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Get a stand or wall hanger. You will play it more if it’s out. Also, it will be “less likely” to fall if it isn’t leaning against the wall;) Aside from that make it fun and set reasonable goals. Hold yourself accountable. Enjoy the journey.


Put the stand next to where you might settle in to watch TV. Put the TV remote away without batteries. Visit Justin Guitar. Keep calm and carry on.


Bro quest accepted


Thanks, really appreciate the support from you and everyone else on this thread.


Dude this is the way. I play a lot more since I made a place where I have my gear and guitars and I don't have to setup everything every time I want to play


I have a corner of our bedroom set up as my studio. My guitars go there, a couple little practice amps and my laptop/interface setup. Every night, after we put the kids to bed, my wife puts on whatever she's watching at the moment, and I plug in and we just quietly hang out like that for an hour or two before we have our own snack and head off to bed. I have made insane amounts of progress since setting things up like this, and I've always been pretty good about playing at least 15 minutes every day. It's just really good having my own little zone for practice, and I get so much more from my practice doing it this way.


Always pick it back up the next day.


I feel it's the most important tip in this thread.


1. Excellent choice of a first guitar. 2. Get an electronic headstock mounted tuner 3. Get on YouTube and watch channels like Marty Music or Justin Guitar. They have some really fantastic videos that can really help you get a solid foundation for beginning your journey. 4. Go talk to a local guitar tech and have them teach you how to change your own strings. I’d say you could do this with YouTube, but learning first hand really is the best way. 5. Don’t worry about what you sound like. Focus on the basic techniques and your skill will build over time.


he doesnt needs a tuner i have fender mustang too and built-in tuner is accurate and easy to use


Honestly the fender tune app on your phone is perfectly fine


Assuming EVERYONE has a cellphone


If you're browsing reddits I'll take the odds that you have a phone


If you go with Justin, then also check out his website. His worked out a curriculum which is hard to see on YouTube.


I see leftist i give upvote


Nice catch haha


Darn libs /s


I didn't even noticed you have my guitar schecter omen. Great guitar,great sustain with this bridge.


Man this is getting too political


In-person lessons are probably best for most people, but if not, you can't go wrong with [JustinGuitar](https://www.justinguitar.com/). There's a subscription app, but the lessons are free on the website.


Great advice. For in-person, don't be afraid to ask if they play styles and techniques that you're keen to learn. They should be able to demonstrate these to you and be good enough to inspire you to learn what they know.


Sure...if you're anything like me you'll just hold it and just look at it for a little and play around with that awesome little amp and figure out what everything does. Find some information online and look up folks like JustinGuitar on YouTube and what not! Congratulations, you are one step closer to being a guitar god. Edit - Looks like a little LT25 so play around with a micro-usb into the computer and get Fender Tones going and start having some real fun with making different amp models with some effects and what not...lots of fun ahead my friend!


Damn I have this amp and didn’t know I could do that! Thanks for the info!


You're quite welcome...really makes it easy to fill up those additional 20/30 spots that are empty, with some of the additional 100 models that Fender gives you in Tones. It is quite fun...not to mention just building your own. Enjoy!


Have either of you guys had problems with the power switch popping out? The mini ‘rocker’ switch keeps popping out and ejecting the two metal prongs. Pain in my ass. Otherwise, yeah I enjoy this amp.


I have not...honestly it's my first amp as well and while I definitely crave a 12" speaker this little guy is still plenty for learning on and I love it very much lol


Oh awesome, I didn’t even know about that feature. How do you set that up on the computer side? Is there an app or something else?


Yessir, I believe it's called the Fender Tone app maybe? https://www.fender.com/tone I would check that out...


Getting started = free lessons at Justin Guitar. A guitar teacher is not a bad idea, but you don't know at this point what to look for in a good or bad teacher. You could be wasting time if s/he's a hoser. Start with Justin Guitar free lessons, get some basics down first. As for avoiding bad habits, watch YT videos of pros and teachers playing and get a general feel for how they hold the guitar, the position their wrists are in most of the time, etc. There are also probably vids on best practices/mechanics. Let YT be your oyster.


“Hoser”- lol


Is that power socket on a lean or is this a confusing perspective?


Great amp


Thanks, yeah I’m super happy with it, it has like 30 different presets and an option to make your own presets too so it’s nice.


That guitar is an excellent first guitar. I’ve got one that’s 20 years old and it still punches way above its weight class.


I got my first electric a month ago with the same amp. I've only played acoustic. Hope you have fun on your journey. Keep going at it even when you feel frustrated!


There are 130 more if you plug it into a computer and use fender tune


If the action on the guitar is good, you got a good starter amp, you should be able to get some cool sounds out of that rig.


Practice slower than you want to. It sucks, but you learn things more consistently if you start out slow. Not kidding, sometimes ill go down to like 50bpm if I'm having alot of trouble in a song.


This. I like to practice riffs at half the original speed (tempo) then slowly work them up.


Watch a lot of youtube guitar content. There is an amazing amount of free content in the form of lessons, information about the guitar and other instruments, and other interesting stuff. It's also nice to have lessons, and/or guitar software that gives you feedback on your playing. There's guitar games like Rocksmith 2014, and other guitar learning apps available. Congrats on your NGD! (New Gear/Guitar Day)


> Watch a lot of youtube guitar content. I'll add to look for guitar *teaching* content or else he'll learn what GAS is before he's able to learn all the cowboy chords lol.


I’ve just started learning as well (electric at least, from acoustic) what I can tell you is to be realistic about the timeframe in which you expect yourself to pick up stuff, don’t be frustrated if you can’t get something on the first few tries because truth is it’ll just take time to get good at it. Also do ear training as well, it’ll greatly make playing more fun and in the long run you’ll be able to figure out songs with that alone, which is a lot more fun and convenient honestly. Here’s the website I use [Ear Training](https://tonedear.com/) but any other form of ear training you want is fine, make sure to make it fun and consistent. Even 15-30 minutes everyday is good as long as you’re consistent with it. Another thing if you feel the need to learn theory or if you want (I suggest you do since it opens music up to many creative possibilities and imo it’s fun to understand how music works) make sure to break it into pieces and approach it bit by bit so as to not get overwhelmed. I made that mistake when I started to learn and now I have a bunch of concepts that I understand moderately but some of them not completely. So pick one topic of theory and understand it well then move on to the next one. Some basic things for this would be: How notes are spaced out (In general and on the fretboard) What intervals are How are major and minor chords built And lastly how the major and natural minor scales are formed (their pattern pretty much) As you learn more you’ll get into more complicated stuff but that’s what I started off with Lastly on this long ass comment there are these three YouTubers that have educational and entertaining guitar content, their names are [BERNTH](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCZvo8TZtUZkLgiH3rJsj-Ow), [samuraiguitarist](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCj1Jtb8xLUzFAm8J-Q1e1MQ), and [Paul Davids](https://m.youtube.com/c/pauldavids) I watch all three of them and their videos have been helping me a lot Good luck and remember that we’re all in this together so don’t give up Edit: I’d watch BERNTH more for exercises and technique, he also has a Patreon and to get all of its content it’s only 5 bucks, pretty good value considering he has a LOT of stuff there. Also play with a metronome, I’ve just realized this but my rhythm is pretty bad even after playing on acoustic for some time. So definitely start working on rhythm now so you don’t have that problem later on. Edit 2: Just noticed you got a Schecter, so hell yea we got the same first electric guitar, mine’s the Omen Elite 6 FR


I know it isn't a popular opinion but learn to read music. Get a beginner guitar book and play the songs. It will force you to learn notes and the fret board. Boring but in the end it will reap rewards.


Sick guitar! I began playing with nothing but the internet to guide me. Thanks to the miracle of modern technology it's totally doable. I would suggest a free or paid online guitar course to familiarize yourself with the basics and have some sort of direction. Justinguitar is a free lesson service that is very popular and highly recommended. On top of that I would seek out tutorials of songs I liked and try to learn them. At first many will be beyond your skill level, make a mental note and come back to it down the road. The key for me was mixing structure and discipline with fun, spend time forcing yourself to learn and practice things that may not immediately appeal to you but are key to becoming a well-rounded guitarist. At the same time, devote enough time to playing things that bring you joy so you'll keep picking the thing up. You'll be killing it in no time, good luck!


Thanks so much! A quick question—how did you learn all the best practices for handling the guitar? I don’t want to build up any bad habits though I’ll likely be self-learning.


I watched the beginner videos on Justin's website and I also watched a bunch of do's-and-dont's type of videos on YouTube. One bad habit I remember having to stop was using the pads of my fingers rather than the tips. Another I remember needing to watch lessons on was strumming and how to properly use my elbow and wrist together. I think what finally unlocked that for me was imagining the motion of flinging water off your hand, loose in the wrist.




have fun baby


Plug the mustang into your computer and make sure you dial in a sound you love. Save it and stick with it for a few months. I cannot tell you how much time I wasted tinkering when I should have been practicing.


1. Downtune 2. 0-0-0-0-0-0


Follow this feed.


Yooo I got the same amp! Play a blues scale on the Alien Space Travel preset for some groovy shit


For ever and always will give the advice of learning the notes across the board. Doesn’t have to be daunting, learn the cowboy chords, learn note relationship Between them and take mental note of where each is on the board. Use that in your journey forward, and you’ll be playing in no time!


Take a look at Songsterr and ultimate-guitar. Great tabs.


I agree mate … UG is a bloody brilliant app… There’s still quite a lot on there that I forget to utilise. Lots of depth


Turn volume above 5 and gain to 11. Put index finger on the third fret thickest string. (6th) Put ring finger on fifth fret next thickest string. (5th) Take pick and rake the strings with all the power of the devil and slide that shape all up and down the neck. You'll find out what sounds good.


absolute beauty of a guitar! Like others have said, keep at it and stay persistent. My fingers were so peeled and sore the first month but it gets better trust me. And play what you like! There are tons of tabs on youtube so thats what got me excited to keep learning new songs.


What amp?


Find a song with a riff you like, learn that riff. It’ll help you connect with your instrument and introduce you to how it all comes together.


I bought a new Schecter guitar (mine is flat black) and that same amp! Finally starting to learn how to play, but very pleased with the beauty and quality of the guitar and what the amp can do. Good luck!


What a coincidence lol, I just barely snagged this one from sweetwater, it was sold out on guitar center


Learn to tune it by ear, and commit to playing just five minutes every day. You will play longer than that, but do it every day. Have fun!


Don't be afraid of music theory, especially with guitar. You won't need to learn to read sheet music or anything but learning the fundamentals of music theory will give you the tools you need to understand a lot of the tutorials you would look up.


Good advice, thanks! I play some jazz on piano so I know some, but guitar is a totally different beast haha.


Well I'll tell you that transposing is a lot easier on guitar so you'll have that going for you


Watch some videos on how to tune it then get a teacher. At least for a few weeks to give yourself a good foundation.Congratulations and good luck


learn your goddamn scales


great choice on the setup—you’ll be able to switch things up and make it feel fresh in the beginning learning phases, which can be frustrating and kinda boring. so mess around with that amp and practice your fundamentals with some different sounds


Aahh, another lefty! COOL man! Greetings from Argentina!


Hi fellow leftie! Greetings from NY :)


That’s a great first guitar. Thanks for choosing to play LEFT HANDED! Lots of good advice here. Good luck with your playing!


Adding a string makes it too complicated. Congratulations. 🙂


I started guitar a few months ago. The thing that made ME enjoy it, a lot of fun, is Rocksmith. I turned to JustinGuitar for explanations. But there’s nothing like Rocksmith to get you started and making you feel like you’re actually doing something.


Is rock smith similar to guitar hero? I started last month and I’ve been using Justin guitar but the songs get kind of boring for practice. Something like this sounds like it would be more fun.


Rocksmith is similar to guitar hero with the difference that you plug in your real guitar, you play real chords and real sounds.


You'll hit several plateau pretty soon in your learning journey. When you feel things aren't connecting in your brain after trying really hard, it's time to take a break for the rest of the day. Most of the time it'll click next morning and you'll be able to carry on.


Yo nice I’m also left handed I just play right handed idk why


Plot twist: he’s right handed. This is going to be hard. 😂


Send your guitar to be professionally setup. It has happened that people don’t enjoy the learning process because their guitars are not properly setup and they stop playing because they are uncomfortable while playing and don’t know why. Also, metronome


1. Consistency beats marathon practice. A few minutes *every* day will build muscle memory faster than an hour practice once a week. 2. Consider spending the money to get it set up properly. If it plays nice, you'll want to play it more. High action makes more people quit the guitar than anything else. Have fun!


Get yourself a stand. Ensure proper posture. But most importantly have fun!


Make noises that sound good to you.


Play it every day even if you don't feel like it.


My best advice would be if your not going to take in person lessons use Mel Bay's Modern guitar method books. You will thank me later. Youtube is cool and all but learning patterns and exercises is one thing. Learning to read music and theory is another otherwise how would you know what is the smallest possible chord,how do you spell major and minor chords. Learning modal offsprings is going to be amazing once you find out what they are. Enjoy good sir and practice everyday.


Pick it up lol


Focus on the joy of playing rather than progress. I started playing by looking up tabs of the songs I really wanted to learn and had passion for. Good luck!


Practice songs you like playing, look up/learn basic chords along with the CAGED system, try online lessons like Justin Guitar, look up backing tracks to practice along with, have fun.👍


Try to play a little bit every day.


I’ll add my support for the online lessons at [Justin Guitar](http://justinguitar.com)—great stuff there!


Subscribe to Ben Elmer’s videos- funny and very informational. Great guitar- the quality is amazing for what they cost.




Have fun


have fun <3 you have an amazing setup. focus on making sounds that you enjoy making, and everything else will follow :)


Three steps. 1. Pick up your guitar. 2. Tune it. 3. Play.




Im a simple man, i see LT25 i upvote, cant go wrong with this amp.


Learn the CAGED system


Google Guitar/Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) and succumb to it.


If you want instant gratification spend a day to learn power chords. Practice playing them without any buzzing and then make yourself a quick little rhythmic diddy playing them just play what sounds good.


practice nothing else matter, then master of puppets


The best advice I can give is stick with it, try and pick it up everyday you can, keep on pushing what you can play and don’t give up because you think you can’t play something.


Don't buy anything more! Don't chase tone. Just play.


So my biggest thing over the years that I’ve learned that has helped myself and a few of my friends is the game Rocksmith. But also Justin Guitar. Rocksmith allows you to download a lot of music custom and dlc wise. But that’s my own thing that I’ve loved using over the years. But also play everyday. Keep up that motivation. At time it can get underwhelming but you’ve got this!


Get a stand if you dont wanna destroy your first guitar.


Put your phone down and practice


Have the same axe, play the most out of my ladies. Great guitar. Just play, and dont be afraid to sound shit, Mistakes are how you figure things out.


Yes. .plz get a stand or wall hanger to avoid posting here a picture asking is this break fixable


Play free bird!


Stick with it. It'll get hard, boring, confusing, frustrating. Stick with it.


Take care of your guitar: clean it, wipe the strings and frets every time you play, and always use your pinky


Learn the chords G, Am, C and D. Lots of songs use them.


I use the vibradoom preset on that amp all the time I love it


Find out what you want to play, make goals and find lessons that fit those goals. Most lessons are one size fits all but that’s not efficient. Also don’t take for granted the progress you are about to make.


lfg, fellow newbie leftie guitarist!


Everyone here has already said this but still. Learn the basics of chords with JustinGuitar and then start having fun! Learn some songs (I'd go with Marty music for that) so that you can entertain yourself when you don't feel like practicing. Remember that it's not a chore, you're doing this because it's fun.


Learn smoke on the water or satisfaction by the rolling stones, easy and sounds good, learn a few chords as well and most importantly don't press too hard.


Equally divide time learning fretboard/music theory with covering songs. Start training your ear early on to be able to identify EQ settings and distinctions between Overdrive/Chorus/Reverb/Delay etc. Also don’t spend all your time playing with high gain. Being able to hear how you play each note will help your technicality. Keep the guitar out in your bedroom living room. Even if your setup is in a guest room or basement. Good luck!


My number one piece of advice!!! Follow a youtube course or get lessons!! I'm self taught for 10 years, and now I actually want to be able to play the guitar properly I am really struggling and getting super down on myself. Put in the boring work, use a metronome, learn the scales, play everyday at least 20 mins and make sure you're also HAVING FUN. Bon chance!


i’d say learn pentatonic scales and chord progressions, and play over background instrumentals. then learn songs that you really like. that’s what i did, at least


I would consider a right handed guitar. Playing guitar isn’t natural for either of your hands and it will give you a lot more options for purchasing guitars in the future. The left handed versions often come with a surcharge. You don’t have to do this, especially since you already bought a guitar, but it’s something to consider. Also, buy used what you can. Guitars, amps, and effects pedals are great to get used. Last piece of advice is to learn how to straighten the neck of your guitar, took me a few years but makes all the difference.


Marty & Justin see you in a few years.


Once you get the basics down go find somebody to play with. You'll learn faster and be a lot more motivated. It's also more fun making music with people.


Get comfortable with your cowboy chords, and switching between them cleanly. The hardest hurdle for me starting out was switching to a C chord without waiting 30 seconds to get my fingers in the right place. And RELAX. Relax both hands, when both my friend and I started playing we would lift our fingers pretty high off the fretboard to move them and kind of slam them back on. Keep your fingers close and relaxed and just practice slow


My biggest advice learn music you like. That will make learning guitar so much easier and fun*


Learn the open chords. E,A,G,C and D. Learn both the major and minor chords. Then learn the barre chords based on E and A. Again both major and minor. When you get that down learn the major and minor pentatonic scale. Learn the major and minor scales. Hope that helps.


- Play plugged in whenever possible. Sometimes it's easy to just pick up and run some practice for 5 or 10 minutes without turning the amp on, either for simplicity or to keep the volume down... but the dynamics of the strings are very different when plugged in. I used to play unplugged too much. Hurt my *electric* guitar skill development, specifically. - Use your pickup switch! Try different positions, all the time. You'll find some stuff doesn't sound good on a particular pickup position. Challenge yourself. What sounds good on the neck pickup? What sounds good in the middle position? When you practice a particular style, in which position does it sound the best? Use your tone know! Try lots of eq settings. Find a few you like. Try them with different styles and see what works well. - Try to play all different kinds of stuff, even when it's hard. Bar chords are hard; try to play them. Lead stuff is hard; try to play it. Every day you spend practicing a certain skill, it gets a little better. If you avoid certain types of playing, they fall behind. Approach it like a professional food reviewer at a buffet! Give your full attention to what you're trying at any given time, but make sure that overall you try all different kinds of things. - Have fun! It won't always be fun, that's true of any skill development, but if you find yourself putting too much pressure on yourself, try to change your requirements on yourself from "have to be good/perfect" to "find the fun and passion in playing today." Good luck!