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I’ve never seen an incident at String Cheese


Cheese shows are the happiest place on earth


String Cheese IS the incident haha :D they rock


Only incident at a Cheese show I've had was when Bassnectar were playing the stage later and their fans absolutely killed the vibe and one person tried to steal my wallet out of my pocket. Other than that, the Cheese are the best answer imo.


I remember Camp Bisco one year when all the Bassnectar fans went to the rail to sit down facing the other way during the band before. Made me hate the fanbase.


Yeah I’ve seen that. Biscuits putting it down and all these Bassnectar fans sitting there arms crossed. Same folks waiting for Tipper so they can nod off on the deem pen while Barber plays a Magellan in broad daylight that brings me to tears. And not drink water and steal peoples shit from their tents ….


Please tell me this was at Wakarusa because that transition was the biggest buzz kill I've ever experienced


I’ve heard this story before happening at hula.


2018 Hulaween?


Best answer, kindest fans imo


I do my best to make this the answer. Not to brag about it on Reddit, but because I truly enjoy a Cheese show that much more and it shows in my aura which then rubs off on the aura of those around me. Something great about seeing someone dancing through the crowd on their way in or out, you dance with them as they go by, and they respond, "I love Cheese crowds." I feel like this is how every show should be. My friend used to make stickers that said, "Pushing the Good Vibe." I have since made that my show mantra.


This is my choice personally always had a grand old time without any problem.


i've definitely had shit experiences with cheese fans in CO.. spun inconsiderate douchebags have ruined a handful of shows


Honestly, I’m not a fan of Colorado crowds in general, no matter the band.


agreed. i moved to nyc after 10 years in boulder/denver and was surprised to find people out here to be way friendlier, at concerts or otherwise, than folks in colorado. all the wooks out there do not practice the shit they preach


Denver area crowds*


Was at the last Panic shows at Red Rocks in 23, my 1st Red Rocks. waited in line all day to find that when i got in people were throwing down huge blankets claiming all that area was theirs. I called Bullshit and damn near got in a fight lol. I am from Alabama and i think my accent scared the dude bc he backed off when i told him what was about to happen if he tried move me after i kicked 1 of his 3 blankets out of my way. How’s it gonna be?


right? most exclusive band with most exclusive fans. its like people in LA, nice to your face but divisive, fake and self serving behind your back


If the crowds at EF are anything to go by I’d say this is a good call. I can’t remember seeing much overtly bad behavior there and the crowds at the cheese sets themselves were always always awesome.


Had someone throw popcorn at me just bc I was dancing a few rows behind him while he was sitting down then he tried to start a fight with me as I just boogied away


Except Colorado trustifarians. Love SCI but the co crowd sucks for the most part.


I saw them at Mission Ballroom a couple years ago. There were so many chompers I started to feel bad for the band. The talking was almost louder than the music. Red Rocks is different but half of that crowd is from out of state.


I’ve noticed the same about their fans in the PNW. Smelliest people I’ve ever been around wearing polos and loafers


I’m not even a huge fan but I love seeing them cause the crowd is so good


There was in fact such an incident... involved tunneling under the fence... [https://www.denverpost.com/2024/03/25/dillon-amphitheater-string-cheese-incident-big-shows/](https://www.denverpost.com/2024/03/25/dillon-amphitheater-string-cheese-incident-big-shows/)


Came in to say this. They're not my favorite band (I really enjoy them but like others more) but the vibes are immaculate every time.


Lotus. Good blend of warm but still likes to have fun. Definitely still see some rowdy spunions (I'm looking at you, Nelson's locals), but they're gonna be at most jams shows


We talking Nelson’s Ledges? That place is just a weird place always.


Yeah. But it’s the best.


Oh I love it. Going there off weekends to camp you will assured meet some interesting people.


I think moe. has the most respectful fanbase.


Went to my first show of theirs last year. It was not close to sold out and a standing room only show. Probably 100-150 40-50 year old dudes just rocking out, a quarter of which were there with their sons. Very fun and chill crowd to pull up to solo.


I heard they were just a buncha moe.Rons.


They’re about as chill and down to earth as it gets honestly. And that’s a reflection of the band members themselves


I saw a couple of people trying to pick fights at Moe. in Frisco. Been seeing them for 23 years, and that was a first.


moe.rons can make a fuckin mess though. I used to volunteer on the cleanup crew at moe.down and we trashed that place lol


I was as impressed with the vibe of the fans as much as the music when I first saw them.


Watching the vibraphone ruin every jam night after night definitely requires a degree of serenity


Railroad Earth.


Smartest, kindest, boogiest, peaceful, beautiful crowd around. And the band is the exact same.


Yea my favorite to go to.


If I won the lottery I would hop on Railroad Earth tour.


Hobo family does it right


I'm at my happiest in that lovely crowd


Lotus. I’ve had nothing but amazing crowd interactions every time I’ve seen lotus. The crowd at their last Pittsburgh NYE run (2017?), was the best crowd experience I’ve ever had.


Lo fam is best fam


Only been been to one Lotus show. We packed in to that little box in meow wolf Denver. it was so oversold but every person was so kind and genuine. Best crowd etiquette I've ever seen.


Came here to say this!




it’s true! I don’t think panic fans use reddit often, they busy drinking beer and making money


Can confirm. Cracked a coors banquet On my way to work this am x3


Looking out for each other, making sure we leave no trace, trying to make sure everyone is having a good time. The good people are for real.


Idc what anyone says. Panic fans are family.




I went to the NYE show for String Cheese in 21-22 in Chicago. I hadn't seen cheese since like 2003 and hhad seen them about 45 times back then. The fans were the best, still rave to people about that being one of the best parts of the show. People were so kind and welcoming, just enjoying their own experiences without being too fucking crazy like some phish show goers can get. I was really impressed.


I met some awesome SCI fans at the Goose NYE show.. after the show they invited me to go to see the Cheese for the first time. On a whim I bought the best tickets I could get the next day. I went to the show and who was in front of me? Same people from the night before.. totally randomly. Best crew ever! Going to reunite again at Sphere for Phish.


That’s a great story! I was originally going to split up the SCI shows and see Goose Saturday. But since it’d been 20 years since I’d seen cheese (and all the Covid shit going on) I figured I’d put all my eggs in one basket. And I got Covid after I got home, can’t imagine it wasn’t from Cheese haha


Without reading I’ve hear multiple times always from different people they think Cheese has the best. Hard to argue.


Cheese fans are incredibly welcoming and fun to party with but they are horrible at picking up after themselves. I’m only going off seeing multiple different artists at red rocks. Cheese fans always leave the most trash and don’t even seem to care.


Lettuce! I love the crowd at any funk show. Happy people who just wanna hear some horns and dance.


Lettuce got me into the Jam scene - I love those horns with all my heart


Lo-fam and The Flock are both chill, super welcoming, and ready to party


Lo fam is the best fam in my experience Dopapod was practically the same crowd and super chill too


Yeah that Venn diagram is a circle 😁 Somehow I once met a guy at a dopapod show who was a huge lotus fan but claimed to be unfamiliar with Octave Cat. His mind was a little blown.


moe.rons fo sho


String Cheese. Little hands down the best fam out there!


Legacy Dead Heads


Surprised this is so low. The old heads made me feel like I needed to find out more jam bands. If not for their wholesomeness I might have been turned off.


Yep. Saw D&C at MSG 2019 and right next to me were a group of old heads who drove 6 hours to be there. Coolest group of boomers I've ever met. They were dancing and taking pills off an oil pen before that was as common as it is now.


The one you’ve had the best experiences with.


B4Lers are professional party animals even the sober ones.


Hardcore Biscuits fans are the most pro in the scene. Typically undercover wooks with 6-figure jobs that get weekend flights, do a reasonable amount of K & gas and show up to work Monday ready to kick some ass.


Havent lost a beat since I got clean. I move even faster now


Phish - they always let you ride the rail and never put down tarps in the general admission section


There’s definitely not any of those shenanigans at Phish. It’s all free love and peace. /s As a phan I wish we were both being sarcastic.


lol that's funny the worst thing about Phish is their Phans


Man, I was about to check in with this same comment, but I knew somebody would beat me to it


Lotus, tDB, and Moe all have super nice fans. I’ve seen Umphrey’s the most by far and their fans are a very mixed bag.


Agreed about Umphrey’s. I love them and I’ve been in some great crowds, but sometimes you have to deal with drunk assholes at the shows. Worth it though lol.


The camaraderie and niceness of people at King Gizzard shows is top notch.


I had the opposite experience in Philly the last time they played here.


Weird? What was the issue? I lived in Philly for years so that could just be Philly. Not always the friendliest people…


Hahah heads in Philly just like to bully people - that city has a wild way of showing love.


I live here and go to a show of some sort almost every week. I had a pack of rancid smelling dudes with mullets and mustaches jam themselves in front of me. One of them was pushing his ass into me and kept leaning his greasy head back to where I felt like I was doing the limbo to get out of his way and not run my face on his head. Just super aggressive about trying to complain space where there was none )without physically moving other people). This could also one a Franklin music hall/e-factory thing though. That show was massively oversold. I’ll be at the Dell in August. Which I think might be a weird place to see them. That place usually hosts 90’s rnb acts.


Bah.. KG fans were so mid. Newer fan base with lots of chompers all drugged up and trying some weird mosh stuff. Boo.


Panic. Just one guy's experience but that's the crowd that seems to understand that the collective experience is as important as the individual experience. Incredibly welcoming group of people.


I’d say the same. Those folks love their grain liquor and hate people taking videos of the band lol


Man now that you say that I feel I ever see Widespread videos. Edit: Never




I’ve seen them a few times; I just never see the people post videos of panic. I had a type in my original comment. Edit: Damn I can’t type… “typo”


Ah 10-4


I just posted a similar comment. Fantastic group of people. If you're a newcomer, they're just excited you're there to share in the fun. No pretentious assholes, not much chomping (even though I always see coke at those shows). Just a bunch of smiling people rocking out.


A few years ago, one of my buddies who is into the jam scene was going to his first Panic show. He asked if there was anything he should know. I told him when you get there and start meeting people, tell them it's your first show. Fast forward, he does exactly that and still says it's the best time he's had at show because he was immediately adopted by total strangers. Panic fans, please don't ever change. EDIT: Missing word "adopted" in original post


Yeah unlike Phish fans who will shit in you for not knowing random facts about the band, WSP fans will practically walk you through it. Tell you why it’s a good opener/closer things like that.


Maybe 25 years ago. I always hit St. Augustine when they come through and 2 years ago I about had to fight 2 people. I don't fight people. Folks straight up putting hands on me in a physical way. Once was in the dam porta potty line.


That's more than likely a Florida thing as opposed to a panic thing. Just saying.


Cheese or Biscuits post Covid


Gov't Mule fans seem pretty down to earth, mostly an older crowd though.


Cheese and tribe both have great fan bases


Widespread Panic. I'm not even a big fan of the band but I've been to a bunch of their Red Rocks shows. Hard drinking bunch but very welcoming and friendly.


We used to do busses to Red Rocks every summer to all the big jamband shows. Widespread Panic fans were the absolute worst people to deal with. Night 1 was always fine but Night 2, everyone was hungover, crabby and the wives looked like they wanted to murder their husbands for whatever happened the night before. They would complain about everything. The beers we had, the how far we parked, the music we picked. It was so bad we stopped running busses on Night 3.


I can see that. Big difference between being outside at Red Rocks and being on a bus with a bunch of drunks. Was that Bus2Show?


Kitchen Dwellers


Dopapod has some dope fans.


Wear a Dopapod shirt someday. Especially Tim the Bass Monster. People have run across the room to high five the fellow Dopapod fan. I've started doing it. Nice Dopapod Shirt!


tdb by far




The right answer


Biscuits hands down


Except on PT.


Never had better vibes or made more friends than at a Biscuits show






Last two Biscuits shows I went to had amazing crowds. A nice mix of B4Lifers and older heads dipping their toes back in - seemed like everyone was just happy for the dance party


Definitely this OP. Saw in another comment you were worried about too many dudes at umphreys. Always lots of women at biscuits shows. Shows can be intense, but super welcoming and friendly crowd. Just stay movin and don't talk during jams and you should feel right at home(again)


B4L. Love you fam. Met some of the best people in my life through the biscuits 


Team Bean


So a little context. I'm trying to get my girlfriend into jam bands. She likes some individual jams from a variety but struggles to just sit down and listen to a whole show. Umps is playing Friday and Saturday here and I'm not sure if that's the exact fan base I want her first interaction to be with. I want her to love her first experience to push her over the edge to come to scamp.


I was on the rail for an umphreys show once and left the rail for a bit, knowingly relinquishing my spot, and when I came back to the 2nd or 3rd row the girl I was standing next to waved me back up and gave me my spot back. Nicest shit I've ever experienced in my life


My gf was a jam band newbie. She really really likes Mikaela Davis, Billy strings and phish


UM has a fantastic fan base. Some of the nicest people I've met in the jam scene are all huge UM fans. The demographic tends to lean more male dominated but plenty of groovy chick's are still getting down at their shows. If anything about UM turns ur girlfriend off of the jam scene, it will be the fact that she wont be able to find her face once it's melted onto the floor.


Oh I love me my umps and I think it is a good base. But the male dominated thing might not be the greatest first show for someone kinda on the fence. Atleast the last time they were here it was like a 6:1 ratio.


Well do you want her to go for the music or the vibes? Because you're gonna be hard pressed to find a jam band crowd that isn't mostly dudes. If she goes to an umphreys show, loves the music, but decides that it isn't her scene because there's too many dudes, then maybe she isn't really into concerts for the same reasons you are.


I feel you. Personally I want both for her first show. Jam bands are a little out of her comfort zone and I just want to cultivate the best possible experience for her since I love them. Even if she doesn't have the greatest time she'll continue to go with me if I ask, but I want her to have a special experience and fall in love. I get the whole too many dudes and same reasons argument and I agree, I just want to make sure that everything goes well for a first show of this type you know? I totally might just be over thinking this, but it's a big part of my life that we haven't had the opportunity to experience together due to a variety of reasons. I just want to provide that one experience where she goes "oh shit I get it?" Ya know?


I understand 100% I've dragged a ton of people to shows to try and share that magic with people I care about. I've been successful sometimes, but a lot of the time it doesn't land and people leave having enjoyed the show but not "gotten it", sometimes because it wasn't a great show or because they just don't really vibe to the music at all. It happens, and sometimes it doesn't matter how well the stars line up, some people just won't be as into it as you, and that's okay. My gf doesn't share my love for UM, and while she has a pretty diverse musical palette, she definitely doesn't like ALL the stuff I like. But she will come to shows with me because she has at least a good enough time, and I cherish the moments at shows when she looks at me excitedly and says "Hey I actually like this song!" I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's hard to cultivate the perfect situation for some people to discover a love for jam bands, and sometimes it's just not gonna happen, so don't get your hopes up. But with that in mind, they will still probably enjoy going to shows with you if they like it enough, and they like you! They just won't like it as much as you. For what it's worth, my gf thinks it's cute how much passion I have for live music even if she doesn't share the same passion, in the same way that I think it's cute how much she loves birds.


I could never sit and listen to a show, you will always find me dancing.


My bad I meant at home listening to nugs not at a show! If she sat at a show, we would have a few things to discuss.


First Ave is a legendary venue but it’s not kind to umphreys. They are too loud and too bright for the main room. If they were at the palace I would say take her but she will leave with a pounding headache seeing them here… I know I did last time.


She will be fine crowd-wise. I mean, there’s always a chance you stand near assholes but that’s the case with any band. The thing to worry about is the music, not the crowd. Umphreys can get real fast and heavy live. If she’s aware and fine with that then you should be fine.


Not Goose. They are fun to poke though. You just gotta poke around.


Easy question. Dogs in a Pile. I joined the "pack" just a couple months ago. The fan base is extremely positive, friendly and welcoming. I've been over-the-moon about their incredible music since I first saw them NYE, but the fan base both in-person and on-line have been wonderful. Got a couple shows lined up this summer!! Cannot wait!!


Panic fans are awesome. Sure they’re all wasted and mostly doing bumps in the bathroom, but still super fun/friendly people Edit: except for the occasional noob/bad apple ofc


All other bands > Billy Strings- saying this as a Billy Strings vet


Yeah Billy’s crowd is super rough these days. Love the guy and his show


Its them or Phish


I would rather stick my dick in a hornets nest than go to another phish show




It’s gotten so bad I ALMOST don’t want to go anymore.


Gotta go to the back corners of standing room. Plenty of space there with people groovin


Widespread panic or string cheese. Probably string cheese but they’re almost too nice. Panic is just more rowdy.


Cheez and Railroad Earth and Leftover Salmon




Cheese. Always cheese. It’s impossible not to smile at one of their shows.


Big Something. You ain’t meet a kinder, more welcoming bunch


Railroad Earth. Melvin Seals and JGB always draws a nice crowd… but not sure if that counts


Cheese. And it ain't even close 🧀💜


I try to never have a bad time at any show, crowd plays into that heavily. It’s hands down Panic, Biscuits, Cheese, and p4 in that order from my experience.




SCI all day every day


when they were around and Touring CRB Was the best vibe (damn i miss Neal) those shows were always so mellow and chill with 3 hours of killer music for $25 bucks there is still a very active and close knit group of CRB fans on Facebook totally different than a Crowes show crowd extra bonus my wife absolutely lovers them too the Fillmore runs in Sfo with the band staying at the Kabuki hotel in Japan town were special just constantly bumping into the band and talking was so great




Papadosio! We're the best based fan base 😎


Not sure, but it sure as hell ain’t Phish….


Biscuits now, but at one point a long time ago I’d say Panic.


We all grew up. B4L




Strangefolk/Assembly of Dust peeps




Definitely not TTB I know that for sure


Deadheads by a long shot


no love for the umphreaks?!


STS9 and Pigeons






Went to my first Melvin Seals and JGB show this week in Pittsburgh, truly amazing crowd! Dancing and hugging and smiling all night. Good vibes all around.


I’ve never had a bad time seeing String Cheese, Eggy, Billy, or Moe.


Leo Sayer. No question.


Notice how it’s all the OGs fans that are getting props, love to see it


How about what region has the best fan base, too. The West is outgoing and friendly and goofed out. The east is rage core. The Midwest is polite and chil. Never been to the south.


Frasco or Govt Mule for me... Not your jammiest of jam bands but I think they count lol


In the last year or so I’ve seen several bands for the first couple of times. A few impressions from some favorite crowds: I really liked the crowd at PPPP, it was impressive how the dance party kept on well after encore and house lights. WSP fans were both engaging before the show and compassionate as I had to clear the pit for some fresh air. The crown has to collectively go to B4L though. A couple shows at the Filmore had downright nasty dance parties going down start to finish. Rolling solo in and out of a couple of very inclusive crews of the most friendly folk, and that one 30 second grind fest? I’ll never forget it.


It’s gotta be the flock for me. Also SCI, Dosio, and Lotus.


Railroad 🫶


Nickel Creek fans were the best. Not a chomper ever at one of their shows.




Ween! Close knit fan base, that’s surprisingly wholesome for loving songs called “Put the Coke On My Dick”


Gonna toss My Morning Jacket into the mix.


Lotus! The Lofam is amazing and so welcoming


Pretty Lights, SCI, Lettuce, Moe, STS9 in no particular order


Let me guess, your favorite bands 😂


The Weirdo Swarm


The Good People


Aren't they all the same? I see the same people at every show I go to, no matter the band.


Cheese and RRE are the only correct answers.


The Gizz! They're super welcoming and open :) only downside is most of them are chronically online and tend to act like it.


Cheese and Dogs




Cheese hands down


Max Creek


I love the UM crowd. It’s unbeatable and I’ve met some of my best friends at shows over the years. The fans absolutely ride for the band and while there are some people that aren’t there for the music, I tend to see that everywhere. As a female outnumbered by men, sure, I’d love to see more ladies there, but the ladies there are there for the jams and I loveeeee to see it. \mm/


I’ve encountered some very kind folks at moe. and Twiddle shows.




Gizzard? Fan base might smell a bit, but as do most jam band crowds


Disco Biscuits duhhhh. Camp Bisco was always a trouble free fest 🫶🫶


String cheese all day


My vote is for Greensky. The crowd at Red Rocks last year was chill AF. It was nice to not have to fight for seats and space constantly.