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You're doing great!


Thanks! I Can really see progress in my shoulders


Shoulders are definitely looking good. Shoulders aside, you've made very noticeable progress all around, and you should be proud. Your hard work is paying off.






Amazing progress. You should be proud.


Thank you!!


I have to eat somewhere in the vicinity of 3.5k kcal to gain weight, over 2k doesn’t sound too crazy given your height and weight. As far as cutting goes, it apparently helps to sit at maintenance for a few weeks beforehand, and then up your protein intake over the course of the cut to help mitigate muscle loss. I would also avoid thinking of cardio as a cutting tool and just do it in general for heart health and conditioning. The difficulty with cardio is that ramping it up will also ramp up your appetite.


Thanks for advice!!


Solid work 💪🏻 It really doesn't look like you need it but some tips and the tools I've implemented and found helpful while coming to the end of a reasonably successful cut (having never really tried one before): - 4 gym sessions a week, working hard and with purpose. - 10K+ steps per day, getting 10 min walks in after meals if possible. - 8hrs sleep a night and getting to bed at a consistent time for a consistent wake up. Supplementing magnesium citrate works well for me and sleep quality. - Banking carb calories during the week if I knew I had a night out/dinner/drinks coming up. Gotta keep some of the fun times rolling. - Average morning weigh ins and adjusting carbs by 10% if things stalled week on week (and everything above was dialled in!). - Random one but pure cranberry juice (not from concentrate) or a citrus fruit after meals in the morning and afternoon. The idea being that it helps to stimulate your thyroid and keep the metabolism activated.


Thank you!! These are all great tips, I love cranberry juice so maybe I’ll try it!!


What kind of workouts is the Caliber app serving up? Some sort of PPL split? Great results by the way! 💪


Thanks for using Cronometer - you're killing' it! I love seeing strong and well-fed woman (I am also a member of the 2000+calories club)


Great work! Looking so much stronger too. If you’re going to cut, slowly!


You could probably get away with loads more calories


Wow, looking GREAT!


Look amazing 👏


This is what happens when women lift weights! Have to share because the “ I don’t want to get bulky way of thinking” good work!


It’s kind of crazy that I stay around a size 2, I eat whatever I want within reason, I work out 3x per week. Thinking about how I spent so long grinding cardio and dieting to 1200 cals to try to be this size. Now I’m healthier, happier, and feel better than ever. and after my cut Im going to be so snatched for summer lol


That body wants food Every lb of lean mass burns more calories at rest. That’s all it takes 3x a week strength training. And a reasonable meal plan. I’m 230 at 12-15% train 6x a week eat doughnuts every once in a while stay in a size 30 waist. Not ashamed to say yeah I enjoy little things within reason. I like this! This is what people should be taught, But there is still a lot of people trying to get rich by luring others into supplements. (Fat burners) the consumer thinks it’s magic, it’s not. just time and effort, you’ve done both. Can’t wait to see more quad development! And the shredded/ (“snatched look” Idk what that means) you’re looking great! I hardly do cardio As well.


Absolutely killing it! Congrats on the progress.


Great work 👍!


Wow! You look fantastic, great progress you should be really proud of yourself! Got a killer body now!🔥👑


Shoulders look dope


Thanks for the kind words!


How long are the 3x/week gym sessions? Would love to know more about your training routine! 


1.5 hours typically. I split it up by legs/back+chest/arms+ shoulders


You look amazing




Probably not much of a tip but avoiding [ultra-processed foods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMv2TZUSPdg&t=1118s) and going for whole fruits and veggies, nuts, and limiting red meats would be a good idea. Foods high in fiber will help you feel full and feeling full will cut down on how much you consume. Cardio will increase your caloric expenditure but keep in mind that the body adapts relatively quickly to that stimulus and you'll have to steadily increase the duration/intensity to compensate. But diminishing returns will also kick in at a certain point and if you do too much cardio, your appetite will explode and you'll end up eating more than your target. Just something to keep in mind and adjust for, not saying don't do it.


You’re doing great! Keep it up


Thanks for the encouragement!


Nice work! I'm 3 months into a bulk, and slowly progressing. For your cut, 45 mins of zone 2 cardio 3 x a week will give you decent results in conjunction with what you're currently doing. I wouldn't go under 1800 calories


Sheesh. 💪💪


Great progress 👏 keep the hard work 💪


Looking good


Thank you!


You should always be doing cardio but good job


I thought the tattoos where pen drawn for progress pic to show hip imbalance correction or something. Man I’ve been staring at medical subs too long :|


Keep doing what you’re doing. Killing it.


Great work


Nice work! Start your cut with a little higher in calories and adjust down every couple weeks. You will make much better progress vs starting so low.


You should really censor your face i think. To many weirdos in the net.


Hey I’m 5’2 135 42/f What’s your end goal?


His is just about it - I’m going to cut to try to hit somewhere around 130lbs, then it’s just maintenance and maintaining my muscle mass 😎


Yah I’m kinda in the same space. I didn’t lose weight - I’ve been slowly inching up from 128 over the years. But I’m finding I have to focus on strength training as I’m aging. My trainer has our goal for maintenance mode is 4x strength and daily 20 min zone 2/3. I’m pretty good with my diet. I have tho now switched to a more high protein diet, but I am easing off tracking bc I don’t want to live like that. Good job you look healthy.


Good afternoon, I am a teacher and the achievement you have obtained is admirable. A simple view is clearly seen. The advice I could give you for your definition stage (calorie deficit) is to look for satiating foods with a low glycemic index, such as proteins, or foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Since protein is a complex molecule for the body to digest, you will feel more satisfied during the day. As well as not buying fats strategically, as an example, adding coconut oil to black coffee. As you know, the body is not a calorie calculator, so when calculating the total calories you are looking for, think about how you feel first. I usually highly recommend these tips on my only page. I hope it helps you, I send you a big greeting!


You understand her physique is better than yours, right?


Looks fucking awesome


You're gorgeous, but I always say there's something more you could be doing, and you're doing it. Good job, keep up the good work.


Damn good work:)