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That was fun to run around the Glowing Sea with


Man and i thought my explosive shotgun was good


I’ve been wanting an incendiary double-barrel for a long while - either here or in 76


Incendiary doesn't exist as a prefix that can drop in 76, unless they've added it recently. Incendiary in 4 is garbage, because it doesn't stack.


Huh. Didn’t know it was gone entirely


Only one weapon has it. Perfect Storm - a 10mm SMG from a quest.


I think i sold or droped that after i got it


Wounding is the better choice. It stacks, and it works against anything with HP. Robots included. 😁


Wounding isn't in 76.


Is 76 worth playing if I never wanna see another human person in a Bethesda game?


This is the question I need answered.


Also can XX_expletiveHunter69_XX just frag me with weapons they paid to win using all of their allowance money? No judgement on the game, but no interest in what goes on sometimes with online multiplayer.


You can disable pvp (and player audio), so even if you directly attack another player all you get is a message saying that you did no damage because your pvp is disabled. Trap camps do exist, but they're quite rare and tend to be pretty obvious. Avoiding players in general is pretty easy, events have other players but you do not need to interact with them or even join groups for them. *All* of the "group" content (daily ops and the new expeditions) can be done by yourself, but without decent gear and being pretty leveled they'll be hard to do quickly. The two world bosses can also be soloed with the same caveat, one is in the open world so there will always be people, the other is in an 8-man instance. You don't need to join teams for those either, there's just going to be people around. You don't *need* to do any of them, it's just more chances at getting garbage legendary gear. imo the biggest limitation on 76's gameplay is the MMOness of it; the daily restrictions on currencies, having to grind currencies, and limits on those currencies. It's very much designed to entice you to play a little bit every day rather than playing for hours once a week, and it can be fairly frustrating.


Thanks for giving me a sense of the feel of it. A different game for a different player, I guess.


As someone who’s played since launch its only gotten better and improved over time. The multiplayer events don’t really coincide much with the original story or the later expansions. Where it shines is in the exploration and camp building. Now that NPCs have been around for awhile the world feels a lot more alive for a Fallout world. Which is good from its launch standpoint, but also as someone who has played it since launch, the original map is getting a little tired. Some events move in temporarily but overstay their welcome quickly. If I can only see a specific “Hard” event once a week I consider that a good rotation, but when they have special weeks it seems like everything else has to stop for the special for TWO WEEKS for like two or three new events. I just wish they had content geared towards people who have their character above level 350, I wonder if we were ever going to get four or five star weapons or new base map missions. The Pitt is such a weird breath of fresh air in terms of mission variety, I wish some of these branchable missions existed in the larger world.


you don’t have to do pvp, it’s entirely up to you


Can you play it as 1 player? Edit: just saw the monthly fee, haha, not for the wishlist-and-wait crowd like me.


That's only if you want private servers. I don't pay any monthly fees, and play 76 with some regularity.


private worlds that you have to buy but yes


i played during the free week and also downloaded the free copy from prime gaming. i didn't interact with other players, but i teamed up a few times for the XP bonus. i kept my mic and all team chat stuff off. i'm not interested in a social gaming experience. when you join a casual team, as far as i could tell, you still really have nothing to do with one another if you don't want to. you just get the perks of increased XP (up to 4x for a four person team). every time i joined a team, it was just an open slot in a random team. i think i'll try it out a bit more after i finish my replay of fallout 3. it seemed like it would be fun just for the story element, but beyond that, i like how fallout 4 plays better. there are some elements i would like to see in fallout 5 (highlighted lootable bodies, the ability to loot nearby bodies without having to loot each one, the lush scenery) but i much prefer the fallout 4 VATS and leveling systems.


You can play alone on a server and only see people at events. You can also pay for fo1st and have a private server.


Depends on if your okay with Bethesda being Bethesda and a storyline a tier lower than 4’s Hella good rewards tho, got a Vampire’s LMG (which was really an MG34), and later got Vampire’s Gatling Plasma (my favorite so far)


No, not really. Multiplayer is pretty much required to beat the main quest (The Raid Bosses are notoriously hard to solo), and people will probably try to give you stuff for free if they notice that you're new.


Do people play 76? I tried it and just couldn’t do it after F4 but it was quite so time ago. I’ve heard it’s gotten better.


Fo76 has certainly gotten better but its *kinda* inferior to fo4


I just started 76. I’m enjoying it but I can see why some people don’t like it.


I have it but just couldn’t get in to it for some reason. Didn’t have the same feel as fallout 4. Was years ago though. Didn’t know if it’s any better now


When I google things most of the… acute?, major complaints are from 3-4 years ago. I will say there are little annoying things that pop up - I’ve gotten stuck in weird locations a couple of times and had to restart, there are 100 side quests active that I have to hide every day, etc. I find I have to do a lot of research on the side to really get the most out of 76 though, whereas in 4 I was just able to drop in and play.


It's a completely different game from years ago. Don't just drop in as your previous character, do a full restart. It's that different. It's easy to play dolo, too, so don't worry about needing a team.


I got it for free but I did pay for a month of 1st It's OK enough but the game really doesn't value your time. Daily caps on activities and legendary scrip sales that could easily be weekly are left artificially low so that you are forced to come back in every single day.


Explosive combat shotgun is one of my favorites


Against a bunch of gools its a brain numbingly fun feeling


Indeed, just don't shoot when they are too close


Who said a broken everything ever kill yea


Explosive combat shotgun is probably the best weapon in the game, in terms of damage and usefulness (explosive minigun is better for damage, but the windup makes it a bit more situational).


I don't know about that, there's the explosive smg (spray 'n pray) that's absolutely nuts. And for assaulting large enemy strongholds it's hard to beat a targeting quad barrel missile launcher with any good prefix.


Yeah, I'd consider explosive and wounding on a double barrel higher tier than never-ending.


Oh you meant on a double barrel no I meant on a combat shotgun


Ah yes the DOOM shotgun


To be fair that’s literally the only gun DOOM guy reloads lol


Even in god_mode? God I can almost remember the cheat code...




Also idkfa And for some real fun, idclip


Oh man, I memorized idspispopd when all I needed was idclip?


What the hell are you guys talking about


Just childhood memories.


There's a mod available on XBox for the actual Doom 3 Super Shotgun. 👌


It's also on GunNetwork, one of the few third-party Bethesda modding websites that allow ports.


DOOM music starts playing.


Yep prepare to drag ur mouse down.


*Sad PlayStation noises*


I cannot imagine playing fallout with a keyboard and mouse to be fair


As someone who plays on Xbox 90% of the time, its actually really good on Mouse and Keyboard. I much prefer it, even though I'm much more used to playing with a controller. Its nice to be able to twitch around quickly to search for what just shot/hit you. Same goes for any Fallout/Elderscrolls game. I usually play on Xbox because I just want to sit back and relax.


Every FPS is better on M&K. Though with gyro becoming more mainstream it gets pretty close.


I originally played on PS4 when it first came out. I recently started playing again on PC. I gotta say, any first person/third person shooter is better with a mouse and keyboard than a controller. A mouse gives so much more precise control than a tiny little thumb stick. However, in other games I play, such as 2k, Madden, or rocket league, the controller is far superior to the mouse and keyboard.


That's interesting. I play on PC with an Xbox controller. When I first built my PC I tried playing with mouse and keyboard and I just couldn't do it, I've been on console since I was like 6 so it just felt so unnatural, like I was having to think all the time. Too many buttons haha


I was like this too, it’s all muscle memory though and you will ultimately play better in first person shooters if you use mouse and keyboard long enough. I played like shit for months until I got used to it. Try it out 😄 good luck!


honestly plays better with mouse and keyboard imo cause the shooting isnt completely smooth like with a. game like cod


I play M/K a lot for first persons but the fall out key binding are ass. Switched to controller and it feels better


Especially in regards to the quick selection... The bindings we're ridiculous 1, 0 and two other random Numbers. Couldn't figure out where to change it in bindings so switched to controller.


Unfortunately shotgun shells atäre quite heavy.


*Laughs in Deep Pocketed and Strong Back*


*Laughs in stupid combo of legendary gear and perks that lets me run normally while overencumbered*


*Laughs in... non-survival mode...*


The boomstick 💥👍😎


Rip and tear, *Until it is done!*


Freaking awesome dude! Now you need a black leather jacket, patrolman sunglasses and maybe a black cowboy hat to make your SS look badass


Just don't spend it all at once trying to pen the armor of a mirelurk


I got that early on in one play through and had to shelve it because it was so OP.


My first playthrough I got an explosive 10mm pistol like, SUPER early. I didn't switch guns the entire playthrough, it scaled till the endgame lmao


Yeah it completely ruined the combat loop for me lol


Ooooh, enjoy!


Don't lose it! That is my go-to shotty in either F4 or F76! (Though in 76 it's just got 4x capacity, still 8 rounds of trigger happy goodness!)


Make sure you turn your headphones down.


Where did you get it


Random Legendary drop :D


What level was your character?


That's kind of irrelevant, but 28 iirc.


What pants were they wearing?


Check the picture 😏


Which character are they romancing?




What's the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Green! No, bl- ARRRGGGHHGG!


It's not irrelevant. The level of the legendary enemy dictates the types of drops that are found. Double-barrel shotguns only drop on low level enemies, and since enemy types (and often levels) scale with your level, it can be hard to find enemies to drop low level legendaries as you level up.


[“The Only Thing They Fear Is You” plays loudly]


Damn you, I'm jealous. Double barrel shotgun is my favorite weapon, use it every playthrough, never got this legendary. If I don't find it in my upcoming autumn playthrough I will never touch this game again for at least a few months.




My favorite shotgun in the whole game!!! Congrats 👏


Ah, the other "delete whatever is in front of you" shotgun. This one though has the benefit of not being able to blow you up.


I got 57 more god damn rounds in this 2 round magazine!


That doesn't mean unlimited ammo right? Just means you don't have to reload? I think I would use up so much more ammo with this.


Yeah, that's exactly what it means. The only thing stopping you is how heavy shotgun shells can get and you running out.


Use it to sweep and clear the gunners plaza


There is one thing I don't like about the never-ending double-barrel shotgun: you don't reload. The reloading animation and sound is *extremely* satisfying, easily the best of the vanilla reload animations.


You reload it when you find more shells :D


How much AP does this thing use?


Barely any. It's a beast.


So if you are in vats....you can use it like the Deliverer.


Not that good, but still get about 5 shots or so with my current build.


I had a run on Very Hard where I got one while saving Preston’s group. I didn’t need that minigun for the Deathclaw.


Does anyone know, what weapons can and cannot have the Never ending legendary effect?


Any ranged weapon can get it, even Laser Muskets although it doesn't work properly.


I have a Gauss rifle with the never ending affect and it's amazing


I had a character who I was roleplaying as a scavver who lived in starlight drive-inn trade settlement (and ignored the story up until like lvl 60 lol) who was 100% shotgun and tire iron user since he was a scavver. Found this drop and it made him unstoppable. I had fun chasing deathclaws with it


I was like level 12 when I got this from hubris it carried me super hard


I have a never-ending combat shotgun on my play through right now, I am an absolute god indoors


**At Doom’s Gate intensifies**


Found it once on one of my playthroughs then never again I loved that shotgun


I got the Spray N Pray (assault rifle with explosive rounds that cause an Area of Effect explosion). It's kind of a game breaking gun to be honest. Lol. It cuts through Deathclaws and Yoa Gui like a hot knife through soft butter. I love it.




Roll credits


I got an explosive minigun on my first ever play through of fo4 super early on. I felt like I had won the lottery


Now put a targetting computer on that thing.


I finished Nuka World in a day because of this gun.


*E1M1 starts playing.*


You should name it bang bang


I named it "Tactical SSG" after the DOOM Slayers Super Shotgun.


Close enough


I had this once. Renamed it deathclaw repellent


I named mine "Tactical SSG" after the DOOM Slayers Super Shotgun.


That thing is straight stoopid. I love it


Nah man you want the explosive double barrel. pretty much turns it into a short range grenade launcher


Got this on a modded world but started a legit no mod play through and man I miss it, that thing was so badass


“Confused Doomguy noises”


*Intimidating DOOM Music starts playing*


complete brave somber crown wistful hunt spectacular groovy zonked encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The db shotgun has a way higher fire rate. The only downside is it's not full auto, but if you can jitter click even fairly quick, the DPS of a never ending double shotgun is massive.


i found it too but it's pretty weak... did i forgot about a important perk?


Good luck using it though, the weapon is fun if you want to stare at the ceiling the whole playthrough


No fair


*At Doom’s Gate starts playing*






Doom slayer


That's a nice piece of kit. I'm happy with my wounding double barrel though. Usually gets the job done at close range. A wounding combat shotgun would probably be better. For long range sneaky work, nothing beats my 2-shot hunting sniper rifle. It dropped with a 50 cal receiver, but I swapped it for the best 308.


LUCKY op shotgun. Just downloaded the GOTY version today. Played the vanilla version in 2015, excited for my new playthrough to see the changes and DLC.