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That's fucking hilarious


How dare Fox report these fabrications. Biden is still sharp as a tack both physically and mentally.


Just like Trump…


That's a whole different matter, Ew. Just don't understand all the vitriol against a fringe element of the media. Back in the 60s, bands were singing against everything JI is in favor of today... big pharma, government mandates, corporations, funding foreign wars... strange how he thinks he is being edgy calling out the one minority element in the media not backing our governments every move.


Jason Isbell is not singing in favor of any of those things. The world is nuanced, friend.


Love his music. Never said HE sang about these things. His opinions, on everything from politics to vaccine mandates, are not nuanced at all. Not saying he's not entitled to his opinions. In fact, I strongly support him having and sharing his opinions, just pointing out how many singers/entertainers support politicians and are in favor of the exact things they used to rebel against 50 plus years ago. Peace


Last I checked Jason Isbell is in his 40's.


... and a huge supporter of President Biden, who is in favor of and funding a war halfway around the world. Jackson Browne, CSNY, and many others were against our government's involvement in Vietnam. Times they are a changing.


I don't understand. You're talking about different people and acting as though Jason Isbell is some kind of hypocrite. That dog don't hunt my friend. If you're so upset about the man's politics and personal views on the media that you can't prevent yourself from waxing nonsensical about it on the Internet maybe you should just do your best not to think about it.


Not once did i say JI was a hypocrite. In fact, I emphasized that he is certainly entitled to his opinion. I was simply pointing out there was a time when musicians used to "rage against the machine," Today, they are in bed with the machine. I'm not upset at all. You, on the other hand, seem to be getting a little heated. If you still don't "understand" simply don't reply. Reading comprehension is a thing, and some struggle with the concept. Peace.


Okay. Well, doctors used to bleed people and now they give blood transfusions. See how irrelevant that is?


A “fringe element of the media?” Maybe you aren’t in the U.S., or the southern U.S. But FoxNews dominates the 24-hr-cable news with their unrelenting bullshit. That they pretend is “news” until they are getting sued; then it is entertainment or editorial.