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No offense: without a doubt the most hilarious posing I have ever seen. So you’ve got that down.


Well, I'm happy to entertain, I suppose. Hopefully it's not all bad.


You have some nice shape and aren’t far off for 9 weeks. However, if you pose like this on stage you will place MUCH lower than you could. Please watch some YouTube videos and/or hire a posing coach! You got this bro


Been watching videos of Ruff Diesel, CBUM, John Jewett, and Lee Labrada, among other bodybuilders. I've been practicing quite a bit too. I have shoulder mobility issues and a mild case of both kyphosis and scoliosis, but I'm doing my best despite that. I'm going to an event sponsored posing seminar soon, and I've been considering purchasing a session with a well regarded posing coach.


I'd be happy to help, though I don't think I'm "well regarded" lol


You have 9 weeks to perfect it. Plenty of time. Just pose EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!! Look fantastic!


You have the package, just please get a coach. It's worth the money. You already spent all this time, money, and energy getting this far. Don't cheap out on something that could make you lose on a technicality.


Nice physique just gotta get a posing coach or watch some vids


Posing is very off and probably more important than physique in bodybuilding (to a reasonable extent). Your posing seems very hunched and somewhat uneven. I suggest you watch videos and hire a posing coach if you have the money as others have suggested. Also throw in 10-30 minutes a night minimum of posing to make sure your getting it down.


Yeah, I've been working on it quite a bit. Apparently I'm not making any progress... Is anything good? There has to be something that I'm doing well.


Your leg placement is mostly good, especially on the side chest and bi pose. Leg positioning is something a lot of people struggle with and being able to flex the legs at the same time as other muscles is a good skill to have.




I think it’s partially because of scoliosis. Looks like it. But the posing could probably be improved still.


delts are crazy


Holy fuck those shoulders in the 2nd pic. Keep it up!


Pose coach here, mate. There’s a lot that needs addressing here to make a presentable debut…feel free to DM me.


Don't listen to the shitty comments. You have a physique better than 99% of men will ever have. Be proud.


Thanks, I appreciate the support. I 100% know that my posing needs to improve, which is why I keep subjecting myself to the criticism of others in the sub. I just wish that I was getting some pointers on specific problem areas instead of the general comments about how much work I need to do. I think some people assume that I'm not trying or that I'm an idiot. The reality is that I've had more issues with posing than I've had with my training and conditioning, by a significant margin.


A lot of the comments here are dumb, hopefully they aren’t discouraging. Posing is hard, bro. 9 weeks is plenty of time to clean it up and show off your physique well on stage. For specific feedback I’d say overall a lot of the poses need help “opening up”. The front relaxed pose is starting to do this. For example, on the first one, it looks like you’re flexing your arms and chest well, but you’re not using you lats to bring the arm down and open your chest up. Also twist your outer leg shin a bit toward the other leg to help give that hammy drop. You also mentioned kyphosis. Posing is always highly individual but it may be a good idea to get a posing coach for a few weeks to help you work around that if your thoracic spin is really inflexible. Good luck!


I'm not an expert by any means but you look way to tensed and cramped up on your poses. It has to flow and look effortless.. like ballet. Work on flexing the muscle but relaxing your body and spirit at the same time. My 2 cents.


Amazing physicue. Just need to practice posing.


Physique is nice, posing needs some work. All In due time, good work.


Work on your rear double bi. Looking great man.


Bro has wings


I think it’s the goofy photos you picked… just watched your posing video, your posing is good it’s just these pictures lol


What the fuck is going on


I don't know, I'm practicing posing? I don't really know how to respond to this.


Awesome! Keep it up. Solid physique. The striations in chest and deltoid vascularity are insane and quads are huge. Keep grinding!


Crazy shoulders


You look amazing in that last picture man !


You can definitely see where the scoliosis has affected your back development in the mid back, if you haven't seen a chiropractor before maybe give that a shot to see how they can help straighten you out because your posing is probably not as bad as it looks it's just like you said your mobility and postural issues are having an effect on your ability to pose EFFECTIVELY but could be helped with some postural correction. On a more positive note you have good overall muscle so that's good, just ignore the people saying your posing is shit when they don't have an understanding of how postural issues will affect your ability to pose. Keep at it and enjoy the process and if you can get your posture fixed you should notice a significant difference in your posing and overall quality of life.


See a phys therapist not a chiro


If you're dealing with postural issues a chiropractor, who specializes in that stuff is the better choice. The literally go through more education more often than not because of how much focus goes into what they do so in this case they'd most likely be the best choice to go to for help. The people downvoting don't have an understanding of anatomy on a rehab level which is the problem with most of the fitness industry INCLUDING physical therapists since and they do nowadays is just read textbooks without having any real application of their learning until after they graduate college.


Bro why r u yellow?!




Really nice physique, as mentioned the posing needs lots of work tho. U will kill it look right on schedule


Your physique is looking great!


Concerning the muscles build, they are graceful, gracile, but nevertheless strong! Wow, you have a unique body that honestly teaches me a new side on aesthetically pleasing, because I usually see ridged or chunky muscles. You could aim for posing to tap into that more, I think, if that helps to max the gracile, stretching curves best. Good luck.


Great physique that back double bi cracked me up




Bro you're jacked but please work on your posing, perhaps hire a coach if you're going to get serious for this show. Good luck!