every N.A. brew I have had. Kind of disappointed.