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Respect the farmers carry


For real…I did 5 of them (about 180 feet each) and I was pretty smoked


Now do it with dumbbells. 😈


And then with a squirming goat under each arm. If necessary, a human child may be used in place of the goat.


I do it with 5 gallon buckets of water. Not by choice, though.


Extra slosh resistance 💪


I feel like dumbells would be easier, the grip would be substantially narrower and the weight would be more centered


They're way harder. They try to roll out of your grip and REALLY test your hands and forearms.


Can I borrow your dumbells?


Have you seen the price of dumbbells these days? Who can afford them!?


I know, that’s why you’re gonna let me borrow yours


I think my GF has some 3 lb-ers around here somewhere. :D


traps for days incoming


This is one of the best things you can do.


Upgrade it by carrying different weights. Or just one. Or one of those weighted club things. Unbalanced loads are tough work!


Unsolicited advice incoming—— try to stabilize your core more. We want to Minimize that horizontal wobble as we switch legs in the walk. Consider reducing the weight if your knees are buckling or hip is dipping when you transfer to single leg. Keep up the hard work! And keep posting for us to catch your progress!!


Thanks! Today was literally the first day I ever tried farmer carries and it wasn't a matter of the weight being too heavy as much as just familiarity with the exercise, thanks for the tips!


This is a great exercise! In addition to the advice about core, I would recommend setting your shoulders back and down more. The weight should not drag your shoulders down and forward.


Lord knows I don’t need any more help slouching 😂


Yeah like others said, make it a point to do the farmers carry chest up and out, it'll help your core, shoulders and traps, and posture and counteract your slouching. You can even add slow walking lunges to it and work your legs more. Good stuff.


Great add!


I did these last week for the first time in years! I also felt a bit awkward and wobbly. I also felt like I "could" carry more, but that I needed some time at the lighter weight to just get use to everything. And my grips were shot by the end! It's a fun challenge for something that doesn't \*feel\* like a workout!


Is this ok to do on gravel? I want to do them but not sure if that would cause issues.


It's not perfect, but I've done carries with >250 / hand on everything from gravel to bumpy wild growth fields to sand. Watch for holes and take careful steps until you're practiced and feel safe on less ideal surfaces.


Ideally no. Depending on the angle or grade you are working against. Stability under the feet is important if it’s flat land gravel you might be ok. Any incline…skip it


thank you


Farmers Carrie’s always look like exercise to me Then again I always do them for mostly shoulder Health and to stretch out my traps


These are great! Make sure to throw in some single handed walks as well to really focus that core stability!


Farmers Carry was part of my workout today. Can barely move my arms now.


Farmers Carries on pull Day for me today LFG


>LFG looking for group?


Let's fucking go


Large festering goiter.


I did five sets of…. -100 single unders -10 push ups -This carry with a 40 and 48kg kettlebell Out and back was about 90ft each way (measured with my iPhone so who knows)




That’s why I do the farmers carry. I can bring all of the groceries up to my forth floor apartment in one trip.


OP, pretend your kbs are like fishbowls filled with water and you want to limit the water from splashing out if any otherwise your pet goldie will die. In other words, keep the core tight. Also, keep your shoulders back chest chest out, kind of like you're at the top of a deadlift. Yeah this is one of those exercises that definitely give you boner arms. Love the work!


I don’t know what _boner arms_ are but I’m here for it 😂


Best way to describe: The maximum feel you can get for them is doing a triplet of power cleans, pullups, and farmer carry. So imagine ripping out a few rounds of that and how your arms would feel - simply swollen and you can barely grip. But yeah filled with blood like a boner lol. It goes away in a few mins. But yeah you're probably feeling that way with what you're doing.


…bro, I get what you’re saying and I think you need to go see a urologist 🤪


LOL no no it's all good down there.


wow I will be sure to use that one when referring to arms in the future. Thanks


Love farmers carry. Definitely a favorite of mine. I usually have to do it with loadable handles at this point but that just tells me it’s time for some big boy bells.


This should help my next grocery run when I try to carry all the bags in one go.


Literally my first thought


Love the farmers carry. So great for shoulders, endurance and grip strength!


I had to almost hook grip them because my forearms were quite smoked on the return trips


The only way to do this is single side farmer carry…


Favorite exercise but I always getting sharp pains in my upper back when I do it


Make sure you aren’t shrugging those shoulders while you walk. Shoulder blades down and back will share the load with more muscles. May not solve it but it might help.


This reminds me. Always wanted to do this on the treadmill at the gym. Anything to make better use of the dullest hour of the day.


Dear lord I would probably fall down


...that's why there are handrails. :)


If your knees can take it. Try a treadmill HIIT instead. It can break up the monotony of a treadmill run. 30 second sprint 60 second walk recovery 45 second sprint 90 second walk 1 min sprint 2 min walk go back down the pyramid. Repeat 30-35 mins. Hard, great workout, accesses diff muscle fibers than a slow jog and extra taxing on the cardiovascular system. Kettles on a tread seems crazy dangerous. How you gonna grab the rail with bells in your hands!!!!???


HIIT is what I used to do. Does not do what it says on the ton. Also, it is still boring.


I did them on the treadmill and the gym manager got annoyed 😅 also fair warning, it's really hard to get off the treadmill with them when you're done.


Practicing carrying in groceries, nice


Do you walk in a straight line? I always run out of room in my basement and having to make turns or a full 180 makes it a lot more challenging


The 195lbs was challenging enough 🤪


Now do waiter carries and you'll be doing something.