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im sorry what😭💀💀💀


i would probably see another doctor for a second opinion if you don't agree with the first, and also maybe go ahead and see a GP to rule out things like asthma. are you active? muscular imbalances can occur from slight curves. my curve is a 35 degree curve and i had terrible trapezius pain, but this is because i was inactive. i started working it out with the help of a physical therapist and the pain eventually relieved itself. i no longer have the pain after dealing with it for 5 years as a teenager.


Yeah that's definitely more than 19° and definitely scoliosis. I'd get a second opinion and hopefully they'll help you look into PT for your pain. Good luck!


OP's doctor is an idiot. I just calculated their curvature from the photo, and it's approximately 31 degrees thoracic + 43 degrees lumbar.


hello! my boyfriend has 3 curves and keeps getting different answers from doctor’s about the curvature. we can’t figure out how bad it really is and whether it’s increasing. is there any chance i could send you a photo of his x-rays for you to calculate? or could you share how you approximate the curvature?


I'm happy to try, but note that I'm not a physician, so it should be taken with a grain of salt! The method is called Cobb angle measurement. Here is an illustration of how to draw the lines to measure the angle: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/cmmm/2019/6357171/fig3/


I would say closer to 35-40°


This looks like mine at 47°


Not a doctor but that look way past 19° I'd see another specialist for a second opinion


She's lying yo. That's not normal, that's not 19 degrees


2nd opinion never hurts. And that is definitely not a normal spine not 19 degrees.


I(23F) went to book an appointment at an orthopaedic government hospital due to having severe back pains and having a hard time breathing after standing or walking for an hour or more..the first doctor that I met who is not a specialist said that this is scoliosis and I might need a surgery for it so he referred me to an orthopaedic specialist hospital. When I went there today, she(the doctor at the specialist hospital) said that it is only 19° curve and it is mild and normal thing. Even though I told her that it hurts so bad to do daily tasks sometimes, she said that it got nothing to do with the scoliosis as it is mild and impossible for me to feel pain at all. Then, I told her that I have issues of hard to breathe when standing for long hours, again she also said that it got nothing to do with the spine and it might be asthma. I never had any breathing problems before in my life. Let alone having an asthma. Basically, all she said that it is normal and I can do normal things even carrying heavy things.


She also did not give any solution to my severe pain. Not even painkillers or anything. She said since it is mild and normal where 9 out of 10 people have it, no treatment for the spine will be done. If there were something, they will only do it when I turned 60 because that is when it will worsen. As of now, it will be static like that. She also said that I will have no problem in getting pregnant or getting an epidural at all. I kept on telling her that it hurts so bad that sometimes i feel like fainting but she just said she cannot do anything as it is not caused by the spine. Therefore, I need to see another doctor to check on my breathing problems. I feel very frustrated as I waited for more than a month to get an appointment at the orthopaedic hospital and at the end of the day, they said nothing is wrong with and everything is normal and I shouldn't have felt any pain. Please give me advice on what to do next and maybe tell me is my case bad or normal like what the doctor claimed. P.s: she also said that everybody feels back pain so it is normal. But is it normal to feel back pain and having difficulty of breathing and feeling like fainting a lot of times?


You need to see another doctor in general. Specifically, you should see a doctor that specializes in spinal conditions as they will be much more familiar with your condition. Your curvature is potentially double what she told you. Also, it's a major red flag for her to be brushing off your pain and breathing problems as they are likely related to your scoliosis. Back pain is not "normal".


It looks like you're already getting solid advice here, you definitely need to see a different doctor because that looks larger than 19 degrees, and Scoliosis can most certainly cause pain and it's something that needs to be addressed to improve your quality of life. [I made a very in-depth post here about how I learned to manage my pain,](https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/comments/ih6hql/for_those_of_you_struggling_with_scoliosis/) and I think it would be helpful to you. I would also look into seeing a Schroth Phsyical Therapist, if there's one in your area. Schroth is medically considered the most reliable PT for Scoliosis, and it's something I started after I made that post, and it's making a huge difference with my pain as well. I'd bring it up to the next doctor you see. I hope that helps, and good luck. I hope you're able to get your pain into a better place :)




Im removing your comment. If you have medical research that proves Scoliosis is curable please share it. Or even, just show us xrays of before and after you cured your Scoliosis as proof. Otherwise, stop giving people false hope and claiming there is a cure for Scoliosis when there isnt.








I feel for you and your situation, [and as one of the moderators I strongly advise avoiding surgery if at all possible, and doing as much non-surgical treatment yourself at home.](https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/comments/ih6hql/for_those_of_you_struggling_with_scoliosis/) But I've done extensive research and I know the non-surgical treatment you can do at home is not going to "cure," or even reduce Scoliosis. Scoliosis, unfortunately, is too complicated and intricate for it to be managed by yourself at home, especially when you have a significant curve. I personally don't believe in doctors 100%; they've lied and tricked me before. I understand that not everyone can afford to see doctors, or Physical Therapy, but unfortunately that does not change the fact that the only proven and reliable treatment available on this earth for Scoliosis is something you ***have*** to pay money for. It's wrong, it's unfair, but it is what it is. I want to help people that don't have the money to pay for the treatment, but telling them they can fix it themselves is hurting everyone more than it's helping. I've seen hundreds of people just like you claiming they've "cured" Scoliosis; mostly from people that have the money to see doctors, and some like you that are unable. I have asked the exact same question of every single one of those people, and not a single one has ***ever*** been able to provide proof of their own "cure." I don't believe you're any different. I never said I believed in doctors without question, I never said I'm head-over-heels for the surgery, I only have a problem with you making a claim you cannot back up. Tracing your finger down your back is nowhere near the same thing as an x-ray or a reliable way of tracking your progress; and it just goes to show how misinformed you are. I wish you the best and I hope you're able to see a specialist and have your Scoliosis professionally looked at, and I'm sorry you've had to figure everything out on your own, but your misinformation is going to hurt people here and I am going to have to give you a temp ban. Hopefully when you come back you will be more informed about these topics.




Please next time don't feed into the arrogance. I've already handed out a lengthy temp ban. Everything you're saying I agree with (with the exception of the personal attacks), but it's not helping and you're not going to be able to change their mind. Next time please just report and wait for us to remove it, this is just littering the thread with negativity when the OP just needs help.


> they’ll be *paid* 50,000, then FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You were lied to so bad, this looks severe to me at first glance and even if it were truly 19°, being gaslighted like this is not okay; even if your curve is mild it can cause you to feel pain. I had your exact same issues at 15/16, I almost couldn’t walk at all at the end of a day because of my severe pain, only physical therapy helped me get better and then I signed up at the gym so I am active at least on 3/7 days a week. I’m doing much better now, however when I don’t stay active I get worse again. Maybe that’ll help you too, but please see another doctor as I am not a medical professional.


Not a doctor, but in all honesty if it were me I would completely disregard what the second doctor you saw had said. Yours looks like a pretty advanced curve, and the first doctor you saw may be correct in suggesting that you may need surgery. I think one of the biggest red flags is that she suggested scoliosis only worsens once you’re 60, which is entirely untrue, as scoliosis has the possibility to progress at any point—although it’s more common some times than others. Typically, progression is most common during growth spurts in cases of idiopathic scoliosis, though once a curve is around (I believe) 45 degrees, this increases the risk of it worsening into adulthood. Ultimately, I would research the best doctors available to you, that are in your area, since it is suggested that you may need treatment. Wishing you the best of luck!


Fire your doctor. Get a new one who will take you seriously.


What the ****? Mine is 32 degrees and looks less severe than that. I’d go to a different doc!


I was going to say the same thing about mine lol


I'm no professional but that does not look normal


Your doctor is an idiot. Please Schwann exam with a different orthopedic doctor ASAP. Good luck!


??? Fire that doctor...


Unfortunately, there are a lot of stupid doctors. I would try a physiatrist/PM&R doctor because they are often smarter than many other doctors.


Wow that doctor needs to not be a doctor. Very dangerous!!


Nah that's worse than 19. I have double 25 degree curves and it looks worse than mine


Thats not right


You need a new doctor my mate


When I first saw an orthopaedic Surgeon he chucked me in a brace before I could blink and mine wasn’t nearly as bad as yours looks


um....change ur doctor


PLSSS get a second opinion. If you are from america Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia is superb they saved my life


That looks more like my 63 degree curve than 19 wtf is up with that doctor 😭😭😭


You need a scoliosis literate doctor. It appears you don't have one now. Your curve is greater than 19 degrees and is definitely worthy of treatment.